
Chapter .42.

She is strong but she is a child

she is a child

she is a child

take the world

off her shoulders

children should not have to fight

to be young

m.h.w.//yuki. age thirteen.


You don't remember days. Days take ahold and make you remember them. They imprint upon your soul, violent in their need to be branded upon your mind. Days don't stick. They flow away. You don't choose to take that moment and make it something that will last.

That moment chooses you.

Because no matter how often you wish to forget- no matter how much you beg and plead for the memories to stop and for the knowledge of that day to never come- it still comes.

You don't remember days.

You relive them, and the horror, joy, and onslaught of emotions they bring.


The door to the office slams against the wall, the two males shoving their way through the entrance in the attempt of being first.