
Alpha Maxwell, Please Don't Chase Me

Gina had constantly been on the run from Maxwell after she fooled him three times in one go. She signed a contract but fled with his money, she promised him a child but fled with their son, and she promised to stay by his side but once again tricked him. He gave her everything and had been patient enough. Maxwell was starting to get pissed. All he wanted now were the three things she took, his money, his son, and his runaway Omega mate. “Please Alpha, stop chasing me, just let me go?” She begged in tears, however, Maxwell was far from tired. “Even if you went to the depths of hell, I'd find you and bring you back to my side.” Regardless of how much she pleaded, she was now in his hand and he wouldn't mind proving to her how far he'd go to find her. No matter what, he would never stop chasing her.

IamDora · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 3. The Woman with a Request.

After the unsettling encounter at the bar, I hurriedly made my way back home, my heart pounding in my chest. I can't shake off the fear that lingers within me, the fear of the unknown and the implications of what has transpired.

'Of all people, it had to be the Alpha!' I fret internally as I walk up the stairs to my apartment. I swallow when I remember the searing look in his eyes when we had lain together. I quickly shake my head, trying to dispel such thoughts.

When I finally arrive in front of my door, I take a shaky breath before my sweaty hands turn the doorknob.

As I enter my apartment, I find my friends and roommates anxiously waiting for me, their worried expressions evident.

Serena immediately rushes towards me, her eyes large with concern. Jasper follows the woman at a more sedate pace.

"Nika, where have you been? We've been waiting for you all night!" Serena exclaims, her voice filled with worry. I feel a pang of guilt when I see the shadows under her eyes. Serena looks like she hasn't gotten any sleep while waiting for me.

I offer a weak smile, trying to downplay the situation. "Oh, you know, I just needed some fresh air. Nothing to worry about."

But my dishevelled appearance and the unease in my eyes must have betrayed my words as my friends exchanged worried glances.

Jasper steps forward, her eyes straying to my poorly buttoned jacket. The girl's eyes widen when she notices the hickeys on my neck. "Nika, what happened? Why do you have all these hickeys? You look like you got mauled!" she asks, her voice a mix of shock and curiosity.

My face flushes crimson, and I stammer, "I... I didn't even know they were there. It's not what you think!" I shout, my hands flailing in front of my face. I can't tell them I spent the entirety of my salary for a hook-up. Serena would never let me live this down.

My friends can't help but chuckle at my flustered state.

"Oh come on, spill it, Nika! Who's the lucky person responsible for those?" Jasper teases, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Feeling a mix of embarrassment and confusion, I try to shoo them away. "Guys, please, it's not a big deal. Just drop it, okay?"

My friends exchange knowing glances, their curiosity piqued. "We promise," they chorus, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. I shudder at the unholy light blooming in their beady eyes.

Finally, with a sigh, I say, "Well, it was just a guy I met at the bar. I don't even know his name and... things escalated. But it was a one-time thing, okay? So, no need to make a fuss about it."

My friends erupt into laughter, unable to contain their excitement. "Oh, Nika, you sly fox! And here we thought you were just going out for some fresh air!" Serena exclaims, playfully nudging me.

I blush, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. "Alright, alright, can we please move on now? I need to change and get ready for work."

As I retreat to my room, a plan quickly takes shape, and they quietly tiptoe to the living room, finding strategic hiding spots while keeping an eye on my bedroom door. Unbeknownst to me, my friends decide to hide, secretly watching my reaction. They wait for the perfect moment to burst out and tease me about it, unable to resist the opportunity to playfully interrogate me.

Inside my room, I hurriedly change my clothes, my mind still reeling from the events of the evening. I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness about my encounter with the mysterious stranger. As I finish getting ready, I take a deep breath, trying to compose myself.

I walk out of my room, ready to face the day. I glance around the living room, not suspecting a thing, and am about to head towards the door, believing my friends have left for work, letting my guard down. Jasper can't hold back her laughter any longer. She bursts out from behind the couch, followed by Serena, her face filled with a mischievous grin.

"Surprise!" they exclaim in unison, causing me to jump in surprise.

My eyes widen, my face a mix of shock and amusement. "You guys! What are you doing? How did you...?"

Jasper nearly has tears in her eyes from how much she's laughing. "Oh, Nika, we couldn't resist! We wanted to see your reaction when we caught you off guard. And we were dying to know all the juicy details!"

I let out a sigh, shaking my head. "You guys are impossible. Like I said, it's not like it's a big deal. It was just a one-time thing."

Serena raises an eyebrow playfully. "One-time thing, huh? You must have really enjoyed it for the marks to be so visible!"

I roll my eyes, trying to regain my composure. "Alright, alright, enough teasing. Can we please move on now?"

As my friends finally relent and prepare to leave for work, I remind them of their impending lateness. "Come on, guys, we're almost late. Let's go!"

Meanwhile, as I go about my day, I encounter my tenth rejection, the alpha to whom I had confessed on the roof. Surprisingly, he approaches me, his expression remorseful. "Nika, I wanted to apologize for the way I acted before. I know I was unfair to you."

Wanting to maintain a facade of strength, I pretend that I have already moved on. "Oh, don't worry about it, Mason. It's all water under the bridge. I've moved on," I say quickly before walking past the alpha.

As I go about my business, I can't ignore the lingering disappointment and hurt that his presence inspires. I wonder why rejection seems to be a recurring theme in my life. Tears well in my eyes at the thought. Maybe I'm not meant to be loved, I think dejectedly.

Absentmindedly, I hear the news about the influential figure, Marcus Lennox, who will be visiting our territory for inspection. But I honestly don't care at the moment.

Even as panic ensues among the employees, I, overwhelmed with emotions, hurry towards the elevator, tears streaming down my face.

Lost in my thoughts, I accidentally collide with a man I've never met before. He is tall, with a commanding presence. He is also unspeakably handsome, with dark hair and smooth tawny skin. I feel myself blush when I manage to get a good look at his profile.

"I'm so sorry," I mutter, wiping away my tears as I sniffle.

The stranger, noticing my distress, offers me his handkerchief. "Here, it seems like you could use this."

I gratefully accept it, finding solace in this unexpected act of kindness. In my vulnerable state, I find myself pouring out my heart, sharing my recent rejection and praising the handsome stranger who has come to my aid.

The stranger listens with a lot of detachment, his expression unreadable. When I finish speaking, he speaks with a cold edge to his voice. "You know, maybe that guy rejected you because you whine too much."

My eyes widened in shock at his rebuttal. I open my mouth to retort but no words come out when I meet his gaze.

Like a punch to the gut, I realise that this stranger is none other than Marcus Lennox himself, the man who holds power over our lives. The elevator doors open, and everyone in the vicinity eagerly welcomes the man as their Alpha. My heart sinks, fearing that my actions might have jeopardised my job.

Before leaving the elevator, Marcus turns to me, his gaze cold and distant. "Remember, Nika! Your incessant complaints are annoying, that's why you're without a mate," he says firmly.

And with that, he exits the elevator, leaving me standing there, stunned and speechless.

As the elevator door closes, I can't help but mutter under my breath, "just who does he think he is!" my voice laced with a mix of awe and confusion as my face flushed, I can't lie though, he's damn hot!