
alliance of circle the games

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What is alliance of circle the games

Đọc tiểu thuyết alliance of circle the games của tác giả HP_Projects_Re được xuất bản trên WebNovel.AOC game VR bertema fantasi RPG yang pertama, menggunakan alat bernama VCT atau Virtual Control Teknologi. Manda adalah pemain baru di game ini. Namun, kejanggalan demi kejanggalan dia temukan. Sebuah...

Tóm tắt

AOC game VR bertema fantasi RPG yang pertama, menggunakan alat bernama VCT atau Virtual Control Teknologi. Manda adalah pemain baru di game ini. Namun, kejanggalan demi kejanggalan dia temukan. Sebuah, kejanggalan yang tidak biasa, karena semua itu berkaitan dengan tragedi yang terjadi di kota-kota pada dunia nyata, tapi apa benar semua kejanggalan itu berkaitan? Manda berusaha mencari tahu, dengan hanya satu petunjuk yang bisa dia temukan, yaitu... Poji, dia merupakan anggota kepolisian yang sedang melakukan penyelidikan terkait kasus-kasus janggal yang mengikat nama perusahaan super besar. Bukan mencari tahu siapa yang bersalah, tapi mencari tahu apa yang sebenarnya terjadi. (Novel ini adalah tahap awal. Saya akan melakukan remake setelahnya. Saya, ingin melihat antusias pembaca saya. Jadi mohon untuk like, komen dan share ya.) My IG: hp_project_01

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My Wife is a Goddess: 99 Secret Kisses

He praised her, “Wifey, you are a genius!” She coughed to hide her embarrassment. “Of course, I am. But hey, don’t call me ‘wifey’. It sounds so weird.” He smiled calmly and pulled her closer. “If I don’t call my beloved my wife ‘wifey’ then whom should I call ‘wifey’? I don’t want my wifey to get jealous…” “I won’t be jealous. Cross my heart and hope to die.” She struggled to move away from him. His close proximity was making her heart race. She couldn't understand how he could speak like that with his calm and collected appearance. “Wifey, don’t say so ominous. Let me give you something that will make you feel better.” He hugged her warmly and planted a soft kiss on her nape. She almost jumped feeling that sensation. “Eek! Don’t do something so shameless!” Her face instantly turned red. “Wifey, I love you…” Ignoring her pretest, he kissed her again. “Mm! I said don’t do this!” If this continues, she will lose her reasoning and melt like water. When the first time they had met in the bar she avoided him like a plague, even though she was drunk. The second time they had met was at a birthday party. She protected him and stood between a gun and him, thinking that he was just an innocent bodyguard. The third time they had met was in a garage. She trembled in fear as she faced a terrorist; however, she did not back down. He found her intriguing, but she found freedom intriguing. Even still, her hope for freedom was torn when she had to return to China, only to be met with a family threat to get married. He saw this as his chance and seized her – his soon-to-be sister-in-law – from this marriage. He made her his bride. When they agreed to get married, she thought that he was just a simple bodyguard, and he thought that she was just a simple psychiatrist. But things changed soon after that. He noticed how she was different from others. He noticed how she avoided him like a plague. That's why he secretly created a honey trap for her. Serious and stoic Xue Lin has fallen right into her husband's sweet trap. Will she be able to understand his feelings and accept him? **WARNING: DO NOT PLAGIARIZE OR PUBLISH THIS WORK ON OTHER SITES. IF YOU LIKE THE WORK, TELL OTHERS TO READ IN WEBNOVEL.COM -------------- Cover credit: Dearest Reader @waphels -------------- Book series: 1. Handsome CEO's Darling Wife 2. My Wife is a Goddess: 99 Secret Kisses 3. Lost Happiness 4. The Cobra Another book: My Beloved Tangled by Fate ------------- All the announcements, spoilers, and updates will be given on the Discord channel. So keep in touch. Discord server- http://discord.gg/MaJMCyb Instagram: flow07.author Facebook page: Flow07

Flow07 · Kỳ huyễn
234 Chs

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