
Alliah's Fight For Her Kingdom, and Her Heart

Alliah was different than other Princesses. She always thought she could do more for her country besides sit on the throne. Unfortunately for her, it is looked down upon to be a warrior not only as a female, but as a Crowned Princess as well. On her endeavors she meets a man who thinks differently than other high officials and supports her on her journey. They fall in love, and are separated after some time. After five years he mysteriously stops talking to her. Then one day he shows up, but her Kingdom is being over run by a mysterious group of assailants. Can she fight her anger, desire, and love for him while trying to defend her Kingdom?

Woodnessa_98 · Thành thị
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72 Chs

Doctor Tucks

I wasn't exactly sure if I was more surprised by how elegant the place looked inside, or how clean it actually appeared. I never would have thought that a quaint building, would exist in side the "City of Criminals". Who ever this Tucks was, clearly cared about his appearences, and wasn't like the other notorious criminals crawling about the city. It would make sense why Nicklos preferred this man so much. how does a clean man like Tucks, stay in a horrid place like this?

Marquise was silently observing surroundings as well, his face stoic and unwavering as his eyes passed diligently over the room. If he was impressed, he didn't lead anyone to believe so. But I on the other hand loved how the room looked. The faintly painted beige walls, the tall windows with white drapes covering them, the black chairs and sofas placed so meticulously. It even looked better than the royal library, and there wasn't even any books. Maybe because I was just severely tired, but the plush cushions on the sofa where calling to me.

While Nicklos walked towards the marble counter sitting before us, I gestured Marquise towards the sofas. He faintly nodded and casually walked over, gently placing me down. I could feel my self sink in, almost like I was sitting a top a cloud. It big fluffy cloud I let out a small satisfied sigh and let my eyes gently flutter shut. A small bell rang in the distance, a soft yet demanding chime. It reminded me of the church bells in the cathedral. If I wasn't aware of the situation, I would almost feel like I was sitting at home.

I could even feel the brush pass through my hair as I stared out my bedroom window, every bit of threat that we where facing before now disappearing. The wind blowing gently across my face quickly carrying all my worries away. I couldn't help but smile. How serene everything seemed to appear. Wouldn't it be nice if every day way like this? Quiet, calm, and not a single threat seen for miles? I wish everything was like this soft sofa. Comforting and supporting. No more drama or the need to be this perfect Princess and Knight.

I felt all of my muscles relax, sinking even further into the sofa that I was laying on. Like a gentle caress as I felt myself slip deeper into the bliss of slumber. Because in my dreams I wasn't a Princess, I wasn't a Knight, and I wasn't an obligated woman. I could be what ever I wanted to be, and right now, I just wanted to be happy. The throbbing of my wounds slowly drifted away. Like a small pond, the waters lapping at the shore's edge, they vanished. I wondered if this is what death felt like.

The darkness that surrounded me, was like a soft warm blanket. It coaxed me further and further into the abyss, taking me farther from reality than I ever dared to go. It was in this darkness, that I could let myself go. There was no one here I had to prove my worth too, and here I could cry. I could vent my frusterations and not worry about the opinion of others. It was satisfying.

"Alliah? I know you want to rest, but we have to move you again. You've lost a lot of blood and Tucks can't work on you if you are sitting on the sofa. So bare with me a little longer." Nicklos's voice was like a faint echo in my head. It was weird that I was self aware even in my sleep. Even now I could feel the faint pressure against my back and legs as I was lifted once more. I didn't have to be awake to know how bad I was.

I would appear lifeless. A limp, pale, white sack hanging in his arms. With me being unconsious, I'd be heavier. I was unable to support my weight any longer. I was probably haggerdly breathing, fighting the infection I knew was forming between the arrow, and the tissues in my thigh. Nicklos would be worried, his eyebrows furrowed. His golden eyes warily watching over me as this trusted doctor would work on dislodging the arrow.

But other than pressure, I couldn't feel a thing. How much blood did I lose this time? I've never felt so at peace before. I've also never had a wound unattended for so long either. But it was probably the best I had felt in such a long time. I remember how I had fought myself for years to get sleep after mom's death. It would consist of me always crying myself to sleep, and then turning into an ice cold mountain when ever I did wake up. I fought hard to bottle up my feelings, knowing that I would be heavily judged for showing emotions.

"Alliah, he is taking the arrow out. Bare with it okay?" Nicklos's voice rang out once more. It was gentle, comforting even. My moments of blissful peace, where soon cut short as the searing pain erupted through my entire body. I felt myself stiffen, grunting as I slowly came back to reality. The black abyss no longer able to provide comfort. The sharp pains only intensified as I felt the wound widen, ripping apart the flesh that encased the arrow.

I gritted my teeth weakly as I fought back the urge to scream. My back arched, trying to fight off the waves of pain that now angrilly rushed through every inch of my being. I felt like I was being torched alive. Sweat dripped down my body like a rainstorm. Then there was pressure applied to the wound and the pain had slightly subsided. I could feel fingers entertwined with mine and I gripped them as best as I could. The support from this hand was enough to ease some of the discomfort I was feeling.

"It's alright, the arrow is gone. He just needs to patch it up. So rest now." I could faintly feel fingers threading through my hair, a comforting gesture. The pin like feeling from my thigh, was nothing compared to the arrow being ripped from my body. When the pin like feelings went away, I felt my body relax once more. But it wasn't on a soft surface like the sofa. This one was firm and very uncomfortable. It must be an examination table.

"Is she going to be alright?" Nicklos whispered. A deep sigh came from across the room, and it wasn't a very promising one.

"She is weak. You are lucky you brought her when you did. Her loss of blood was significant and I can't promise you that she will make it. The infection forming in her leg is pretty substantial too. Open wounds like this need to be sought after immediately. I am surprised you where so careless." A deep voice chastised Nicklos.

"I wasn't trying to be careless. She just has to big of a heart. Her comrade was murdered, and she wanted to send him off properly. With the threat of also being hunted, it was best to wait a little longer before treading so deep into enemy territory. She was hanging on so well, I didn't think that she was in such a rough condition." The guilt in Nicklos's voice was thick, like a heavy molases. I wanted to gently pat his hand and tell him I would be fine, but I couldn't muster the strength to even lift my hand.

"I think you are the one with too big of a heart. If you want your future wife to live, then you need to start being more assertive. I know you feel guilty about the past and how you handled things before, but you can't let yourself become weak because of it. Learn from your mistakes and move on together. Otherwise, how will you grow?" The deep voice stated once again. From their close relationship, I could only assume this man was Tucks.

"I won't be assertive over her, she can make her own decisions. I can only offer her advice. Alliah is the strongest and smartest woman I know. She will do just fine without my input." His words should have moved me. Made me feel all warm inside, but in truth, I wasn't sure he was correct. Look at the mess we where in because of me. I knew this whole thing was a trap, and if I had just been a little smarter, we wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be laid up in bed with a severe injury.

"I am not trying to tell you to control her Nicklos, but given what you have told me about her, maybe she just needs more guidance. All I am suggesting is you sit down and talk with her. It can't hurt." There was a quiet 'Woosh' and a click as the door closed. The room went silent, Nicklos's fingers threading absently through my hair.

"This is not how I imagined I would return to you. I figured we would have our spat and then everything would fall into place. Not once did I think that you would be hunted down and by your own family no less. I can't imagine what's been running through your mind, but you have been handling this so well. I know you feel like you have something to prove, but in reality, nothing is more important than your own life. I just hope that when you wake up, you will be willing to listen." My heart clenched tightly in my chest.

I am willing to listen Nicklos, but the problem is, this isn't your fight. This is between my father, this sister of mine, and myself. If anymore people get involved, who knows how many more people are going to get hurt. Look what she has done to you after all. She killed your father and tried to get rid of you too. If you hadn't been as strong as you where, would you still have a Kingdom?