
Alien's First Time Attending A Human Elementary School

An Alien gets sent to earth to study human behavior. How will Kane learn to adapt to his new terrifying environment? *This story is my first time ever writing a story. It was a project for my creative writing class so it is very rushed. I had things I wanted to add so if this gets a lot of positive feedback then I'll redo this chapter and I'll add more chapters.

Vixenhunts · Khoa huyễn
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1 Chs

First Day

Humans are the most violent, terrifying race in this entire universe. They're hard to kill. They'll try to fight you over the smallest of things. They can adapt to anything. They're apathetic and insensitive. They don't care about any other race except for their own. They're overly possessive and power-hungry, if they want something they'll stop at nothing to get it, even if it means killing one of their own. Should you ever encounter one in person you can only stand there patiently and wait for death.

"Kane, are you ready for your first day of kindergarten?" Kane's foster mother, Joyce Lee, spoke out, smiling as she looked down at the small boy.

'Kane...ah right that's my name now...Kane Lee.' thought Kane, a seemingly 5 year old little boy whose coarse auburn hair bounced up and down, smacking off of his cheeks as he nodded in response to his foster mother.

Streams of the golden sunlight poured in through the window of that hallway leading up to the front door, bouncing off of the tan walls before settling on the boy's toffee-colored skin. Joyce smiles at Kane one last time before she leaves the hallway in search of Kane's jacket. Kane watched his foster mother disappear from the hallway and the innocent childlike expression quickly vanished from his face.

Ane's eyes narrowed as he remembered his original mission and what he was sent here to do. He's a soldier/researcher from the Kaits race, sent to earth in order to study humans. His mission is to find the human race's weakness so that the universe would finally be rid of such a savage race.

"It seems that disguising myself as a young human was more effective than I'd originally thought," Kane muttered to himself as his lips curled up into a smile. "Humans value their young even if they're not related by blood…I need to write that down later."

Amidst his thoughts, Kane reached out to put his shoes on and stood by the front door waiting for his foster mother's return. Footsteps padded in the direction of the hallway that Kane was in. Hearing these footsteps, Kane immediately put up a childish facade as he glanced towards the doorway that connected the hallway to the rest of the house.

Joyce came in through the doorway and helped Kane put on the coat she brought him.

"You forgot to tie your shoes," Joyce giggled as she reached down to help Kane tie his shoes using the classic bunny ear method. "Now what do we say?"

Kane stared at his foster mother blankly, unsure of what actions to take next.

Joyce grabbed both of Kane's shoulders firmly and said sternly, "Kane, You're supposed to say thank you whenever someone has done something to help you."

"Yes...Thank you." Kane said softly, awkwardly smiling as Joyce brought him in for a hug.

Finally arriving at the kindergarten building, Kane stepped into the room where his classes would be held. He looked around the room, staring at the colorful posters, rugs, building blocks and the smell of crayons wafted underneath his nose. Following the other children, Kane took a seat at an empty table near a window.

'So this is where the humans teach their young...It's a bit odd that they hand their children over to total strangers.' thought Kane, fiddling with his hands and shifting in his seat as he peeked up at the adult at the front of the classroom. 'Is she the one in charge?'

"One two three eyes on me!" The teacher called out, getting the children to quiet down. "Hello everyone, my name is Ms. Johnson and I'll be your teacher for the year."

"Ok, so what I want you to do next is turn to the people at your table and say your name and what you like the most in the entire world. While I go around to check attendance" Ms. Johnson said, smiling, as she wandered around the room to eavesdrop on the children's answers.

"Hi! My name is Leon and I like playing and…" the group of kids listened to Leon as he rambled on and on about what he liked.

"Hey, I'm Imani and I like being in the sun." Imani beamed at the other kids at the table and they fell into silence as they waited for Ronan to speak.

"I'm Ronan and I like sleeping." Ronan finally spoke, keeping his head buried in a soft gray blanket that he presumably brought from home.

"I'm Kane and I don't really like anything," Kane murmured while looking down at his hands. 'I should just say I don't like anything since I don't know what is normal to like here.'

"Don't you like frogs?" Imani questioned, focusing her gaze on Kane.

Kane froze and he sat up straight, startled by Imani's words. 'Is this a test to see if I'm really human?' He then slightly shook his head no.

Leon chimed in saying "But you're wearing a frog shirt." pointing at the cartoon image of a frog that was on Kane's shirt. The frog had its tongue sticking out, attempting to catch the flies that surrounded it.

"This is a frog?" Kane tilted his head down as he stared at the imagery on his shirt.

"Ha! You're wearing a frog shirt but you don't know what a frog is. That's so weird!" Imani burst out laughing and the kids followed her, grinning at Kane's expense.

Kane's pupils dilated as he looked at Imani and the two boys at the table. 'Did they see through my disguise already?'

Kane thought back to what his instructor had said about the earth. "Some of the lifeforms on earth bare their teeth when they're threatened or when they get ready to attack"

His heart thumped into his chest and the air grew heavier with each breath he took. 'Am I going to die?'

"Ok now that everyone has introduced themselves, let's start with what we're going to do today." Ms. Johnson said, clapping her hands to catch the children's attention.

After classes continued the school day went on smoothly until Kane's class got dismissed to lunch.

'Where should I sit? I can't just sit randomly because I don't know how they'll react.' Holding a lunch tray in his hand, Kane wandered around trying to find a table to sit at.

Eventually, he found an empty table to sit at near the corner of the lunchroom. He glanced around the room observing the different cliques of kids before his eyes rested on Leon, Imani, and Ronan, who had been staring at him for a while. The three of them kept glancing at Kane before going back to talk about something with each other.

'Are they discussing the different ways to get rid of me' Kane bit his lip, staring keenly at the cartoon on the back of his milk carton.

For the rest of the lunch period and until silent time began, Kane had nothing else to think about except for his impending doom.

"Oi Kane, What's the big deal?" Ronan whispered in a light voice that Ms. Johnson wouldn't hear.

"Huh?" Kane looked up from his book, noticing that at some point the three had surrounded him from where he was sitting on a rug.

"Whadda you mean 'huh?' You've been ignor-" Leon didn't get a chance to finish his sentence before they heard a scream coming from a girl that sat next to them. She was screaming while pointing towards an area behind Kane.

Kane whipped his head around to look at what the girl was looking at. Only to discover a small beast with six hairy legs, sharp fangs, and two antennae poked out from the top of its head.

Kane's eyes widened as he stared at the monster that was able to kill a warrior of the Katis race with ease. His vision blurred and all of his movement stopped in their tracks.

'What the hell is a c*ckroach doing here?' Tears came streaming down Kane's face and his mouth opened slightly but he was unable to say a single word.

'Someone please help me!' Kane shut his eyes tight as he waited for the inevitable.


"There I killed it, Now y'all can stop acting so scared ok?" Leon's voice rang in Kane's ears and Kane snapped his eyes open in shock.

Ronan then wiped Kane's tears away with his blanket while saying "Boys shouldn't cry."

"Are you ok?" Imani circled around Kane, constantly asking him if he was ok.

'I guess the proper thing would be to say-' "Thank you" Kane smiled at the three of them, sniffling as Imani dragged the group into a hug.

'Humans are terrifying but…' Kane glanced at Imani, Leon, and Ronan. 'They'll protect the ones that they've brought in as their own.

I'd appreciate any type of feedback you have for me. If you'd like for me to continue this story please comment and let me know!

Vixenhuntscreators' thoughts