
You didn't ask

[Sirius black, famous wizard having killed 12 muggles 11 years ago was in fact innocent. Peter Pettigrew the so-called "Hero" was the real murderer.]

[Alexander brother of the famous Harry Potter his an incredible young wizard gifted with powerful magic. At only 11 years old, during Christmas was able to defeat dozens Aurors of the Ministry of Magic.]

Alexander is currently reading the Daily Prophet while eating his breakfast.

'Not my fault if they are incompetent... And how the hell did they get this news ? Shouldn't the Ministry try to hide their shame ?'

'It's the last day, tomorrow class will begin, what should I do in th meantime... oh yes !'

He finish eating his breakfast ans left the Great Hall.


"You are stuck in your study of Occlumency and you want my help ?" question Snape

"Well yeah, I have some struggle to create fake memory and project them"

Snape lost control of his emotion for a moment 'He already this far ?'

"A first year student shouldn't try to learn what's not in their curriculum" with this he turn around and sit in his seat.

He then start talking. Yes you though he brush off the question of Alexander but he didn't not. Once you are friend with him, you will understand that he is just a Tsundere.

And with this the both of them talked until the meal...


"You seem Happy Xander." said Harry

"Of course, I have become more proficient in something!"

"It's not about the Daily Prophet ?" ask Ron

"Who care about this, it's just news, tomorrow we will probably learn dirty secret of the Ministry of Magic and everyone will forgot about me."

"Who care ? Before you were just the unknown little brother of the Savior and today you are more famous than him ! People say you are the Next Dumbledore" exclaim Ron

"First Ron, ouch that hurt how you put it, second famous is not everything, it can sometime being an hindrance and third will some people think I am the next Dumbledore other think I am the Next Voldemort"

"Ah sorry Xander I didn't mean it to hurt you... Wait don't say that name !"

"Don't worry, in Hogwarts you can say this name but outside be careful"

"Why ?" ask Harry with curious eyes.

"Well it's simple, Voldemort put a powerful spell on his name, every time someone say it, he will know who and where. But in Hogwarts you are safe thanks to Professor Dumbledore"

And with this little magic class, they finish eating while talking about Quidditch, the new class and others thing.

The afternoon, they spend times at Hagrid hut, letting Ron flying in the broom of Harry at the Quidditch court and learning some little spell from Alexander, quickly the diner will come and with it, the students returning from vacation.


At the Great Hall during diner.

"Hey Hermione how was your Christmas?" ask Alexander ?

"Very good ! I spend diner at my aunt place and she made a big meal for the rest of the family ! Oh by the way thanks for the new quill ! and how was your Christmas ?"

"Good, we had a lot of adventures" said Harry

"And a very good meal" continu Ron

"It was very bland" reply Alexander.

Harry & Ron look at him with funny eyes

Hermione saw this and start to wondering "What happen at Christmas guys ?"

"Well it's like, you shouldn't know since you live in the Muggle world" Ron then start to tell the story of the fight in Hogwarts will Harry tell some details. Alexander just shrugged and continu to eat.

At the end of the story Hermione look at Alexander with wide eyes

"Stop looking at me, I am shy" said Alexander while hiding his face behind his hand pretending to be shy making the people near him laugh.

Hermione look at this and sigh 'if it's him, it's not surprising', then she turn herself toward Harry & Ron looking at them with an intense gaze making them uncomfortable.

"Wh-what ? You won't have my dessert !" say Ron while protection his dessert with his arm

"I don't want you stupid dessert but did you remember what your task was this Christmas ?" whisper Hermione.

"Nicola Flamel ? We looks in the Restricted section but find nothing..." reply Harry after thinking a bit

Alexander overheard the conversation and decide to help them

"Nicola Flamel ? Great guy I must say"

"What you know who he is ?" said Ron with a loud voice making Hermione punch his shoulder

"What can you say about him ?" ask Harry with expectation

"Nicola Flamel is a French wizard, well-known alchemist and only known maker of the [Philosopher's Stone], a legendary substance with incredible powers. He is a close friend and partner with the Professor Dumbledore..."

"That's it, what Fluffy his guarding his the Philosopher's Stone and Snape want it !"

Then the Golden Trio went in mode complot

"But wait, why didn't you say it earlier Xander?" inquire Ron

"Well, you didn't ask" reply Alexander with a deadpan voice under the angry eyes of the trio.


At the end of the diner when they left the Great Hall, Professor McGonagall appear in front of Alexander & Harry

"Mr. and Mr. Potter please follow me to the Headmaster Office, someone want to see you !"

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