

Blushed skin, teary eyes, tied up limbs, and a gagged mouth; looking at the innocent maiden staring at him with her confused watery eyes, only one thought dominated Qing Lu's mind, 'Fuck her!'

He had long forgotten of the fact that he had died and transmigrated into the body of another, and the rage and resentment he felt towards his newly-wed 3000th wife for murdering him in cold blood were already thrown to some dusty corner in the back of his mind. The only one that occupied all of his attention was the tied up beauty thrown on the bed in front of him.

The soft silver moonlight that enveloped the beauty through the window in the dimly-lit room gave her a unique charm, giving birth to a heavy desire to possess her in Qing Lu's heart. 'This Hundred Flower Garden sure knows how to treat its customers well! I must bring this girl back home once we are done.' — was what Qing Lu thought at the moment.

The fire of rage that previously burned in his eyes was immediately replaced by a different fire, as his eyes brightened and mind freshened up. 'Hell yeah, I am here to enjoy myself and I am going to enjoy myself to my heart's content tonight! As for Bing Meng'er, that bitch, she better not let me see her again!'

"Wu… Wu…"

Recalling his former experience, Qing Lu couldn't help but subconsciously clench his fists. But before his rage could overwhelm his rationality once more, a weak whimper brought him back from the world of his imagination and the accursed past. His gaze again focused on the young woman lying on the soft red silk quilt just a dozen or so steps away from him, and his eyes shone brighter than before.

'I must reward that Mama Lian handsomely for this gift she has prepared for me,' Qing Lu thought to himself as he walked towards the bed atop which 'his' gorgeous beauty struggled and whimpered weakly. He had already decided to help the 'Hundred Flower Garden' into becoming the biggest entertainment establishment of the "Rising Ming City" as he wondered what kind of play the little beauty was going to entertain him with.

As Qing Lu arrived next to the large bed, the desire in his eyes burned even harder as he saw the pitiful eyes of the beauty fill up with anticipation for what was going to happen next. Arriving right next to the bed, Qing Lu sat on it as he looked back at the beauty with a warm smile and affectionate eyes.

Reaching out his right hand, Qing Lu poked the little beauty's soft cheeks and a feeling of euphoria overcame his senses. Her cheeks that immediately turned redder with his touch felt so soft that Qing Lu doubted if blood would ooze out if he used a bit more force. And as if responding to Qing Lu's actions, a hint of terror appeared in the girl's adorable watery eyes, making his smile widen at her realistic display.

"Do you want me to release you, my fair beauty?" Qing Lu asked with a smile as the thin cold fingers of his right hand gently and slowly caressed the beauty's left cheek, and he wondered, 'Am I saying it correctly?' Immediately after hearing Qing Lu's words, a faint hope appeared in the girl's eyes as she weakly nodded her head.

'It seems I am doing it correctly,' he concluded as he saw the little beauty's response, feeling proud. Not satisfied with just sitting their and feeling her soft face, Qing Lu decided to go a step further and get on the bed, on top of her. "But if I release you, my fair beauty, who am I going to eat tonight?" Qing Lu slowly got on top of the tied up maiden as he said those words. With his legs on either side of the beauty, and his left hand placed just above her shoulder, he came face to face with the little beauty who was now trapped below him (not like she could escape before).

As soon as the beauty heard Qing Lu's words, the weak hope in her eyes almost disappeared, and the terror in those golden gems became even more pronounced. It was apparent that the girl was terrified after listening to his words, and she immediately shook her head with tears almost threatening to spill out of her eyes, as if to beg him not to eat her.

With little distance left between the two of them, Qing Lu could clearly see the girl's face illuminated by the soft silver moonlight. And seeing her beauty at such a close distance only made the desire in his eyes burn brighter. Her face alone could easily make him start a hunt over in the "Nine Grand Domains."

Adorable gem-like eyes that shone like the bright celestial sun, a small cute nose that gave her an innocent charm, snow-white skin with a pinkish hue that threatened to ooze blood with the faintest of touch, luscious full lips that aroused his greed, and the strands of golden hair stuck to her face due to her clear perspiration that released a refreshing floral scent… So long as he got rid of that purple silk cloth in her mouth, she would be a perfect innocent beauty that no man would be able to reject (no one would, even with the gag).

Qing Lu tilted and lowered his head until his face was so close to the beauty that his nose could touch the skin of her neck. Immediately, the beauty's blush deepened and she also tilted her terrified face to the left, as if to make some space and cater to her assailant's whims. Feeling himself gain easy access to his destination, Qing Lu moved the tip of his nose up and down along the beauty's fair neck.

After moving around in that position for a few moments, he inhaled a long and deep breath, taking in the refreshing natural scent of his little beauty. "Tough luck, my little beauty; you smell far too delicious for me to give up on you," Qing Lu said to her as he raised his face. Looking at the young woman under him with a wide smile and affection-filled eyes, Qing Lu reached out his right hand towards the purple silk cloth sealing her mouth and pulled it away, "After all, who else will I eat if not you?"

Realizing that the obstruction preventing her from speaking up had disappeared, the beauty gasped for breath. Using only a few moments to stabilize her breathing, the little beauty looked into the dark eyes that were looking at her affectionately. The eyes in front of her clearly had the expression of a hunter looking at its prey, like an eagle focusing on a cornered rabbit.

Gulping softly, the little beauty opened her mouth and said in a soft and shivering tone, "Please don't eat me, mister; eating human flesh is prohibited and punishable by death in the Frost Plum Empire! If you don't eat me, I can cook… cook…" By the time the beauty reached the word 'cook', her voice was no different than a mosquito's buzzing, and her blushed face had completely turned crimson as she tightly shut her eyes, as if afraid of being punished over her inability.

What the beauty didn't realize was that her words were like a bucket of cold water splashed over Qing Lu's head as he immediately froze on the spot, and all his enthusiasm died down. Even a certain part of his body that was raging for action calmed down, though still anticipant of what might come. Even though her sweet voice made Qing Lu feel as if his heart would melt, and the desire he had for her also increased, the meaning behind her words immediately made his mind crash.

'Her words sound wrong! Utterly wrong!' — was the only thought that came to Qing Lu's mind. After staying frozen for a few moments, Qing Lu finally came out of his stupor and looked at the crimson-faced beauty who had her eyes tightly shut. 'The times must have changed; or she might be trying something new,' Qing Lu thought as the embarrassed yet cute face under him reignited his extinguished enthusiasm.

No longer paying heed to her out of place words from before, Qing Lu lowered his face and cupped the cute face between his palms. He was tired of this kinky play, and it was now time for some real action. As soon as Qing Lu lowered his head, the beauty under him felt a cold sensation engulf her luscious full lips and her eyes opened wide…


1. Anticipant is an actual word and not a spelling miskate like the one I just made.

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