
2. Living high

I rub my sleepy eyes and hop off my bed. I strip my clothes off and go into the bathroom. I put on my favorite shoes, Air Jordans that I got for Christmas. I take my brush and brush my hair, making sure It still has its natural curls in the front. I put down the brush and took a step onto the scale. It takes a minute to register. 112 pounds. I sigh. Why am I losing a lot of weight? Probably Leukemia. I measure myself with the height measure. 5'8. I walk away from the bathroom and grab my sweatpants and put them on. I grab a red Supreme shirt and throw it over my head. I walk to the door, and and walk out of the hallway, to see some people walking toward the cafeteria. I decide to follow them, noticing the fact that I don't know where it is. They glance back at me a couple times, then quickly look back to their friends to giggle and whisper. The girls look back at me again, and giggle, but don't look at their friends, and I can tell they are trying to get my attention. 

"Do I have bedhead?" I ask them and they smile. 

"No! You are just a total hottie." They giggle again and continue walking with their friends. I stop back, look at myself in a reflection of a window. 

"Meh." I shrug and continue walking. I reach the cafeteria, and get into the dinner line. Huh, I think to myself, reminds me of school. I grab a plate and place an apple on it. When you have Leukemia, sometimes you're not hungry. Like today, I grab an apple so people don't get worried about me. I look around the cafeteria for an empty table, but none are available, so I look around for anyone I know. I know the girls from the hallway, well, I have seen them before, but all the other people are totally new for me. I notice the tables, a boys table, a girls table, an elders table, a baby table, a preschool table and an art table.  I sigh, not sure which table to sit at. If I sit with the girls, they will all hit on me. If I sit with the art people, I will have to do art, which I suck at. If I sit at the elders table or the baby or the preschool table, then those all would just be weird to sit at. So that leaves the boys table. I take a deep breath and walk toward the table. I reach it, and all the boys look at me. 

I clear my throat. "Hey, I'm Jessie. Just moved in here today. Can I join this table?" 

"Dude." A Mexican boy with black hair said to me, "Im Edden. You are such a knockout. Like, seriously, dude. Wow. Have girls come for you yet?" 

"Yeah. I guess 3 did. Um… see the ones over there with the blonde, red and brown hair? The really pretty eyes? Them." I said, realized that I'm actually having fun, and that everyone thinks I'm hot. Now that made me smile. 

"Duuuude," Edden said, "Those are Likkia, Samantha and Grace. Blonde hair is Samantha, red hair is Likkia, and brown hair is Grace. I mean Grace man, woof. All the boys try to get her but she's always so quiet." I shrug and take a seat next to Edden. 

"So," he continued, "I came here with slow growing gum cancer. It's not bad yet, so they are just closely monitoring it, cause it's going away. John here, the one with red hair and blue eyes, came here with mild skin cancer, what did you come with if you mind me asking?" I sigh. 

"Rapid growing ALL. I have my first Chemo session as Edden and all his friends gasp. Then Edden gives me a hug.

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