
Hello World

A bright light can be seen in the distance….a light that is surrounded by darkness with no clues as to where it could be coming from.

As the light seems to be growing one can only assume that it is moving closer and closer, but then it stops and sounds can be heard coming from this light as if it wants to say something.

Then as if predicted….it speaks.

"My time is near.", said the light as if it were talking to someone, then complete darkness….

Santera Private High School, a school for students that want to live a life with a successful career of their choosing but are only accepted if they have obtained a scholarship during their middle school years or if their parents are able to afford it.

But in the case of Chandler McCullen neither of those apply to him as he sits at his desk in classroom 3A, staring out the window and waiting patiently for the school year to begin.

"Hey Mac!", is yelled in the direction of Chandler from the classroom entrance.

Chandler turns to see who has called him by his nickname and notices two students that are walking into the classroom who are heading towards his desk.

Lucille Garcia aka Lucky and James Rickson aka JR, Chandler's lifelong friends that he met back in elementary school as they have known each other for a very long time.

As for his nickname "Mac", he gets that from his surname because he despises being called Chandler unless it's his parents mainly because whenever his real name is called out, people tend to start gossiping about him which just ends up annoying him.

"So guys, are y'all ready for another shitty year?", said Mac as they greeted each other, then Lucky and JR chuckled slightly.

"You do realize that college is just around the corner and we have got to keep our grades up.", responded Lucky but then turns to look over at JR.

"Well at least one of us does.", she whispers to Mac and they begin to laugh at JR only because he barely passed last year, but he is not amused by this at all and quickly retorts in his own comedic fashion.

"Damn that Mr. Keyes, I swear he wanted to fail me every chance he got.", said JR as he clenches his fist in the air, which just makes Mac and Lucky laugh even harder.

"Why must you laugh at my suffering?!", said JR dramatically.

JR has always been the comic relief of the trio especially when things get tense sometimes, but nonetheless they always enjoy each other's company.

Soon the classroom began to fill up and then the school bell rang shortly after which made everyone takes their respective seats with the trio sitting next to each other.

Mac's desk is located in the far back corner of the classroom with JR sitting in front of him and Lucky sitting to his right….figures, huh.

"Mornin' class!!!", as the homeroom teacher, Mr. Parker, enters the classroom and gains their attention so they can all begin to settle down.

"Welcome to your 3rd year at Santera Private High. I'm Mr. Parker your homeroom teacher so let's go ahead and get started shall we.", he said as the classroom finally quiets down and they all turn their attention to Mr. Parker, who seems to be somewhat of a strict teacher.

"I'll now begin to call attendance so when you hear your name please respond or I'll mark you as absent, then you can explain to your parents why they received a phone call from me telling them that you were absent.", said Mr. Parker sarcastically as the students begin to look at each other wondering if he was being serious.

"I'm joking, no I won't….or maybe I will, eh who knows.", said Mr. Parker with a slight smile on his face as he begins to call out students names.

Mac resumes his watch of things that are happening outside his classroom through the window while he is somewhat troubled by his thoughts.

"So another year has begun, but I just hope that….", as Mac is thinking to himself he hears Lucky's name being called out.

"Lucille Garcia?!", shouts Mr. Parker to the class.

"Here!", Lucky responds in a timely manner.

"….nothing too crazy happens this time around.", Mac thinks to himself as he turns his attention to Mr. Parker just as he is about to call on him.

"Chandler….McCullen?!?!", said Mr. Parker in a questionable tone as he recognizes that name and looks out into the class realizing who it was.

Then he hears a heavy sigh coming from the back corner of the classroom….

"Yeah, I'm here.", said Mac as he notices how the rest of the class reacts and begins to gossip with each other.

Now what Mac and the rest of the class didn't know is that Mr. Parker was recently hired to teach at Santera Private High School, but he has heard of that particular name before….

"Sorry but since I'm new here, may I ask if you are the same McCullen whose….", Mr. Parker began to say but is immediately interrupted by Mac….

"Please sir I'd rather not, but believe me when I say that everyone here already knows.", said Mac.

Still, Mac notices that the gossiping hasn't stopped so he just ignores it and turns his attention back to looking out the window.

"I see….well okay then, let us continue class.", said Mr. Parker as he resumes calling out attendance.

JR then turns to Mac and taps him on the shoulder to get his attention and whispers to him….

"Off to a great start, aren't we?", said JR sarcastically which only seemed to annoy Mac even more.

"Do you want me to knock you out?", said Mac jokingly only for JR to start laughing at him.

"Chill out man, you know I'm just messing with you. You think I don't know how much you hate being in the spotlight.", said JR but then Mac interrupts him.

"Hey, pay attention!", whispered Mac because JR's name was about to be called out.

"James Rickson?!", shouts Mr. Parker out to the class.

"Oh, I'm here!", says JR, then without turning around he taps on Mac's desk to get his attention and gives him a thumbs up which Mac acknowledges by tapping the leg of JR's chair.

"Alright then, that's everyone and it looks like you are all here on your first day so congrats. Now let's see if it stays that way throughout the rest of the year.", said Mr. Parker as he believes that some students might begin to skip class sooner rather than later.

"Anyways, let's get the day started shall we.", said Mr. Parker as he begins to explain the things to expect for this year.

Throughout the day Mac had to sneak around a lot in between classes while also eating lunch somewhere that no one could find him, mainly to avoid all the fangirls that he apparently has, but in some cases he failed miserably and had to run from a stampede of them that were chasing him all over the school.

The only time that he was safe was during his classes because the students were actually paying attention to the teacher even though it was only the first day of the school year, but still Mac was amazed by that.

So in order to beat the crowd, Mac would ask permission from his teachers to leave a couple of minutes early before the bell rang just so he could get a head start.

Of course all his teachers understood and allowed him to leave early, but as he left Mac could feel the evil glares from all of the girls in each of his classes as they waited impatiently for the school bell to ring and unshackle their chains.

Once the school day ended, Mac had just evaded the last batch of fangirls near the school's main entrance as he was finally able to catch his breath and relax for a few minutes.

"Damn those girls, don't they have anything better to do than chase me around school all day?", said Mac as he leaned against the wall, then he hears Lucky calling out to him.

"Hey Mac, are you okay? Looks like you've been running a marathon or something.", said Lucky as she catches up to Mac after he had regained his composure.

"Oh, you have no idea.", said Mac.

"I just don't get why these girls won't stop chasing me. There's plenty of other guys in this school for them to go after, why am I so damn important to them?", said Mac as he tries to understand the logic, then he notices that Lucky is laughing at him.

"Oh, what's so funny?", asked Mac.

"It's like this every year since we started high school….but you should already know the answer or should I elaborate?", said Lucky as she begins to tease him.

"Yeah I know but it still bugs me and I'm just not ready to be in a relationship right now.", said Mac while he looks around trying to find out where JR is.

"Well if you stick with that kind of mentality then you're always going to be single, probably for the rest of your life.", said Lucky jokingly but with a slight sense of hesitation which doesn't seem to go unnoticed by Mac as he gives her a stern look for that comment she made.

"Anyways, where's JR?", asks Mac.

"Oh you know, just being himself.", said Lucky as she points towards the schools main entrance which doesn't surprise Mac at all as he sees JR going up to each girl trying to work his charm even though he's failing miserably.

But soon after JR just gives up then heads over to Mac & Lucky in a gloomy and depressed state.

"So….what did we learn today?", said Mac sarcastically knowing that he's probably going to regret asking JR.

"That all the girls only want to date you, not even the "Brother" card worked when I told them that we are brothers.", said JR dramatically but no one seems to be laughing.

"Well no shit that's not going to work, you should know by now that everyone here knows that I'm an only child.", said Mac with a slight irritation in his voice, but then an evil idea dawns him which he then gets behind Lucky and gives her a slight push towards JR….

"If you want to go out with a girl so bad, why don't you just ask Lucky? I'm sure she doesn't mind at all, right?", said Mac as his evil plan takes action and notices how JR looks dumbfounded by what he just said.

"Come on, bro! I'm obviously just joking!", said Mac as he begins to laugh at the look on JR's face after what he said.

JR breathes a sigh of relief as he remembers that Mac can come up with some really cruel jokes sometimes, then he looks over at Lucky….

"Uh, Mac….I think you broke Lucky?", said JR as he smacks Mac on the shoulder and points towards Lucky.

Mac looks over at Lucky and sees that her face has turned bright red as it also appears to seem like her soul is trying to escape her body while she mutters some nonsense.

Mac chuckles just for another moment but then grabs her and snaps her back into reality.

"C'mon Lucky, I'm only joking so please get ahold of yourself!", said Mac which ultimately snaps Lucky out of whatever state she was in, then she looks at Mac and proceeds to punch him in the stomach.

"How many times do I have to tell you that that is not funny at all!!!", Lucky shouted angrily as she begins to storm off while Mac takes a moment to recover.

"Nicely done, ya pissed her off again. When will you ever learn?", said JR as Mac fully recovers from the gut punch that he just received.

"At least you didn't try one of your karate moves and dodged her punch cause you kinda deserved it.", said JR sarcastically.

"Yeah whatever she'll be fine but you're right I did deserve that, but it doesn't mean that it hurt like a son of a bitch.", said Mac.

"Also, I let her punch me cause I saw it coming….plus how many times do I have to tell you that it's not just called karate.", said Mac as they begin to head towards Lucky and catch up to her.

Luckily for Mac, Lucky had calmed down once they caught up to her and the trio started heading off school grounds but just before they all left Mac notices something out of the corner of his eye.

He sees a very nice black luxury car that is parked in the student pickup area with someone standing next to it, which Mac instantly knew that it was a bodyguard.

"Uh not again….when will she ever learn?", said Mac as Lucky & JR looked towards what he was looking at.

"Is that what I think it is?", asked JR which Mac just nods his head in acknowledgement, then he indicates to Lucky & JR for them to start walking and shortly after he begins to follow them.

"She knows how much I hate being chauffeured around, plus I'd rather just walk home instead.", said Mac as he catches up to them.

"Anyways, y'all wanna hang out at my place for a bit?", asked Mac.

"I can't be mad at you forever, but yeah I'm down to go.", said Lucky, even after the stunt that he pulled, Mac is glad that she's not the kind of person to hold grudges on anyone.

"Yeah I'm down too, dad's probably not home yet so I have time to waste.", said JR who is just relieved that the first day of school is over.

"Cool, let's go then!", said Mac as they all began to head towards Mac's place.

As for the so-called bodyguard that was standing next to the car, just after the trio left he reaches into his jacket and pulls out a cell phone and makes a phone call….

"Hello Ma'am, you told me to call you in case he didn't use the car?", said the bodyguard to a woman on the other end of that phone call.

"Let me guess, he decided to walk home instead?", asked the woman as it's heard from the bodyguard's phone.

"Yes Ma'am, he did. Shall I go stop him and have him to get in the car?", asks the bodyguard.

This woman who was speaking with the bodyguard is seen sitting inside a very nicely decorated office, looking across towards the windows….

"No don't bother but do continue to show up at the same time every day and if he still refuses to use the car then I'll just have to show up myself.", said the woman as she instructs the bodyguard.

"You may return for now.", the woman orders the bodyguard.

"Understood, Ma'am.", said the bodyguard as it can be heard through the woman's phone, she ends the phone call and places her phone on the desk then gives out a heavy sigh….

"I should've known he wasn't going to use the car….either way something tells me that I'll eventually have to go over there and drag him myself.", said the woman with a worried expression on her face.

Later Mac and the others arrive at his apartment which is located inside a very nice-looking complex that is meant more for families or working adults but not for a high school student who hasn't even graduated yet.

Although, his place is close to the neighborhood where Lucky and JR live so that way they can always hang out or study together.

"Home sweet home!", said Mac as he unlocks the door to his apartment and they all head in with JR closing the door behind him.

JR and Lucky head into the living room while Mac heads into the kitchen….

"Y'all want anything to drink?", asked Mac which allows JR to make a joke….

"Yes sir, I'll take an ice-cold beer.", said JR as he looks at Mac waiting for his sarcastic response and sees the look on his face.

"Really?", said Mac with an irritated look.

"You're 4 years too early for a damn beer….water for you.", said Mac sarcastically as he throws a water bottle at JR who catches it and opens the bottle while mocking Mac about his response then begins to drink it.

"Lucky, do you want a beer?!", asked Mac which prompts JR to spit out his water and turn back to Mac.

"What the fuck, really dude?!", shouts JR only for him to see that Mac had started to laugh at him for believing that he would actually give beer to a minor, with Lucky laughing along as well.

"I got you good, didn't I?", said Mac jokingly as he throws JR a towel so that he could clean up the mess he made.

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up!", said JR as he throws back the towel to Mac after cleaning up the water.

"Anyways, I know it's been over a year but I still can't believe that you're living on your own.", said JR since he and Lucky still live with their parents.

"I'm just glad that my parents let me, besides they know that I'm responsible and understand that I just want to be out of their spotlight.", said Mac who looks around his living room.

You can tell just by his living room that he has a well-furnished apartment but still nothing too fancy, especially for a 17-year-old high school student.

"Yeah but still….don't you miss living with your parents? We made a lot of good memories over at their place.", asked Lucky as she remembers some of their childhood memories back from when Mac lived with his parents.

"Sure I do, but as I get older I just want to become more independent even though I won't be able to escape their spotlight all the time.", said Mac as he remembers the good times he had while living with his parents.

"But I do want to have some semblance of a normal life.", said Mac as Lucky and JR give him a confused look.

"Dude, nothing about your life is normal.", said JR as Mac gives a heavy sigh knowing that he is right.

"You don't have to remind me.", said Mac as they continue to chat for a good while before realizing that the time has flown by and that it was getting late.

"Say, y'all want to stay for dinner….I can cook us up something quick?", asked Mac as Lucky and JR look at each other then back at Mac.

"Sorry bro, but we already had dinner here just yesterday.", said JR who unknowingly started some kind of comic routine with Lucky.

"And the day before that.", said Lucky.

"And the day before that too.", said JR.

"And the day before that as well.", said Lucky as both her and JR notice that Mac was becoming irritated by this little comic routine of theirs.

"Alright I get it, y'all don't need to keep rubbing it in.", said Mac in a somewhat angrily tone which then both Lucky and JR burst into laughter.

"Laugh it up….anyways, at least let me walk y'all home?", asked Mac to which they wholeheartedly agree and headed out to their neighborhood.

The neighborhood where Lucky and JR lived was a really nice area that is fairly new, but they've been living there for quite some time now.

Lucky's house was the closest to the neighborhoods entrance so she's the first one to say goodbye to the boys and heads inside her house, as for JR's house it was a bit further into the neighborhood so the boys were heading there next.

"Hey Mac?", said JR to get his attention as they continued to walk.

"What's up?", said Mac.

"So all jokes aside, it is good to be back at school….right?", asked JR as his mind starts to wonder about the future, but notices that Mac gives him a confused look.

"I guess, but I thought that you hated going to school so why do you care now?", asked Mac as he notices JR give a heavy sigh half expecting that something is going on.

"It's just that….my dad and I had an argument the other day about how my grades were subpar last year and it just seems that to him that I'm not living up to his expectation.", said JR as he recalls the argument that he had with his father.

"Dude, did you at least mention the fact about how Mr. Keyes was trying to fail you on purpose?" asked Mac mainly because he knows that JR is really good at math and had no reason to get the grade that was given to him by Mr. Keyes.

As for Mac, he knew that Mr. Keyes doesn't play fair with the other student's grades but because of Mac's popularity at school, Mr. Keyes knew all too well not to mess with his grades because of the potential storm that would come his way.

"I tried to tell him but he just never gave me a chance, plus he'll never believe something like a teacher purposefully failing a student. To him that would be absurd or something along those lines.", said JR as they finally reach the front of his house.

"So he gave me an ultimatum….either graduate high school with nothing less than a B+ or join the military.", said JR as he looks at Mac for some sort of reaction that could probably give him hope.

"Damn….he really said that, huh?", said Mac even though he wasn't too surprised that JR's own father would be that harsh on him.

Growing up with JR, Mac has seen JR's father multiple times and during the few times that he did see him, he noticed how strict his father can be with him so it was to be expected when it came to his grades.

"Let me ask you something….do you still have to deal with Mr. Keyes again this year?" asked Mac.

"Thankfully no, he's strictly a 10th grade math teacher so I'm just….", but just before JR could finish he's interrupted when Mac smacks him on the back of his head.

"Ow!!! What the fuck was that for?!", shouts JR angrily but then notices the stern look that Mac was giving him which kind of reminded him of his father for a moment.

"Ever since you first told me about how Mr. Keyes was unfairly treating you with your grades, I told you that if you ever needed help all you had to do was ask me or Lucky.", said Mac as he began to scold JR over something that they discussed early last school year.

"You know if you weren't so stubborn then this could've been avoided entirely.", said Mac as he gives JR a hard time because he knows all too well on how stubborn he can be.

Mac had always tried to break this shell of his where JR thinks that he knows everything about anything, but he's had no luck whatsoever.

"Yeah….I guess I can be really stubborn sometimes.", said JR as he gives a slight chuckle.

"Not sometimes, all the time.", said Mac as they look at each other and they begin to laugh about the whole thing.

They soon walk up to JR's front door and said their goodbyes to each other, then Mac began to head back to his apartment.

It doesn't take Mac too long to leave the neighborhood and arrive at the main entrance to the complex, but just before he could go any further a fairly large man in a hoodie stands in front of Mac and points a knife at him.

Seeing what was going on, Mac takes a good look at the man and then looks back at the knife….

"Can I help you, good sir?", asked Mac as he takes a look at the hooded man.

"Give me your wallet and don't make me repeat myself rich boy, I'm a very impatient person.", demanded the hooded man but unfortunately for him, Mac didn't have his wallet so he play along and reached into his pocket as he tried to distract him….

"So, what makes you think that I'm rich?", asked Mac which he then notices the confused look that the hooded man was giving him.

"You're kidding me, right?!", said the hooded man as he began to laugh at Mac for the stupid question that he just asked….well at least it was stupid to him but, nonetheless.

"You live in this part of town where a lot of rich folks live and you're asking me how I know if you're rich!!!", said the hooded man as he continues to laugh uncontrollably, then he turns his back to Mac and drops his guard.

This gives Mac the perfect opportunity that he needed because as soon as the hooded man began to turn back around to look at Mac, the last thing he sees is a foot approaching his face and everything goes black.

To Be Continued....

I hope that you have enjoyed Chapter 1 of Alpha: First To Rise, Chapter 2 will be out next week but consider joining my p a t r e o n for early previews and rewards. Please let me know what you think of the story so far and don't forget to follow me on Twitter, @eddieyagami91, also the link to my p a t r e o n is below. Until next week, Peace!!!

www.p a t r e o n.com/alpha_first_to_rise

PS: For some reason, Webnovel is censoring the word p a t r e o n so that's why I'm having to space out each letter for it to show. Thanks!

EddieYagami91creators' thoughts
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