
All I Want to Do is Rest with my Firekeeper

Firekeeper is hot. Elden Ring + Dark Souls

balls_1124 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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28 Chs

Escape From Caelid


"No, I'm serious. Did something happen to my left hand whilst I was asleep?"

"I haven't the slightest of clues, my dear." Please stop hitting me with these critical hits. "Though, if I had to guess, then thine affliction has something to do with this. Thy body was wrought by the Scarlet Rot not too long ago after all."

"That damn bitch…" I cursed under my breath, shaking my head. Power for my services, if I had known it meant changing part of my soul, then I wouldn't have done it in the first place. "Fuck!"

Skipping on by, Vestia stopped right before me, staring me dead in the eye with a concerned look on her face. Grabbing my left hand, she looked at it for a moment then placed it on her cheek, wincing ever so slightly as she softly caressed it. "Is thine mind at peace now, Ashen One? We have to leave this place and return some other time. As we are right now, my faith in our continued survival is slim at most."

Right, if the dogs chasing us previously didn't make that sentiment clear enough. "I suppose the weeping peninsula won't be as bad? Or, at least I hope it won't be as bad."

A soft giggle left her lips, her body moving ever closer to my side as she clung to my arm. "Frankly, anything is better than this!" Spreading an arm out, her point was only proven even truer when a slab of flesh dropped from the sky like a sack of potatoes, having come from a bird who was quietly feasting on its meal, eyeing us cautiously. "See what I mean?"

"Right, you don't have to tell me twice." I relented, taking out my whistle and calling upon the trustiest steed, Torrent. "Though, I think it would also be best to gather as many map fragments while were on the way there. Just in case we have to return for whatever reason."

She pondered on it for a moment, eventually giving me the thumbs up when she herself got on the mount. "It would shorten our time spent wandering. Thine directional sense isn't the best after all."

I tried to refute that claim, but came back empty handed. Shrugging my shoulders, we left the wretched hellscape that was Caelid just as quick as we came and never looked back, not even for a second.

Purposefully jumping off a mountain, we eventually happen upon a nearby church on the edge of Limgrave. It was larger compared to the ones we found previously, having a whole nother section all to itself. And it seemed like it was important as well, housing an item called the "Wonderous Physick" in a bowl along with what looked to be another one of those crystal tears.

Just as I picked it up, Melina came to join my side, her crouched form materializing itself right next to me as I inspected it in closer detail on the nearby site of grace. "Spoken echoes linger here. Words of Queen Marika, who vanished long ago. If you wish, I will share them with you."

My body jumped at her sudden appearance, a hand in my pocket space, reaching out for a weapon. "Oh, it's just you." I sighed, my body gradually easing back into the dirt as I stared at the one-eyed maiden. "So, what brings you here? Besides the obvious of course."

"To see if your recovery from the rot has gone well. Speaking of, what is your condition right now?" She asked as I raised my left hand, a small flare of pain following along with it. Crimson fire burst forth, alongside a pungent whiff of red smoke. "It has been contained, I see. Now, back to the question. Would you like me to share those words with you."

Nodding my head, she received the gesture and proceeded to divulged what she had wanted to say. "Very well, in Marika's own words. My Lord, and thy warriors. I divest each of thee of thy grace. With thine eyes dimmed, ye will be driven from the Lands Between. Ye will wage war from a land afar, where ye will live, and die. Well? Perhaps that might serve you in lieu of a maiden's guidance."

I pondered on her words for a bit, my mind twisting at strands, thoughts and ideas of what it could possibly might mean. "Queen Marika, she is the 'Sovereign Eternal', if I recall. If memory serves me right, then this could be what she said before sending Lord Godfrey, and his men, on their merry way out of the Lands between… Would my guess to this be correct? Or perhaps the meaning simply flew over my head."

She took a moment to think for herself, looking to the sky as more beautiful birds chirped from above. "Yes, I think that is correct. Though we might not truly learn the meaning behind her speeches, interpretations will live on as that will be how history remembers her. However, might I request something of you?"

"As long as it isn't outside the realm of possibility, sure."

"Would you kindly show me the sore once more?"

A slight grimace curved my face, but nevertheless, I complied. Unravelling the now loose bandages on my appendage. Moving closer, she inspected it in great detail, her eye keenly darting from one section to another before she returned to her seat on the ground. "Thank you, Tarnished. Worry not, I shall do my best to find a cure to rid this ailment off you."

Waving my hands, I tried to dissuade her, though, these attempts were met with resistance, her stance on the matter staying as firm as ever. Shaking my head, I watched as she produced a small red ball from out of her pocket, a set of five coming into view shortly afterward. "If anything, you should take these. They are 'Preserving Boluses', they can alleviate the rot's effects should they become too hard to bear. Though, its better to tread on the side of caution with these items, as there are only so few that exist."

Graciously taking them, I delicately placed them in my pocket space, eyes slightly widening as I read the description for my other new item. "Harnesses the powers of crystal tears… Various special effects are bestowed upon the drinker, dependent on the specific mixture of crystal tears… Rest at a site of grace to replenish…" Were the various phrases that stuck out in mind in particular.

"What seems to be the problem, Dave?" Vestia finally spoke up, having seen my long expression from the side. "Is there a problem with thine arm?"

Snapping out of the trance, I shook my head dismissively, a grin curving my lips as I stood off the ground. "No, there's absolutely nothing wrong at all!" I happily stated, my expression all smiles. "Whether knowingly or not, we've obtained something truly great! An item that not only applies different effects based on what is needed for the situation, but also replenishes by resting at a site of grace. It's like a miracle and an item had a baby. And I'm loving every moment of it!"


[A/N: Well, I regret what I have written. Some casual NTR in the later chapters. Nothing too serious, nor will it have a lasting effect, but it should give quite a bit of insight to what the characters are feeling, Vestia in particular. Oh, and there will be longer chapters starting 14, I plan to have at least 2-5k per, so there's that. Copy and paste below.

Anyways, if you find anything wrong in the fic, let me know. I would love to hear your thoughts, opinions, and what I could have done in place of what is present.

Also, join discord server. I have one.: discord . gg / eTb2kPab4z

I also have a pa- tr eon at pa- t reon / balls112. There are now two whole chapters up on the pa- t reon. Holy shit, I never thought this day would come!

With that being said, I'm going to take a quick break, then return to writing more fic ideas. ]