

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" My father yelled at his beta. He has been doing that a lot lately and no one not even my mom knows why. "Get out of my sight you good for nothing-" he stopped mid sentence once I walked into the office, to Beta Mark's rescue again.

"What can I do for you Kara?" My dad asked calmly.

"Two things. First stop yelling at the Beta. Your scaring the pack members. Second I came to let you know I'm going to hang out with Ryan and Cain." I said

Cain is the beta's son and my best guy friend, and Ryanna is his little sister. Also my best friend. But we call her Ryan for short. The three of us hang out together all the time, Cain said he'd join us until he found his mate and then he is leaving us for her. I know sounds so mean.

"Okay have fun just don't get hurt." My dad said.

"Thank you daddy!" I rejoiced.

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"You can't be serious, he was yelling at my father again? Unbelievable!" Ryan was having one of her moments she has a total rant fit.

'Did you stop it?' Cain asked through our mind link

'Yes I did, not sure how long it lasted though.'

The three of us decided we would sit in the local park and just chat about random things. These two are my best and only friends. Oh yeah I forgot to mention the I'm a loner in everything, school, pack training, outings I'm never invited to. You name it. But it never bothered me, just because I am an alpha's daughter doesn't mean I have to act like a spoiled bitch.

"So Kara how's your mother doing? Is she getting better?" Ryan questioned.

My mom fell ill a few years ago and has be on bed rest since. The pack doctor has been trying to figure out what is wrong with her, but he hasn't had any luck so far. Truthfully I hope he finds a cure before he figures it out. I have a bad feeling about my mom's condition and I don't like it.

"She is still on bed rest if that's what you mean." I stated.

"Well tell the Luna we love her and wish for her to recover." Cain added.

"Will do you guys thank you." I smiled

We spent another two hours just talking about plans we have for the future when we find our mates. Then we went our separate ways.

After having a whole debate with myself on if I should or should not go back to the pack house, I decided to go back. Now I'm glad I did. Billy the pack doctor was the one who met me at the door. His face looked pained as if he were enduring a pain like no other. I walked into the house shocked with all the damage I saw. There were holes punched into the walls. Every single picture frame is smashed. This place is a dump.

I found my father passed out on the couch his hand bloody. His face was full of blood, tears, and beer.

"I'm so sorry Kara I had to drug him. He was going on a rampage." Billy stated "Only protecting other pack members. Nothing personal. But... ah, there is something you need to know. The Luna passed away a few hours ago. I wish I could've done something. I failed you. And for that I deserve nothing more then death."

My heart sank. My mother is gone? She can't be. Tears began to fall from my face as I fell to my knees. The pack elders always told the young wolves the two things that hurt you the most in life is the loss of a close family member, or the loss of a mate, and my father was going through the loss of his mate. I couldn't begin to imagine how he is feeling right now.

'Alpha's daughter, Beta wants to speak with you in the office.' Someone told me through my mind link.

'I'll be right there.' I said back.

"Billy you didn't fail me. It was her time to say good-bye to the world. Will we miss her Hell yes we will but it is not your fault she's gone. You may want to stay clear of my father for a while if you know what's healthy for yourself." I told him as I walked up to the office.

"Beta, you asked to speak with me?" I said while knocking on the door.

"Come in" I hear the beta's raspy voice.

I walked in to see Beta Mark and Cain sitting near the fireplace. I moved towards them both cautiously. Because when hurt any wolf or man can do damage.

"Are you okay?" Cain asked raising from his seat to give me a comforting hug.

"To be perfectly honest. I don't know. I mean I knew something like this was going to happen but I never wanted it to happen so soon. I'm going miss my mom." I confessed

"That is understandable." Beta Mark said. "Now to the point, because of the loss of the Luna the Alpha is unable to preform his duties correctly. So it falls to me and his eldest son which he doesn't have. So it also falls to you. However you can't take full responsibility of this pack until you find your mate. So I have arranged for Cain and you to travel to all the different packs to see if you can find your mates. I'll give it a year."

"Yes Beta."

"Good you two leave in the morning."

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