

"It's a nice day to die." While you lie down staring at the sky, it appears that all eyes on the planet are just on you. I closed my eyes and awaited death... "Huh?" A new life has begun. The 42-year-long black society has come to an end. In this life, I shall undoubtedly live the most magnificent existence with the greatest power in the deepest depths of the night. this is a translation of a famous novel

Arnnok · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
10 Chs

Kiyeon is unbeatable (10)

Mr. Giyeon Dolby (10)

Striking the waist with a horizontal sweep was a learned combat technique.

If the inescapable Jangyu island leaped down, there was only one option: Won Tae-knife. hyun's And if he stepped down, Won Tae-hyun, who had gathered momentum, could easily hold out for 10 seconds.

But, Jangyu Island retreated to a location that Won Tae-hyeon thought was inescapable.

Jang Yoo-seom fell down the floor, knees bent, and struck Won Tae-ankle hyeon's with a wooden stick.

The conflict appeared to be ended at that time.


Won Tae-neck hyeon's dropped to one side when the end of a wooden stick was placed behind him.

Won Tae-quiet hyun's voice could be heard behind the brief hush.

"I lost."

Even though I was reckless, I did my best from the start. Won Tae-assault, hyeon's on the other hand, was the first knife he swung.

Jang Yu-seom was no soft military officer with a wooden sword. Jang Yu-and seom's Won Tae-swords hyeon's did not differ by an inch as they slid over the floor.

His confidence in martial arts came from being able to dig into the fissures where his face may fly off if he was too rigid, and it was a choice that only those who crossed the line of fire could make.

Jang Yoo-seom was not someone Won Tae-hyun dared to confront. There isn't a single thug in black culture who could survive 10 seconds in the hands of such a guy, but he might have risked his life.

The same was true of popular opinion. Although he is not as powerful as Won Tae-hyun, he has greater combat vision than anybody else.

'You must not overlook Jangyu Island.'

If Jang Yu-seom goes to Jeokho-hoe, Haerang-strength hoe's immediately vanishes.

His meticulous preparations to eat Jeokhohoe may all be for naught in an instant.

"Now it's my time."

Do Tong-dal took a step forward, his expression devoid of fear. Even after seeing Jang Yoo-abilities, seom's being cool meant being either confident or giving up.

Naturally, it will be the latter.

'Does winning 5 nyang from me mean you have something to look after?'

The five hermits who had entered Dotongdal's arms seemed a waste. Gong So-seong inquired of Jang Yu-seom.

"What will happen if Dotongdal's leader cannot hold out for ten seconds?"

Everyone was watching Jang Yu-seom since there had been no buzz about him until that time.

"If that occurs, I'm going to Haeranghoe." "I believe the dojang-nim will understand, correct?"

Do Tongdal nodded in response to the inquiry.

"Haeranghoe provided better circumstances than we had, therefore it was an easy option."

"I'm not sure why Jang Dae-hyeop would do anything like this."

"Consider it a man's benevolence."

Truthfully, I was intrigued by Do Tong-sword, dal's but there was no need to inform Gong So-seong.

'The Jangdaehyeop will come to us anyhow,' says the narrator.

Do Tong-dal, who was barely 18 years old, had little chance of lasting ten seconds in the hands of Jang Yoo-seom.

Using it, Gong So-seong alleviated the pain of losing five nyang.

Do Tongdal addressed Jangyu Island.

"I'd want to request a favour."

"I'll pay attention."

I accepted without hearing anything because I assumed Do Tong-dal would not request anything ridiculous.

"Please use a genuine sword rather than a wooden sword."

Gong Soseong puzzledly gazed at Dotongdal. Jang Yu-martial seom's arts abilities may be harmed or perhaps killed if he utilised a genuine blade.

As Jang Yu-seom got the request, a slight smile came on his lips.

"You appear to have drawn your weapon."

"I'm going to give it a go."

"I will gladly serve as your test subject."

Jang Yu-seom, who walked inside, emerged with a knife with a foot-long blade. A dagger of comparable size was heard in Do Tong-hand. dal's

He persisted on asking Jang Yu-seom for a real sword in order to hone his blade.

There must be some danger for the Warlord to manifest itself effectively.

Jang Yu-seom raised his life after recognising Do Tong-goals dal's with one request.

The sharpness of someone who has slain many people was different. From Gongsoseong and Wontae-hyeon, I could vividly feel the vitality of Jangyu Island. As I was interacting with Won Tae-hyun, I couldn't sense that life.

'Are you attempting to assassinate Dotongdal?'

By looking at his life as if he were piercing his flesh with needles, it was evident that he planned to do so.

Do Tong-dal must have thought he was about to die, yet his look as he brought the dagger to his breast was serene.

Gong So-seong wore a harsh expression on his face, yet he had a different opinion of the everlasting mastery.

'That guy is not your average person.'

Do Tong-dal and Jang Yu-seom moved as Gong So-thoughts seong's were split. The two lunged at each other practically at the same time.


The dagger was in reverse mode when they collided. Do Tong-dal aimed for Jang Yu-face seom's as soon as the weapon fell, but Jang Yu-sum dodged the strike and slashed Do Tong-chest. dal's


The hem of Do Tong-breast dal's was slashed horizontally, yet there was no blood. The notion that Jang Yu-seom could be looking after Do Tong-dal was dispelled with that single move.

Do Tong-dal, who had been retreating, pulled a dagger from bottom to top and aimed it at Jangyu-seom, who was after him.

It was difficult to follow Jangyu-movements seom's as he spun around and struck the dagger at Dotong-neck. dal's

Do Tongdal let go of the assault simply by leaning back.

The counterattack that was launched was intended towards Jang Yu-chin. seom's The desire to sever her face was palpable.

They weren't simply battling for their lives; they were fighting for their lives.

A window, a window, a window!

Daggers clashed, and there was a constant sound of wind cutting. Do Tong-dal was responsible for all of the destruction, including the sound of garments being slashed and the sight of blood.

Gong So-seong and Won Tae-hyeon were watching the battle and had no idea their jaws were half-open.

Close fighting with short weapons, such as mine, caused the viewer's hamstrings to tingle.

I had forgotten how long I had struggled. And eventually, both of them backed off at the same moment. It was exactly the three-length distance I had specified.

"I said it would take 10 seconds, but it took considerably longer."

Do Tong-dal bent his head in response to Jang Yu-comments. seom's

"I am grateful for Jang Dae-lessons." hyeop's

"no. You reminded me that I might be arrogant, therefore I owe you gratitude."

Gong So-seong knew he had lost until after the conversation between Do Tong-dal and Jang Yu-seom.

I don't feel angry or unjust since I acknowledged Do Tong-abilities. dal's

"All right, I'll go in and retrieve the gold spear and bandages."

Dotongdal has three wounds on his left arm and right side. Do Tong-dal replied everything was OK, but Jang Yu-seom eventually entered the room.

"Are you truly an 18-year-old Jeokho Club member?"

Even though it was the late index of the Moorim gigantic clan, it was a dependable skill.

"How about we do it in Gwanghwa-ro?"

The response was brief, but he wasn't even furious.

Gong So-seong also knew that the Gwanghwa-ro Hae-sa-so was a gathering site for the Jeok-ho Association's nondescript chak-jeongs.

"Are you considering about moving up to a higher position?"

"How high are you talking?"

"Please come to our Haeranghoe. Gwanghwa-ro marine issues... No, you are too little for the hostile group. This is to hire you notwithstanding Jangdaehyup."

Dotongdal was more desirable to Gong Soseong than Jangyu Island. Jangyu Island could only be used by Gunmun so many times.

We can't expect anything more from Jang Yu-seom than the sword of Haeranghoe. Therefore, the potential of being born into a dark civilization was endless.

He not only has incredible martial arts skills, but he also has a keen eye for spotting that he has arrived to seize Jangyu Island.

Even if he hadn't experienced it, it was apparent that he had a good mind and thick guts.

Tao Tongda, in Gong Susheng's opinion, was the most notable late exponent of the Hangzhou Black Society. Even if he broadens his range to include the former midfielder, it is apparent that he will be counted on one hand.

"You are far too valuable to be rotting in the Red Tiger Association."

"Who is decaying?"

"Are you at the Gwanghwa-ro Maritime Office?"

"Has anybody in Haeranghoe become a leader at the age of 18?"

There is none. Gong So-seong holds a Haeranghoe record, however he was not promoted until he was 20 years old.

"If you come to Haeranghoe, I can offer you a hundred titles like this." I guarantee you the post of deputy manager under my supervision."

It was a very unusual suggestion.

"Thank you for your kind comments, but I prefer to choose rather than be selected, therefore I refuse your offer."

"You'll be sorry."

"You'll recognise it when you see it."

Do Tong-dal, Haerang-most hoe's vexing foe, welcomed Jang Yu-seom in this manner.

'He also took five of my kittens. shit!'

* * *

Do Tong-dal went back to Jangyu Island two days later. Even if the movers were straightforward, they required time to plan.

Do Tong-dal, who had just entered the yard without a gate, came upon Jangyu-seom, who had gone into deep thought.

"What's happening on, Jig Dae-hyeop?"

"Hyemin has vanished!"

"What happened to the old lady?"

"Because of you, I left the military and joined the black society..." It remained there till one o'clock, but it vanished quickly. I'm not feeling well, but I need to find it as soon as possible! hurry!"

Jang Yu-seom was succeeded by Do Tong-dal. A road branched left and right after a lengthy journey on a desolate road with woodlands on both sides.

Do Tongdal yelled at Jang Yu-seom, who was hesitating because he couldn't pick a side.

"Turn left!" "I'll locate the perfect one!"

Dotongdal and Jangyuseom took opposing routes. Do Tong-dal was the guy who eventually located Seon Hye-min.

Seon Hye-min was straining to go through a tight street while clutching a tiny cloth.

"Young woman!"

Seon Hye-min was astonished when she turned her head and spotted Do Tong-dal, but she quickly returned with a serene expression.

Seon Hye-min spoke to Do Tong-dal, who paused and took a long breath.

"You performed an excellent job. "I'm not returning."

"Are you really leaving Jangdaehyeop like this?"

"It's fortunate for him that he doesn't have me. Because of myself, I gave up on my dream. Therefore I must vanish and make you dream again. It will be difficult for the time being, but I am a strong person, and I will rise up sooner or later."

His voice was low and sluggish, but his will was strong.

"You don't know anything about Jangdaehyeop that I don't."

"What exactly do you mean?"

Dotongdal pointed to a flat rock on the roadside.

"Could you perhaps listen to me for a moment, seeing how far I've come?"

Seon Hye-min did not decline since the task was challenging.

"This is one person's life narrative, and it's probably not enjoyable." It's about a really foolish jerk."

Do Tong-dal related his story to Seon Hye-min. That is, in fact, the narrative of her previous existence.

Her voice, which remained steady throughout, quiver slightly as she told the story of her leg being severed.

"The old guy died on the streets of Hangzhou in the year of his 60th birthday." He had a dumb existence."

She was crying, whether it was because Do Tong-dal loved her remarks or because Seon Hye-min was emotional.

"I had no idea that jerk existed. What a role your legs played in your life. If the knave hadn't turned into an asshole, his life wouldn't have ended so tragically."

"It's a tragic tale."

"It's also something to lament."


"If his wife goes missing, Jang Dae-hyeop will be like an old man with his legs severed."

"Do you mean I'm a bridge to that person?"

"It will go beyond that. She claimed that if her wife left, Zhang Daqiao would rise again, although he would most likely never do so. There aren't many individuals who can get back up after losing something more valuable than their own life. The hole of a seemingly powerful individual is deeper."

"but… … I don't have the courage to stand by and look over someone who has given up on his ambition."

"There is no such thing as getting everything you desire in life." The only difference is how you deal with life's challenges. It is also your option whether or not to remove that weight. Jang Dae-hyeop will very certainly bear the burden of the abandoned wife."

Seon Hye-lips min's had a sly smile.

"After hearing what Chief Do has stated, I feel like a horrible, cowardly lady."

"My wife said that he forced Jang Dae-hyeop to relinquish his dream, although it was Jang Dae-dream hyeop's that was abandoned." It's up to the woman to decide whether to console him or heal his wounds."

Do Tongdal rose up after saying that.

"Are you going to keep on going?"