

History is about to repeat itself and Mabel can’t stand to watch that happen. Two kingdoms; two heirs falling in love a line that shouldn’t be breached. Mabel was lucky enough to escape this misfortune but will her daughter make it? Will her daughter choose her love fantasies over her responsibilities as the prospective queen of the kingdom or will she abandon one thing that made her genuinely happy over her responsibilities just like her mum did? We’d only find out sooner or later.

James_Skyrose · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs


The door flung open revealing a nineteen year old wearing brown leather jacket and pants. The jacket revealed her chest and rummy hiding her small breasts. Her purple hair was packed in a scattered bun and her purple lipstick adored her lips. A grin appeared on her face as Allegra turned to her side . "I warned you to let me know before you barge into my room," her hands were folded beneath her chest and a frown on her brows. "Come on cousin sister, you don't have to hostile now, do you? I came to say hi, plus your mum asked me to take care of you." Matilda sat on the bed close to her and she scoffed looking away. Mabel entered the room all gay and excited. "My little devil," she said flashing a bright smile at her. Allegra rolled her eyes totally uninterested. "Don't tell me you're still mad at me for grounding you," Mabel's voice changed like she was trying to beg. She sat close to them and smiled. "Being with family is fun my dear, besides you need a guide. The role of a queen isn't an easy task. She'll leave when you show you have improved." "But mum, can't Charlotte be my guide? She's way too experienced and can get my attention." She tried convincing Mabel but she wasn't ready to flinch. "Charlotte will only turn you to a spoilt brat. I don't trust both of you in a room. Now, get along with your cousin. Being rebellious would do you no good, I'll be at the courthouse for the council meeting. Remember; no friends….." "No pets, no chocolates." Allegra completed rolling her eyes again.

Allegra was worried about being the only one seeing Matilda as a creepy fellow. Mabel's younger sister Faye married earlier because she wasn't of much use to the palace. She had to go to the outskirts of the town close to the river to live with her husband who died of a heart failure for drinking too much. Faye decided to send her daughter to the palace where she can be safe and be taken care of.

As the custom of the Hoods entails, only the first born daughters have access to the throne unless proved that they don't have what it takes to rule. Women are believed to possess the ability to utilize the power of the silver tree more than men so they're made to rule instead of men. The silver tree chooses their spouse for them by luring the capable man a night before the coronation. He's then given a gift (a unique power from any of the past kings) which helps him assist the queen in ruling. During the luring, any man who isn't capable of handling the powers dies before the Coronation.

The opening ceremony; happens few weeks before the eighteenth birthday of the successor of the throne. She is brought before the silver tree and is given her unique talent which she would secure as her power. The princess isn't allowed into the courtroom till she is crowned queen regent. Being crowned queen regent gives her the ability to rule as a queen. The coronation day is picked by the priestess who is known to be immortal till the silver tree decides.

"You should leave my room, I need privacy." Allegra stood pointing towards the door. "Come on Allegra, I just got here. It's also rude to send a special guest away," Matilda said wearing a smile but it wasn't enough to get to Allegra. "Your smiles can fool anyone but me, I'm not my mum. Please get out," she said still pointing at the door. "Okay, do call me when you need me." Matilda stood from the bed and left.

Roberto sat down painting a face; the face of the girl he encountered at the boundary. Her rare silvery eyes struck him and he carefully painted it trying not to make mistakes. His father walked into the room. Marcel looked at his son and smiled, he was happy to have someone like him. He took a seat close to his son and cleared his throat. "Dad, I know you're here." Marcel chuckled, "so whose eyes are you painting? A maiden you wish to marry?" " No dad, I just feel her eyes are unusual, still I feel they're very pretty." He said smiling within himself. "You know son, when I was younger I almost made a terrible mistake and I want you to know that no matter what, family over anything else." Roberto nodded and continued painting.

Marcel looked closely at the face and a name struck him; Mabel. Why was the image looking so much like her? Did his son in anyway get to meet her? What was she looking for in his kingdom? "Son, where did you get to see her?" He asked wanting to be sure if it was who he thought it'd be. "Met her when I was playing with arrows, she didn't stay long so I couldn't get much information her," she said with indifference. "But dad why so interested in getting to know her?" Marcel was taken aback by the question but he comported him. "I'm only interested in my son's life. We're having a father son moment." Roberto raised his brows in doubt but he didn't ask further. "I need to go see mum, she asked for me earlier." "Okay son, make your decisions properly." Roberto left his dad who was still in deep thoughts. Memories of his stupid love knavery flashed in and he smiled. How he would always sneak out to see her at the boundary, how they'd always fly on her unicorn and visit the vast seas and rivers, how she'd always put him in danger but save him afterwards. All these memories were something he couldn't let go of even after getting married to Ophelia; his wife and mother to his son. Deep down he wished he had gotten married to Mabel but their duties had to come between them. His bride was chosen my his father as the customs demand since he wasn't able to produce a legible maiden. He didn't want to choose a bride for his son like his father did to him. He would rather let the lad choose who he'd get married to.

Ophelia was drinking coffee at the garden and tending to her roses, the servants followed her orders and she gave a sign of satisfaction. Nineteen years of marriage to her husband and he had shown no sign of love and affection. He'd only buy her expensive gifts and give her whatever she wanted expect the feeling of being loved. She wasn't bothered as long as she held the crown of the queen which was every maiden's dream. She instead got closer to her son than her husband and showered him with much love. Ophelia adored Roberto like she adored her flowers and she'd always call him her little black rose for reasons best known to her. Ad she felt Roberto approaching a smile appeared on her lips. "My fine wine, you came like your promised." She rubbed his hair affectionately as he sat close to her. He laid his head on her thighs and she kept stroking his hair. "How was your preparatory classes, hope your master isn't being hard on my darling?" "Mum, I met a girl yesterday. She has the most unusual eyes and she's strong. I'm afraid I'd want to see her again." He said letting a sigh. "Wow, where did you meet her?" She said getting excited. "At the boundary mother." Ophelia's reaction changed, "on no account my son should you be with a Hood, they're bad news. A Hood took your father from me. You don't want your wife suffering the same fate as your mother. Shields and Hoods are perpetual enemies, we're good and guided my God himself while they…" she scoffed. "Are guided by the devil who uses them for his evil deeds. Their magic is black, ours is good and help the world. Stay away from her, she's bad news." She said as she stopped stroking his hair. "What if the perceptions are wrong and we're just fighting over nothing?" He asked. "My love, have you forgotten the history? Why do you think Hoods are ruled by a woman. The Hoods brought terrible perceptions about women, they used their evil power to make us look bad. No woman should rule over a man but they disobeyed the law of nature and stole from God. They were punished along with their followers. Don't be as stupid as your father and fall in love with one, you'll never get to love another. That's the Hood curse. Now son, I'd love to return to the flowers. Remember mother would never lie to you." She got up and started trimming the flowers while her son looked at her with concern. "I must find her," he muttered to himself.

Allegra was fencing alone at the fields the wind danced with her ocean blue hair. Allegra would be a perfect description of wolf in sheep's by looks. She looked so fragile but her strength was beyond measures. Her glossy red lips were tempting, her silvery eyes were rumored to be given to her my the tree. Since the history of her father was unknown, he was said to have emerged from the tree because no man was eligible enough to marry her stone hearted mother. Modrick took it upon himself to teach her fencing, stunts and archery as they were relevant during time of war. He taught her how to control snakes with her flute and how to use easy spells on spell books. Her mother taught her how to walk and act like a royalty in public, Charlotte taught her how mischievous her mother was when she was younger. Allegra was always disobedient especially to her mother and would rather do things her way. Most times she was lucky enough to escape her mother's punishment, other times she was very unlucky that not even her father or Charlotte could save her.

"You've really improved from last time," a voice came distracting her. She turned to realize it was Matilda and a frown graced her face. "I told you to stay away," she turned back to continue what she was doing. "Come sis, you can't push me away forever. I can help you practice." Matilda kept coming close till she was a meter away from her. "I don't recall wanting to do anything with you Miss show off. If my mum thought we'd get along quite well I need you to go tell her the truth. She was wrong and you will never be my ally. I want to be alone and practice alone." Matilda ignored her ranting and brought her own sword. "Nobody survives alone Allegra, your father should have taught you that." With this she lodged at her and they started fencing. Matilda was stress free but Allegra was trying her best to beat Matilda. Finally Matilda had her on the ground and she smiled. "That's why you need to practice with someone that fighting with the wind. You're not as strong as you think." Allegra felt insulted but Matilda had beat her. "I won't spare you next time," she yelled at Matilda's retreating figure. Matilda only waves and left the scene. Allegra heard someone clapping and it was her father. "Father, don't tell me you were here all along?" She asked embarrassed. "Matilda is very good don't you think? She'll be your new fencing teacher." "father...don't you think it's not necessary?" "She beat you at fencing, don't you want to learn her techniques? Look my devil, ignore whatever sentiments you have and try to learn. Sentiments will lead you no where." With this he disappeared and she grunted.

The table was set for dinner, Modrick, Mabel, Charlotte, Allegra and Matilda sat for dinner. The servants brought in trays of different delicacies and had them set before them. Matilda grinned at the sight of food. She hadn't had enough living with her mother who would rather not associate herself with the royalties. "My dear Matilda, how are you feeling? Hope you're enjoying your stay here?" Mabel started a conversation. "Oh yes, I love it here and I wish mum will come here to." She said swallowing a spoon full of food. "We don't run charity organizations to feed people. Let her stay in her house." Allegra said scornfully. "Allegra!!! Why can't you be nice to your cousin, she's also your sister," Mabel cried. "I never asked for one, I never asked for her to be here. You're just doing this to punish me for not wanting to be like you, following old rules and standards." "Allegra, that's no way to talk to your mother or your sister. Show some respect young lady," Modrick fired. "I'm tired of every single person here. Why are you all trying to link me with her," she pointed at Matilda. She's creepy and up to no good. She's pretending so you all can love her and term her the perfect child for you. But I can't to deceive, I can see through her lies and pretense." She said glaring at Matilda. Matilda was quiet and kept eating looking unperturbed. "Say something you deceiver," she continued. Seeing Matilda wasn't flinching, she stood to hit her but Matilda was quick enough to hold her hand and squeeze it tightly while Allegra screamed in pain. "Before accusing someone, at least try to be stronger. You're just a weak daddy's girl who gets mad when she doesn't get what she wants. You're a spoilt brat and you need to be taught lessons," she said still squeezing her hand. Tears fell Allegra's eyes. "Matilda, enough. Let her be," Modrick said and Matilda released her. Allegra seeing no one scold Matilda got angry. "You all are unbelievable!!" She stormed out of the place. Mabel bowed her head and started sobbing, "we were too lenient and we let her get out of control." "Don't worry Mabel, I'll teach her a great lesson." Matilda said as Modrick was consoling his wife.

Allegra banged the door behind her and lay on the bed. "Being a princess sucks and living with these people suck as hell. Ellie, where are you?" She sobbed silently till sleep embraced her.

Roberto sat on the window pane playing his flute, it was an old tune his mother taught him. Legend has it that it draws one's lover. It's called the Flamingo tube. As he played, his mother entered singing the song. "My son, you have finally mastered it, no doubt your maiden is up listening to you play. She might be singing it too. My father will always play it to my mother," she laughed heartily. "They would sneak out to see each other. My father gave my mother this necklace, made from the finest bronze because he was a goldsmith." She brought it out and smiled coyly. "They had the perfect love and it was like a fairytale. I always wanted a daughter but God blessed me with an heir, I never knew I'd get married to your father. I always wanted a simple life but God had the best plan for me. Then your grandfather picked me to be the next queen and I had you." She placed the necklace on his palm, "I want you to give this to whomever you choose to be your bride. I don't want your father picking a bride for you." She said and kissed his hair. He gave a soft moan, "I needed that mum and I promise to be the greatest king in history." "That's my boy. I need to sleep, there's a meeting about your coronation as the royal prince. We need to make the finest regalia for you. You'd be adored in the finest gold and the finest jewelries will be used to make your crown. And you'll start attending important meetings, tour father might give you a huge position to work with. I'm so excited my son will be a success. All thanks to God for this." She said as she hugged her son. "Goodnight my boy, go to bed now." She tucked him in and left.