In the first installment of the 'A Levels' series, "Doctor Who" takes a dramatic turn as the Doctor makes a difficult decision to leave Rose behind, much to her dismay. Their relationship is tested when he repeats this action, sparking tension and conflict. As the story unfolds, the consequences of the Doctor's choices unravel, paving the way for an emotional journey filled with twists and turns. Welcome to my Patreon page! I'm JonSnow007, and I'm excited to have you join me on this adventure. Delving into the world of "Doctor Who," I explore the complexities of relationships and intergalactic encounters. Through my creative work, I aim to captivate audiences with thrilling narratives and thought-provoking themes. Join me as we journey through time and space, navigating the challenges of AS Levels and the mysteries of the cosmos. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!