
Alpha's Cruel Addiction

[WARNING: EXTREMELY MATURE CONTENT] “If you ever come near my woman again, I will find you, brutally torture you, and unleash hell's wrath upon you for the rest of eternity." Her story with him should've never been said. Their world was as cruel as it was cunning. Werewolves rained terror upon humans as warriors of the nation. Vampires ruled high society with an iron fist. All her life, Ophelia wondered why the vampires and werewolves in the kingdom never attacked her—only to realize she was declared off-limits ten years ago. Yet, the entire realm was fighting over the rights to her body—or her life. But why? And what for?

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156 Chs


Ophelia walked in darkness for an eternity. When Ophelia's grandmother used to punish her by locking the girl in a dark room, she'd bang at the doors and beg for mercy. Yet, the shadows currently present didn't scare her. She was wrapped in warmth, continuing into the abyss without a single thought in her mind. Soon, she grew closer and closer to the flicker of white light in the distance, but didn't dash straight for her.

Without warning, Ophelia saw the ethereal silhouette of a woman in the distance. The stranger was lean and beautiful, but left Ophelia shell-shocked. She bore a striking resemblance to an older version of Ophelia. Or, did Ophelia resemble this woman? Immediately, Ophelia connected the dots as a rush of emotions surged within her. She instinctively rushed towards the figure, slowly but surely, until she broke out in a run and the world around them began to fall apart.

Light poured in from every direction until whiteness filled the entire atmosphere.