
Chapter 1. Mate

Blaise's POV

I got up and hit my head. Not surprising since I was over 6,5. I got dressed and went downstairs. "Good morning." My father said. I was shocked. He never talked to me. None of my family did. Then again he was my step father. My real father was killed by Rouges. My mother repleced her mate. The woman my dad loved replaced him with some jerk. Ever since my father was killed I had to step up into the position of Alpha. My mother agreed for my step father to be Alpha but I had to be since it was in the will. Can't defy a will. My father put in the will that his eldest son would step into the Alpha position if anything happened to him. He put it in the will after I was born. I really wanted to kick my entire family out because of how messed up it was.

"You zoned out again brother?" My sister asked. "Hmmm." Was all I said. "Here." My mother said, handing me a plate with eggs and one piece of bacon. You'd think that since I'm Alpha I'd have everything I would want. But oh no my life was full of misery.

'Just show them who you are and that they should fear us.' My wolf said. Ugh sometimes my wolf could be annoying. But he was the best part of me. I never got enough meat. Today was another day of stupid school. "Hurry and go to school." My mother ordered. 'Did she just order us around!' my wolf said again. I grabbed my hoddie and keys and left. Yes I had a car. I am 21 years old. I threw my hoddie on and put the hood up so no one could see me. But of course someone always sees me. And worst of all its the same person everytime so she knows me very well. "Hey Blaise, where are you going?" Samantha asked.

What did she want now? And disrespecting me was not a good idea. "It's Alpha to you, and it is none of your business where I am going." I Said. "Can I come with you?" She asked. Ugh this was making me angry. "No!" I shouted, causing people to look my way. With my heightened hearing I could hear what people were saying. I had the best hearing and sense of smell in my Pack. I was also the strongest and tallest. I guess it was meant to be. "Oooh shes in trouble with the Alpha." A girl said. I looked to see an audience looking at me and Samantha. Suddenly a large growl erupted from my chest. My entire pack ran away in fear into their homes. Samantha even ran away.

I fiddled with my keys and unlocked the car door. I got in and drove off.






Sometime later I arrived at school. For some reason I was hated by my family, but loved by the school. Was it because of my title? People also fear me. Especially the humans. Humans know our secret. There was a treaty that was signed between humans and wolves.

I walked over to my group of friends. I looked at them angrily. I usually said good morning to them. "Oh good morning to you too Alpha." Jayden joked. I growled, he knew I couldn't take jokes. "So um had anyone found their mate yet?" Jayden asked, changing the subject. "Nah I haven't, I hope I do find her though." Axel said. "Same here." Jayden said. Just talking about mates made me so angry. I never wanted a mate. She'd never be my equal. She'd just be annoying like every girl I know.

"What's wrong Blasie?" Axel asked. "Let's not talk about mates." I said. "Why, finding your mate is like the most happiest time time of your life." Axel said. "Look I don't want a mate." I said quickly. "What!, Why?" Axel and Jayden asked at the same time. "Because they would just be annoying, and very clingy." I said. My friends looked at me with disgust in their eyes. "I can't believe you, your an Alpha, you need a Luna." Jayden said. "I know I do but, she'd never be my equal." I said. Axels jaw dropped. "What! Why? You should be grateful when you find her because we only get one mate!" Axel shouted. "Plus, your obviously the most Cruelest and most selfish Alpha I've ever met!" Axel shouted again.

Did he just shout at me. I think he did. I can't belive he would do that. Is he asking for a challenge. I picked him up by his shirt. I wasn't feeling bad at all. "You dare yell at me!" I shouted. My friends were alot shorter than me. My friends were also in the same pack as me as well. I was so angry with him. "I- I'm sorry Alpha." he said lowering his head. I let go of him. I stood on his hand before I let him get up.

Crystal's POV

I heard alot of yelling from behind me. I looked and saw some guy just step on someone's hand. That must've been painful. My whole body cringed. The worst thing was my wolf. Could this day get any worse. I smelt the most amazing smell I had ever smelt in my life. It smelt of vanilla and Steel. I wondered why someone would smell like steel. But for some reason I liked it. I noticed it was the tall guy that had the most amazing scent. It was strong but not the strongest that it should be when you find your mate. 'Mate, mate'. My wolf said.

"Hey Crystal." Sapphire said, Snapping me out of my day dream. My dream was to have a mate. One who was kind, caring and loving. One who would look after me when I'm not well, to protect me. "Oh sorry." I said. "Soo has anyone found their mate yet?" Sapphire asked. I looked back at my mate. I saw another girl hugging him. I saw him getting annoyed about it. The thing that was wierd was he had so much power radiating off of him. Could he be a Alpha? 'Go over there and do something about that girl, she's hugging our mate.' My wolf said.

I should do something but that would be awkward. "Ummm no I haven't." I said. I felt my face turn beet red. I was such a bad lier. "Crystal dont lie because your face is red." Sapphire said. She jumped up and down clapping her hands like a child. I wanted to go over there but I was scared that he would reject me.

Blaise's POV

I smelt something amazing. The scent was of roses and woods, basically just nature. 'Mate, mate, mate.' My wolf shouted in my head. The scent wasn't the strongest it should be when you find your mate. Was she my mate? Ugh why, why now did I have to find my mate. The girl was still hugging me. I looked down at her. "Let go of me." I said. "No, I'm good, I wanna stay by your side." She said. Suddenly the girl was pulled away from me. "Let him go and leave him alone!" The mystery girl shouted. I realised the girl was my mate.

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