
Lewd System

"Well then master, what quest would you like to complete first?" The system beeped

Raikou glared at a wall. "See that? That glare is for you, you son of a bitch!" After some thought he replied. "Lets find a girl to compliment! It's about time I get my very own enemy to play with."

Ghost shuddered when he heard how Raikou was talking about his enemies.

They walked for a while looking for a suitable target, at that moment they saw a woman with her back to them.

"Hey, that figure is the best I have seen so far. Most of the girls in this city are quite, you know... ugly" He whispered to Ghost.

Ghost rolled his eyes at Raikou's comment and waited to see what he would do.

Raikou walked up to the woman and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and Raikou's eyes widened to the point that he looked like an anime character.

He immediately started running. "Oh my god, I did not expect that. What kind of man is shaped like that! Fucking crossdressing bastard, I am scarred for life." He let out some tears and continued running for no apparent reason.

"Master, you were really enamoured with that body of his. Are you sure you're not one of them fabled homosexuals." The system remarked.

Raikou continued to run aimlessly. "Kiss my ass you son of a bitch. Your daddy here doesn't swing that way, that man was really deceiving. I have been to Thailand and have seen his type before, they never stop chasing you!"

Ghost was amused by Raikou's predicament. "Master, he didn't pursue you, you're running for no reason."

Raikou came to a sudden stop. "Oh yeah, you're right. How can you laugh at me, I am not the only one running am I."

"I'm only running because you are!"

"Hmph, good excuse!"

Raikou was amazed with his body's stamina, he hasn't broken a sweat or lost his breath. It really let him come more into terms with the fact that he is now in a cultivation world.

"Right, that situation distracted us from our objective. We must find a good looking woman, preferably one with a lover." Raikou smirked and continued looking for a target.

2 hours later...

"Oh my god, this shitty city is filled with ugly women. Where are the sexy ones?"

"Master, your standards are too high. You need to humble yourself." Ghost was annoyed by Raikou's tirade of insults on the city's women.

"Of course my standards are high, have you seen me? Can someone this sexy be enamoured by an ordinary woman!"

Both the system and Ghost were speechless at his prideful manner of talking about himself.

Raikou came to a stop. "I found one! She's quite the looker." He approached her and tapped her on the shoulder.

She looked back at him with a gaze filled with disdain. "Hmph, peasants shouldn't this lady's clothing. Begone!"

"Figures... I finally found a good looking woman and her personality is dogshit." He muttered.

"What was that! Repeat that again, you peasant." Her face was red from the insult as she screamed at him.

Raikou was surprised at her hearing, before remembered that cultivators have enhanced bodies.

"Haha, I wasn't talking about you. I meant the other beautiful woman here."

She snorted at his poor attempt at covering his tracks.

"Rose! Is this trash bothering you?"

Raikou looked and saw a man wearing some fancy clothes looking at him with a gaze full of disdain.

"What is with these people and their looks filled with disdain. It's abit repetitive at this point." He thought.

"No, Victor. He's just a fly. Scurry along, scum."

The man heard her words and raised his foot. He aimed a high kick at Raikou's head. Raikou easily dodged it and took the opportunity to inspect the man.

Name: Victor Hodge | Age: 16

Cultivation: Rank 1 8th level

"Oh, it's a big fish. His surname is that of the city. It's an arrogant young master and she must be his woman. PERFECT!" He thought before facing the woman while dodging Victor's attacks.

"Miss, you're quite the sexy bitch!" He stared into her eyes and backstepped, while grinning.

Quest Completed: Compliment a woman

Bonus objective completed: Compliment a woman with a companion.

Reward: +1000xp

(A/N: I just summarised the objective, the name of the quest was quite long. Doesn't matter, you guys know what quest it is either way.)

Level Up!

"Great! That was an easy 1000xp, now let's run. I want to pretend to be weak and then kick his ass later when there's a crowd. That way I can look cool!"

"..." Ghost was speechless at his reasoning for running away.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY! Scum, you will have to pay with your life for those words." Rose screamed.

Raikou smirked at her and turned to run away, Victor wasn't able to catch up to his superior speed and gave up temporarily.

"Now we just have to find a convenient disciple recruitment event that Victor is also attending. There should be some special Birminfram sect that recruits in small cities like this. That way I can find a sect while kicking the ass of arrogant young masters everywhere."

"We need to find some disguises to be incognito. Ghost, you're going to have to return to the forest temporarily." After some though, he changed his mind. "Wait no, that could get you killed. I can't live another life filled with stupidity. I should have left you in the hotel when I did this. Right, let's help you learn a skill."

"System, is there anyway I can get him a movement skill?"

"Master, after becoming your pet, his talent has increased significantly. I don't think he himself has realised, he's quite lazy. I haven't seen him try to improve at all. I understand he can't break through to the next rank just yet, but he can learn skills and improve stats." The system remarked.

"Ghost, did you hear that?"

"Yes I did. It seems abit far-fetched for me to comprehend a skill without a manual."

"I learned a Berserk skill through my mental state go awry, try to do some running focusing on your ice attribute. Wait! That's it! A normal running skill won't help you escape in the forest. I got a better idea. I know you can't use any skills related to energy till rank 2, but you were still a rank 2 beast before. Try covering your body in ice."

Ghost tried it and to his surprise it worked.

"Can you maintain an extremely thin layer for a long period?"

Ghost nodded. "This is perfect, master. The crowd only saw a rank 1 beast at your side. They wouldn't suspect me of the being the same wolf after using this, as you have to be rank 2 to use your energy."

Raikou laughed. "Good. There are other people here with pets, we can be a new duo. I'm going to cover my face and you can be my rank 1 ice wolf companion. Alot of people cover their faces, so we won't look suspicious."

Raikou was satisfied with his plan.

The system decided to add his own input. "Why did you have make everything so complicated? You just had to compliment her and go, there was no need to call her a bitch too! Also, why are you hiding now. Just kick his ass and be over with it."

"First thing, I complicated it because it's fun. She is a bitch, so I called her one. I'm hiding to look like I ran away and then I can pop up later and look cool as fuck!"




I am continuously updating the glossary to make it easier for you guys to remember things.

I didn't explain skill rankings in the novel as they're pretty self explanatory, F rank to SSS rank.

Estaticacreators' thoughts
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