
Chapter 5

Pov ???(1):

You know that feeling when your computer starts lagging all of a sudden so you start smashing your keyboard and suddenly you've deleted an assignment that is due in a few hours while also sending your "research" files to the professor so you panic and bash the keyboard even harder but the email is already sent and now your hard disk is getting wiped so you smash your laptop against the wall and now you have torn rotator cuffs and need a new laptop then you start to consider stimulating your Kryptonian bloodline by jumping off of your 8th floor apartment window while hopefully gaining your flight abilities but unfortunately you're too scared of heights and Kryptonians don't get peanut allergies so you give up and start calculating the chances of awakening your dormant x-genes if you take a shower with your toaster?

That's kind of what is going on right now.

Well, not exactly but it's close.

Some period of existence that is not the current.

Right after I diffused(?) through the membrane, everything started falling apart.

"That's new."

I thought as I watched the world starting to crash. Literally.

You see, I am quite literally powerless when in my home realm(?).

That means I am incapable of influencing anything that is not me.

I can't move or speak, verbally or otherwise(even if doing so serves no purpose), as doing so requires me to influence the realm(?), either by vibrating whatever functions as air or by sending pulses of telepathic waves, which again, will be obstructed by the realm.

All I can do is just stay absolutely still with no freedom whatsoever.

Just me and my thoughts.




Everything that I do, whether it's walking, blinking or anything really, is all just a simulation I made in my head. An illusion to keep myself from the madness that threatens to overwhelm me.

What's really cool, however, is what happens once a split version of me leaves this place.

The illusion that I place myself in, this simulation, manifests itself as reality.

If I end up in some random planet and think that it looks flat, then it becomes flat.

Because I'm batman.

(A/N: Couldn't help myself)

At first, I assumed that the reason all previous iterations of my clones could not interact with the worlds they ended up in was due to some sort of restriction placed on me by the will of the world or something, which actually wasn't that far from the truth.

See, I got so good at running simulations that I actually couldn't stop so every time I ended up in a new world, I saw it as I thought it was rather than what it really is.

This caused me to unintentionally start rewriting it's fundamental laws to conform to whatever mess I cooked up in my head.

The world obviously did not like that and started resetting itself to the last saved checkpoint and erasing everything else including my clones.

Naturally(or unnaturally) the clones could override this reset but unfortunately crossing the membrane(?) is extremely draining and the clones will not have enough power left to resist an entire world.

Once I figured this out, I went into a training montage to somehow keep myself from messing things up because reasons.

It didn't work. It's like asking an overthinker to stop thinking. No matter what I did It just didn't work. It made sense somewhat because I didn't have any powers or abilities that I needed to control or anything of the sort. No, I WAS the power.

The worlds simply couldn't handle the existence of the split selves, let alone the main.

I was on another level. Plain and simple.

Since I couldn't find a solution I decided to brute force the problem.

Keep trying until something changes.

Which brings us to this.

I look at the collapsing world Infront of me and try to make sense of it.

My mind, in response, starts working double time to find the best way to help me understand and suddenly, instead of a dying world, I am now looking at a monitor the size of a galaxy filled with dense lines of code highlighted in all manner of colors with the majority being red. The font size seems to be in nanometers yet the scrollbar was still microscopic. Good thing my eyesight is sharp enough to see atoms if it's not focused.

Sitting on a gaming chair that just materialized, I crack my fingers and grab a can of coke from seemingly nowhere.

"Sigh, this will take a while"

(A/N:I use the word 'world' here in a very broad sense. A world includes planets, galaxies, universes, multiverses, omniverses and everything in between).

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Elderdrascreators' thoughts
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