
Chapter 17

Lovell's eyes widen, "You're lying!" Grabbing the bars as Hunter stared. "There is no way I am a Faremin!?"

Hunter smiled as Lovell struggled at the thought. Lifted himself off the prison wall, "Oh, it true because you see, your father still lives!" Lovell grabbed Hunter, the words unable to form from his mouth. "And the kicker is that I am your clone, Lovell."

Fear and doubt-filled Lovell, struggling with the realization Lovell shook Hunter as he smiled in glee. "You—you are lying, my parents died when I was still an infant!?" Lovell questioning everything he was told, by Maria and Morris.

Hunter grabbed Lovell's arm, leaned closer to Lovell. "Well, you were never told the truth, your father, Azoth, did survive just his inner light as your granddad showed him the error of his ways. In a sense, he did die but as Terrance the second to become Azoth." Hunter shoved Lovell off him. "Besides, you're the prince of all the things you hate. Now that is irony, I think?"

Lovell stepped back while Hunter laughed as he left. Trying to make sense of what was going on, Lovell knew the only way to be sure of what Hunter had said was to hear himself form another source. Curling up Lovell tried to think who would know, then it dawned on him, the letter from his mother. Standing up, Lovell knew he had to get out. The sound of clashing keys caught his attention, Lovell turned to look but was knocked out with lightning magic. Keeling over in an instant, the men carried Lovell to a torcher room, chaining his lifeless body.

'Lovell, wake up!' the echoes of a familiar voice rang through Lovell, 'Lovell wake this instance!'

Lovell opened his eyes, "Ulva?" groggy from the ordeal, Lovell looked around to look for Ulva, but she was there anymore. Lovell confused, noticed he was chained up, tugged at the chains. "Great, I'm chained up like an animal, and I'm hearing voices! What next, I start seeing the—" Lovell in front, seeing a ghostly Ulva stand in front of him, Lovell took a moment before screaming.

Ulva sighed, 'Well, that was some delayed reaction from you?" Lovell stared at Ulva, unimpressed Ulva walked up to him, sweat dripping down his chin. 'Sheesh, you are some piece of work. You do realize that you where I—never mind you need to get out and fast.'

Lovell swallowed, "Ulva, I have a question?" She looked at him, "How do I exactly get out of the most notorious torcher fortress of all of the Faremin kingdom and, well, live?!" Lovell frustrated at her idea of getting out.

Ulva smiled, Lovell felt a cold chill see he looked at her. 'Simple, Kyle!' Lovell stared dumbfounded at her, Ulva crossed her arms, 'He wants the old Hunter back and by having you escape will draw him out. Besides, Kyle is a misguided good guy, help him, and you're golden.'

Seeing that her plan was flawed, "Is that really going to work?" She stood proudly at her idea, Lovell not buying it. "Look, Kyle would rather die than betray his friend, and if anything is true of what Hunter said to me, he would assist him in any way to meet Hunter's goal in…" Lovell realized what Kyle had mentioned, why he wasn't killed off. "Oh pryne, I just figured out Hunter's goal."

Ulva rested her hands to her side, 'What is his plan?'

The colour from Lovell left him, "He wants me to join the Faremin forces, or he'll kill me if it fails." Hearing a noise, Lovell looked over, "Ulva, you should—go?" He looked around to see Ulva gone.

As Kyle entered the room, he noticed Lovell looking around, "What are you looking for Lovell, an escape plan?"

Lovell stopped to look at Kyle; he waved off the soldiers, "So what you don't need their help with converting me?"

Kyle sighed, "No, I'm unchaining you." Pulling keys out as he spun them on his finger. "Now be good, and you won't die…"

Lovell watched at Kyle unchained him, rubbing his wrists Lovell looked at Kyle curiously. "Why unchain me, Kyle?"

Kyle turned towards the door, "Because I need you to free Hunter from Lord Damora's grasp." Lovell stunned at Kyle's words. "Look, Lovell, Hunter, is changing for the better." Kyle turned his head to Lovell, "Lord Damora rules us with an iron fist and has done so for almost six million years."

Lovell grabbed Kyle's shoulder, "Wait, you said six million years, is the dark lord, well, a theyan?"

Kyle shook his head, "No, but from what I know, he is human but cheats death by killing Lunatica."

Lovell stepped back, "So, what caused him to become like this, do you know?"

Kyle grabbed his chin. "Not sure, its never stated in our history only that the Krisnik clan has been trying to stop him for just as long?" Lovell folded his arms, "Though there must be someone who knows, like Alli the ancient. She was one of us at one time before having a fallout almost two million years ago." Kyle looked at Lovell, "I've met her once, but she is quite elusive to find, well, unless you need some sort of help dealing in curses?" Lovell raises an eyebrow at Kyle, "She used to be a chaos mage here before, so she understand curses and how to break them or undo them in a sense."

Lovell sighed, "So, are you helping me escape or are you just going to keep an eye on me while I am the ungrateful guest?"

Kyle looked at the door, "Both, in a sense. For now, just try not to escape and avoid much contact with me. I'll see what I can do on my end to get you out unnoticed, or if somehow you can get out yourself, that would be fine." Lovell nodded as Kyle led him to the room assigned to him.

Closing the door, Lovell walked over to the window, 'See I told you Kyle would help.' Ulva reappeared as Lovell almost fell out the window.

Gripping his chest, "Ulva, you could have killed me?!" gritting his teeth at her, she only smiled. "And yes, you were right, Kyle is willing to help me." Blushing at the thought, it worked in her favour. "So, where did you go when Kyle entered?"

Turning to Ulva, "Back to the spirit world."

Lovell stared, unimpressed at her, "Let me guess that's where I went when you 'saved' me?" Lovell air quoted, as Ulva nodded, "Great, I was dead for a while."

Ulva walked up to him. "No, more like your soul left temporally while your body went into a coma-like state. Anyway, you remember the darkness fever?" Lovell looked out the window as he nodded, "Okay, good, you know—'

"That I need to understand that good and evil are, in a sense, the same to overcome it and to not become like my father and quite possibly, my grandfather?" Lovell looked out the side of his head at Ulva.

Ulva's mouth gapped open, 'Yes, so you know about Terrance then, or rather Azoth?' Lovell nodded, Ulva sighed, 'Your father was a lot you are now but was very outgoing. When I was alive, we…we were really good friends… but it all changed when his father killed most of the Krisnik clan.' Ulva leaned next Lovell, her eyes filled with sadness. 'Your father developed darkness fever and got lost. I—no, your mother noticed he was changing and sent you to her handmaid, Maria Kaya.' Lovell closed his eyes, remembering how good of a mother he was for his first six years of life, Ulva continued her story, 'Shortly after she sent you away to safety, your mother was killed by a Faremin general.' Ulva's gazed darkened, 'General Even Lionclaw.'

Lovell looked at the moons, "So, she was murdered?"

Ulva nodded, 'Yes, and he sits in the top seven seats. They are the most powerful men and women in all of Lord Damora's forces. Unfortunately, Erin sits at the third seat.' Lovell shot his gaze at Ulva, in shock. 'Yes, she may seem like the main player, but she is very dangerous.'

Lovell looked over the courtyard, sweat chilling him, "So, what can I do to get past her…"

Ulva looked to the stars. 'I'm not sure, but… I know you will escape.' Lovell, not feeling her confidence, turned to ask Ulva more, but she had left. Lovell sighed as he headed to bed.

"Wakey, Wakey, little wolf." Lovell jumped to Erin's whisper in his ear. Lovell covered his ear as Erin stood over him. "Have a good sleep, young master?"

Lovell noticed that Erin was not impressed by the fact he was able to move freely, Lovell cleared his throat, "I did after I relaxed, being that I'm don't want to be here either."

Erin stood up, "Even though you're the long-lost grand—"

Lovell's eyes glowed, "Don't finish that sentence, Erin!" Erin backed up, "I don't care if he is or isn't my so-called grandfather. He wants me dead, and her as well."

Erin's interest peaked, "What do you mean by 'her' per se?"

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