
An unexpected turn of events

Rai can't explain his feeling but he knows that he has met Eric somewhere. Rai sits with his legs crossed in the corner of a big room. Eric comes in and sits down at a desk. "Where is nya"? Askes Rai. Eric puts on a serious face and looks into Rai's eyes and says"I killed her". Rai gets angry and upset tears fall from his eyes. Eric starts laughing "I'm kidding jeez man she's my daughter " he says with a huge smile. Rai stops crying but he is still fuming with rage. Before Rai can make a move a burning sensation shoots up his arm and he shrieks. Eric runs to Rai and grabs his arm. Rai trys to stop him but Eric is to strong. Eric rips the bandages off of Rai's arm and sees the gray leathery skin. Eric looks at Rai and says"you were bit weren't you". Rai frowns and shakes his head no "I was scratched". Eric doesn't look angry in fact he looks curious. "When did this happen"? Asks Eric. Rai doesn't understand why Eric cares but tells him any way " yesterday". Eric scratches his chin abd runs over to his computer. Rai's arm feels better so he gets up and follows Eric to his desk. "What's going on"? Asks Rai. Eric points to the screen "look"he says while not taking his eyes off of the video. Rai looks at the screen and sees its security camera footage from the day of the outbreak. "Do yo see that man"? Asks Eric while pointing to a young man with a chunk missing from his face. "Yea"Rai doesn't understand why Eric wanted to show him this. Eric says " That is Thomas he got bit, I let him in and studied him after three hours of tests I left him alone for one hour and when I came back he was one of them, he had created a hole in my lab and escaped". Rai didn't understand at first but he soon got it he had been scratched for over 24 hours and only his arm was gray. Eric looks at Rai and says" Plus his body turned gray but a much darker and rottier gray, he turned in four hours witch means you are even more of a mystery than them".