
Aloof Enchantress and Runaway Prince Roams the Kingdom Together

In her previous life, Laija suffered all kinds of hardships. So much that she hated her life and kept wishing to die, never to be born again. This was the only wish of her heart. But after dying, she woke up in a new body which even possesses magical powers. So, Laija had been travelling the strange kingdom alone. Without any intention of befriending anyone, she quietly enjoys the solitary journey, discovering the new world at her pace. But then, along came a meddling blond haired man who claimed to be a runaway prince. Because of him, Laija got unwittingly acquainted with many people as well as lots of places. They roamed the kingdom together helping people here and there. Laija even had to make use of her wit and cooking skills. But everything did not stay simple, because of her exceptional appearance and power, which could not be kept hidden, she ended up catching the attention of the ambitious royal family in the capital. She also learns the truth of her body's identity. Despite everything, past, present and future, Laija rediscovers what it means to love and care for others and receive back the same. This new life, she had a different wish, the wish to live.

stardust_lily · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Begin Again

Jonabu, the man who committed arson was able to reunite with his wife and child. He was given a lighter sentence, after it was found out that his employer had paid him unfairly for over six months.

The man also publicly apologized to the masses, standing in front of the town council hall.

The people accepted his apology and gave him a chance to turn a new leaf.

Lord Hanim Vermond and Lady Romesia Spencer were the ones who made it possible. Jonabu and his wife thanked them profusely, with tears in their eyes.

The two sides of Aurvina which had been always divided finally seems to be coming together as one.

Laija watched the event unfold with a secret smile.

Now that every thing was falling into place, it was time for her to leave too.

That evening, during dinner, Laija mentioned about it.

'Why, do you not like it here?' Lord Hanim asked, his brows furrowed.

Laija shooked her head. 'It is not like that. I feel that I overstayed and simply must be going.'

'Have you told Domi and Aniya?'

Francis was looking at her, however his eyes were unreadable.

'You have been ignoring them all these while, weren't you?' He added.

Laija did not respond but she couldn't help herself from grimacing a bit.

What Francis said was true, she had been ignoring the two children on purpose. Every time they called for her, she excused herself. So, both of them spent most of their times with Sara and their new friends. Honestly, Laija hadn't talked to them over the last few days.

It was because she did not want them to get attached to her, as she planned to leave since the beginning.

'Domi and Aniya are doing very well here. I have you to thank for that, Francis. You've kept your promise.' Laija told the man who averted his gaze away from her.

She turned to face Lord Hanim and said, 'I'm also very grateful to you too, Lord Hanim. For welcoming them so warmly and giving them a home.'

'I'm happy to have the kids. Everyone here also feel the same. Same goes for you. All of Aurvina knows you and adores you because of all you did.' The older man said.

'I'm flattered. But that is all the more reason I must get going. I exposed my magic abilities too much. So, I feel it is not wise to stay here any longer.' Laija replied.

With a sigh, Lord Hanim added, 'I would try to stop you but it appears you are already determined to go your way.'

Laija nodded, affirming his words. Francis did not say anything, he simply drank his wine and continued to eat.

The next day, Laija quietly bade farewell to Domi and Aniya who were still sleeping soundly in their bed.

'Are you sure you don't want to talk to them? They will be upset when they wake up and find you gone...' Sara uttered and made a move to wake them.

'No need to wake them.' Laija stopped her. 'I know this is not the best way to leave. But I have to go now. Take care of them.' She said and turned her back to them.

'I will.'

Laija heard Sara say. She was glad that the woman sounded genuine and determined. She no longer have to be worried about the two anymore.

Laija silently walked out of the castle. It was in the week hours of the morning so not everyone was awake yet.

Laija covered her head with the hood of her new robe and headed out.

After a long period of walking, she turned her back and looked at the city illuminated by the golden morning light. Aurvina was indeed a beautiful place with wonderful people. But for a wanderer like her, it was not a place she can call home.

Laija turned around and continued to walk towards the long path laid out before her. She doesn't know where this might lead but it doesn't really matter.


'Have you heard?' A man with a short moustache was saying to his friend sitting besides him.

'What is it?' The other asked in return. He was man with busiest brows.

'Our Majesty's illness had worsened! So, everyone in the capital is anxious!' The other man cried, eyes wide as saucers.

They were having drinks together in an alehouse in a town called Nesvndi. Laija had arrived to this settlement before nightfall and was overhearing the duo's loud conversation.

'Where did you hear such a grave piece of news?!' The friend asked in similarly shock fashion.

'I heard the merchants who came from the capital heard them say while I was unloading their carriage.' The former replied.

The men were too loud. So by now, the few other inhabitants also heard their discussion and joined in with interest.

'If that is true and the worst happens, who will ascend the throne?' Said a red nose man with the curliest hair Laija had ever seen.

'Of course, it will the Crown Prince. No need to ask!' An old man with a grey beard tutted.

'But His Highness is an invalid. How will he rule our vast kingdom? He can't fight if there is war again!' The red nose man claimed with a wild gesture.

'There is two other princes, is there not?' It was the man with the thick brows that spoke.

'Yes, yes, but the second prince hasn't appeared in the public eyes since five years ago. And the third prince is not very popular, although he is fine lad.' A new person joined in. He was a fat man with a fair complexion.

'Yes, I heard because his mother, Consort Derisu is known to be quite vicious. There is that rumor-' The man with the short moustache was interrupted.

'All you folks, stop with your gossips! If anyone from the officials heard you saying all those things, you will be in trouble!' A stout woman scolded them as she slammed their drinks on the table. She appeared to be the mistress of the establishment. 'These days it is quite dangerous to speak of them in any way. I heard some people from the next town over were punished for it!' She elaborated later.

'How could such a thing happened? We are merely talking, we meant no harm at all.' Retorted the red nose man.

'I'm saying for your own sakes!' The woman exclaimed and went back to her station.

After that, everyone quieted down. A few seconds later, men dressed in official uniforms entered the room and everyone became even more silent.

Laija left her payment on the table and got up. She was feeling fatigued from that incessant walking and wanted to take her rest for the night. She left the alehouse and went towards the lodging house located right across.

It was evening and the stars were shining in the night. Laija's mind began to wander. Looking at the sky, it was as if nothing had changed. It reminded of her times when she was returning home from her workplace, glancing at the stars. Really, the sky was the same but her world wasn't. She was in a foreign world with no way of returning back because she had died already there. If this new life given to her was meant to be chance for something, she doesn't know. Honestly, she doesn't understand why.

Her thoughts drifted again, to Domi and Aniya. She wandered how they were doing at Aurvina at this very moment. Then, the image of Francis flashed in her mind. She quickly shook her head.

'Why did he show up?' Laija muttered to no one in particular. Giving one last look to the starry night, Laija went inside.

The following day, she was awoken by a commotion. Coming out of the building, she was surprised to find that the men who were gossiping in the alehouse the day before, were all chained up, their expressions devastated.

The officials who had arrested them shouted out to the crowd gathered around. 'This is what happens to anyone who makes idle remarks about our esteemed royal family! The king is well and healthy! This is a warning to anyone who spreads heresay! Beware!'

Laija was amazed. To think that the men were being arrested so fast after a night of careless tit tats. It was rather unfortunate.

She turned her head to leave but then a voice shouted, 'This is preposterous!'

This voice was awfully familiar. Laija whipped her head so fast and saw Francis Vermond standing tall in front of the officers, looking down at them with disapproval in his violet eyes. He was a standing out as ever, with his blond hair and that cool lavender jacket.

'What did you say?' The officer snarled.

'You can't punished a man for such trivial acts. This is wrong for various reasons.' Francis declared.

'And what do you know, my good sir?' The officer spat with sarcasm. He knew the handsome man belong to a noble upbringing by his appearance so he can't risk being rude to him.

'Oh, I know a lot.' Francis smirked. He folded his arms against each other, making a cross on his broad chest.

In a serious tone, he said, 'Our kingdom has solid principles. But it does not mean anyone will be punished for speaking not-so-fondly about the royal family. That has never been the case. The king is reasonable and just, he will never put his subjects in prisons just because they spoke unwisely of his family.'

'How can you be sure of that? These people were running their mouths shamelessly! They deserved to be punished!' The officer was adamant.

Francis narrowed his eyes as he spoke to him, 'To you, maybe they deserved such a punishment. However, as I said before, the king is known for his leniency and love for his people.' Coming over to the official, Francis picked up his voice and said, 'Are you saying Our Majesty is similar to a tyrant and have no patience for his subjects' mistakes?'

His last sentence had the crowd's full interest and attention. Everyone's gaze landed on the officer who now seemed to appear like a sore thumb.

Francis continued to say, 'If what I say is wrong then tell us whoever instructed you to do this. We must know and confirm for ourselves that. Is it indeed the absolute discipline that our beloved king demands of us?'

The man was sweating now. The frightened people finally found their courage and began to make their complaints. Against such a crowd, the officer had no choice but to release the men.

Laija watched as the crowd cheered excitedly for the brave blond man, who managed to charmed his way into their hearts. She could see him making his way towards her. She was now convinced that the man had been following her all these while.

'Finally, caught up to you.' Francis uttered with a wink as he stood before her.

Laija really can't believe this person.

Will this be a good thing or a bad thing?

Apologies for the grammatical mistakes, please overlook it. I want to get this story to at least thirty chapters before I can revise it.

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