
Amalgamation of universes dc and marvel

A human that die becomes a god and creates the amalgam multiverse a mix of dc and marvel comics. (All characters are owned by marvel and dc comics) this comic will have some occ in it but also some of my original amalgamations. But also original characters owned by me so epic some characters or character not from marvel or dc

Tae_Jennings_7356 · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Super soldier

WWll-1945, The North Atlantic

We were almost done the war was almost over The battle for Berlin has ended and German is expected to surrender in the coming days. After 12 years and 3 months, Hitler's campaign ended. All we had to do now was take out this last nazi base that was said to have a weapon of mass destruction set for Dc's White House and the president of the United States of America. I was in my civilian attire Clark Rogers aka super soldier not that anyone knows I here as a daily reporter for bulge planet alongside Barnes Olsen aka winter wonder my sidekick we are almost there to the location of the base until the submarine started to shake snapping me out my thoughts. "Everyone gets to cover we are being attacked," Said a random soldier hearing this I look at my sidekick and we both nodded having an unspoken agreement as we rushed away from all the running soldiers as we shed our civilian clothes as we had are super suit under neath using my x-ray vision I located the attackers seeing there about 30 of them all with guns I look forward and see submarines coming right for us thinking I come up with a plan to fight and win.

"Ok Winter wonder there are 30 armed Nazis on the boat there are about 5 submarines coming towards us now as we speak you help are people as I take care of the submarines be careful out there and here take my shield," I said

"Ok got be careful and thanks for letting me use your shield we are going to win this war," said Barnes as I just nod

'Yeah we are so let's get to work I thought speeding off as I dive into the water as I tear out the cog pit as I smash through enemy soldiers as bullets bounced off me as I use my cold breath to freeze the ground causing the soldiers to slip as I ran into disarming them as I attacked and punched them unconscious. One attacked me from behind with a hail of bullets but thanks to my super hearing and super speed I could see his finger go to the trigger of the gun ready to pull until I super speed in front of him before he could pull the trigger and punched him unconscious another tried to hit me but I blocked hit a kick and pushed kicked him in the chest sending him flying.

After I was done with him I used my heat vision and made a hole in the engine before punching it causing it to explode before jumping to another ship but this time I just tore through the ship like butter as I want to end this as a dash as possible Once I got done with the ship I made to winter wonder to find that he and my companions defeated the nazi.

"Nice work winter wonder you boys too good job I'm happy y'all safe but there's still more work to do so let's get to work before heading home," I said

"Yeah you got that right let's get this over with so we can head home," said a soldier