
All I could ever want in DC

A weak boy wants nothing more then strength even if he is powerful all he wants is to show others there place below him. Cover not mine I can take it down and I own nothing but my oc

Armoti_Nelson · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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19 Chs

Chapter 2 : So Called Gods

Crota pov

Seeing the barrier of energy I had shatter I look up. 'Finally'.

Zeus Aphrodite Athena hera apollo and Poseidon could be seen floating as the queen gives a look of surprise and hate towards them.

Aphrodite "why are you here creature? You have killed many of my children!".

Poseidon " it does not seem to know the danger it's in"

Zeus "creature I do not know where you have come from but you put my child in danger "

Raising my sword I say as I spread my other arm out.

"I am Crota first son of the true god oryx....I have come to give a message from my father kneel or die I do not care about these creatures i will complete my task" pointing My sword to the Amazons.

Zeus "I don't not care what your task may be you stepped in to our Domain"

Apollo "father wait!" Who has a flash in his mind a giant being sitting in a throne.

Aphrodite "why do you hesitate this creature most be killed"

Apollo "there's something wrong!"

Athena "coward we are gods what should we fear a false being calling itself a true god!"

Zeus "enough! Amazons?!" He calls out but none respond to him.

Aphrodite "my children" a sweet voice as the Amazons turn even hippolyta. "Go deal with with his Pets we will handle this creature"

Hippolyta "warrior make sure you kill them all!"

While I point my sword and roar making small shock waves as the taken move.

The Amazons break around me out of the reach of my hand and sword.

"Good" as swing my sword making a arch of green and black taken energy flys at great speed to Athena the annoying one. Apollo tries to protect her with a shield of light just for the force to blow them back hitting a small mountain and cracking it.

Jumping towards them as Zeus sends a bolt of sliverish yellow lightening just for my sword to move redirecting the lightening and fall toward the two that smashed into the rock. Landing on them with my feet driving them the rest of the way through causing the top of the mountain on the edge of the island to shatter as it slides into the ocean below. Grabbing the hurt Athena by her neck i Toss her towards Zeus and send a wave right behind her. He grabs her arm pulling her towards him as they dive towards the earth. Looking at Apollo I raise my sword but a force hits me from my back sending us smashing through trees and into the ocean.

Poseidon "this is more like it" as he thrust hus Trident toward me.

Moving my hand to grab it as if the water didn't effect my speed spinning and letting go as he shot to the bottom as I dived after him punching him as we hit the ocean floor splitting the earth,above on the surface the water exploded up from the force. making him cough up blood I look up and jump. Zeus seeing this throws a lightening bolt at me. Letting it slide off the edge of my blade I fall towards the island landing and making it feel like the massive piece of land was moving. Dashing infront of Zeus I swing he makes lightening between his hand to meet the blow slowing it as I followed through making him fly toward the war going on between the taken and Amazons.

As ogres smashed the Amazons into the earth many taken knight wrapped by rope brought to there knees getting stabbed or there heads cut off. While other lifted there horse throwing them and cutting Amazons in half. Hippolyta helps distract a orge as antiope uses a rope to swing around its arm, swing to it back running up and sending arrows into its skull, causing the orge to rampage as spears are thrown before falling and making the earth shake.

Hippolyta "even if we hate them we have to help them" as she watches the gods get toyed with by this creature.

Antiope "hhhii....bring it down warriors so the gods can take it"

Amazons "ahhhh!!!" Let's out a war cry as they knock there arrow wrapping ropes firing them towards Crota, as they come closer wrapping his arms and legs just for me to act like it's not there, kept running to Zeus dragging horses as the Amazon's cry out being crushed, flung off and hitting the ground. Apollo that finally regains his bearings calls down spears of light that hit my body just bounce off hitting the ground or being absorbed into my body. Looking a Apollo, closing my hand as a greenish black bolt of taken light comes out of both sides, rotating my body I launch it with speed he could hop to follow it hits piercing his chest as he falls to the ground.

Zeus who sees this eyes start to glow, while pouring more power hitting me and barely stopping me. Reaching him I swing as a barrier is made by Hera. Then I hear something and I freeze.

Oryx "kill there so called king...they think there so called divinity will save them...show them it will not god".

Hearing my fathers words I freeze.

Zeus "Aphrodite, Hera we must leave we can not bring it down alone!" Watching crotas movements.

Aphrodite "you would abandon them even your child" holding her heart.

Hera "..." looks at hippolyta with hate.

But a blur in the next second as Zeus arm was separated.

Zeus "ahhhhhh!" Dropping to his knees.

Hera/Aphrodite "nooo!" Reaching out.

Then *swoosh i sword passes cutting his head off.

Hera "monster! Ahhh!" As she charged me and get catapulted back with a wave of my hand. Walking over to Zeus head who's eyes still had lightening crackling in them, I bring my sword down going into his chest, as the taken energy greedily eats his body and so called divinity as it goes into my body.

"So even your so called gods can die pitiful"

While Turning to the the army and few gods that stand.

"Many years ago my fathers student came to this world many of you may not remember but you do". Looking at the gods and a few of the Amazons.

"He wished to turn this world to dust and fire but was stopped by you creatures calling yourself gods".

Hippolyta/antiope "the mother box's" understanding.

Feeling they had been enlightened as hippolyta.

Hippolyta "have you come to take back what was lost ?" All she could do was think of what would happen if they wanted those creations they barely pushed back that creature that came so long ago .

"I have no need to, listen well when my father wakes this planet will Fall" putting my sword in the ground infront of me.

As a space open and the figure of my mother/queen could be seen by all. Turning and stand in the front of it as the large shadow behind me looked over all with her eyes shining. The goddess flinched a indescribable fear welling up inside them.

Vesma "Crota return you have done what you were tasked with let this world be at peace for now" her powerful yet some what motherly voice rang out .

Vesma "calling yourself gods yet couldn't defend your people against my son how will you fair if my king comes". Looking at the goddesses.

Hippolyta "we will fight to our last breathe to drive you back if you think you can take this world!" Pointing her sword.

Amazons "ahhhh!" Hitting there shields.

Aphrodite/Hera "stop you do not know..."

Vesma "if it was not for my king having plans for this world I'd turn this world into nothin...Remember the name oryx well" holding her hand out and making hippolyta float.

Antiope "sister!" Reaching out.

Amazons "queen hippolyta!" Getting ropes ready.

Vesma "weak creatures you act like you have a say in this" dropping the queen as a few reach out to catch her.

Unknowingly I had told some of the taken to spread on this planet as they scattered dropping into the ocean. Turning my back and walking in to the realm.

End pov

Looking across the land at the destruction brought by the being named Crota. Hippolyta rides forward looking at her fallen sisters as she tells her people to collect their bodies with a heavy heart. Looking at the large blackish green beings that lay throughout. Watching as the burned away in black smoke all but one as the large creature she had brought down, lay dead there.

Hera/Aphrodite "deal with this, Zeus death will spread we must return to bring order" as they hold Apollo and Poseidon while Athena struggles to stand.

Silence is all that could be heard as the words of those creatures were still in everyone's mind, The being oryx that slumbered wanted this world, how could they stop this calamity. Knowing that if they couldn't bring down his son. Let alone the feminine being in there world of darkness.

With heavy hearts they put their sisters to rest as the few gods returned. The creature that lay ground was dragged as a giant tomb like structure was created.

Hippolyta nods her head.

Antiope "do it!" Nodding at the Amazon's.

As Amazons broke thick wooden beams as the stone door fell sealing the entrance.

Antiope "sister, do you think they will return?" Turning to get on the horse beside her.

Hippolyta "I do not know but if they do what is to be done, even gods fell before them" turning her horse.

[small glimpse of the future]

Hippolyta "diana where are you!" Riding with antiope and a few Amazons looking for her troublesome daughter, after telling Diana of the war where the world fought back the evil and the mother box's. Diana having grand ideas of being a hero.

Coming to a long forgotten black tomb.

Antiope "hippolyta!" Seeing the old tomb.

Hippolyta "not this place" the memories still fresh in her mind.

Walking to the tomb as the stone, had a cracks on the side big enough to fit humans. Moving her hands, her young warriors used hammers to break it open more to let them in. Blackish energy like a light fog spread out coming up from the floor.

In the middle you could see Diana, with her hand on her mouth looking up at large creature, leaned back against the back of the tomb with a blackish green body spears protruding from it. The young Amazons with the queen gasped just for antiope to give them a look of understanding but disappointment.

Diana slowly turns her head to look at her mother eyes full of shock.

Diana "mother what is it thing" shocked.

Hippolyta/antiope "Diana there are things that you still are not ready to know yet". Thinking it wasn't time.

Reaching her hand out towards the stone rubbing her hands across the words that were etched in it . Mouthing the words.

Diana 'pray that he remains in his slumber, for he is the end, Oryx' confused.

Diana "mother who is Oryx?" Finding what seem to be a name.


As Diana, said this a low roar could be heard echoing through the tomb, as if the creature was still praising its lords names even in death.

The young Amazons and Diana flinch as the roar brought flash backs to hippolyta and antiope mind.

Antiope "Diana..." getting cut off by the queen with a look.

Hippolyta "Diana there is a evil...."