
Aldo reborn in demon slayer verse

Aldo, a 17 years old boy, got killed by his own "crush" but wake up in a new world. Follow his journey on nonstop demon slaying and get back to his real world.

Jrcho · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

*Beep beep*!

*Beep beep*!


"Ah, another day at school. But before going there, I must eat my breakfast first. "

Aldo, a 17 years old boy. His life are pretty average. He live with his other 5 siblings.

After waking up, he sit in his bed for a few minutes. "Sighh, another boring school days. When will school holidays come?"

Aldo, after a few minutes talking about his school, prepared his bag. He opened it, and put all his school belongings to his bag.

After finished preparing all of it, he took his bag outside of his bathroom and went to the kitchen. He put his bag beside a sofa.

He took a few eggs and a pot, then went to the stove. He cooked the eggs, take a plate, and eat it together with a rice.

After eating, he put his plate in the sink. He then went back to his bathroom and wear his school clothes. After that, he took his bed beside the sofa, goes outside, locked the door, and walk to his school. His school isnt that far, all it took was just 10 minutes of walking.

He arrived at his school after 10 minutes. He went inside, and go to his class. He put his bag under his table, and go meet his friend.

His friend name is Frack. They known each other just 2 weeks ago, but they're already a best buddy.

"Hey, Aldo. Ah I forgot to tell you. A new episode of Demon Slayer just got released. Have you watched it?" , Frack asked Aldo.

"Oh that! I watched a bit of spoiler of the new episode on Tik Tuk. I loved the new episode already even if I only watched a bit, honestly. I plan to watch it tonight. ", replied Aldo.

They keep talking about demon slayer, until the bell rang. "I meet you later at the end of the school, Frack." told Aldo to his friend, Frack. They both waved, and went to their own classes.

*Bell rings*

Its recess time. Some of the kids went to the canteen, and some of them stay on their classes. Aldo was one of them. He did his school assignment.

A girl came to Aldo desk. Aldo, seeing the girl, then blushed a bit. The girl were called Naesia, and she was Aldo crush. Aldo, seeing her suddenly went to his desk, stay silent and stopped moving for a few minutes.

*Heyyo, Aldo. Want to go to the canteen, togetherr~?" she asked, while smiling to him. Aldo, after hearing this request, immediately stand up, and agreed to walk together with her.

They both were walking to the canteen. Like a couple. Aldo, in the other hand, were nervous and a bit excited but he doesn't show it. He acts normal to his crush, Naesia.

"Shit, what should I talk about in this situation? This, this is a date right? I mean, we, no, she invited me to walk together to the canteen. ". Aldo thought, in his brain.

While repeatly thinking about it, Naesia talked to him. "Heyy, are you ok?~ Ah that's right, after I buy my food, lets go to the rooftop, kay~ I have to tell you something. Its embarrassing to tell it in front of others, hehe~"

Aldo, hearing this, got even more excited and nervous, but still without showing it. Aldo acts normal and talk normally to Naesia. Naesia bought her food, then together with Aldo went to the rooftop without anyone seeing them.

They both arrived at the rooftop. "Is she going to confess? Or not? If it is a confession, I'll accept it in no time.", thought Aldo, while blushing a bit.

Naesia grabbed Aldo hand, and bring him to the side of the rooftop, and told him to enjoy the scenery. He did enjoyed it, but a different one. His hand got grabbed, by his crush. He screamed, in his mind, being the happiest man in the universe

"So uh, Naesia, I did enjoy the scenery, but you brought me here, so what are you going to tell me?", Aldo wanted to make sure.

"Ohh, about that. Please, dont be mad for what im about to do, alright~" Naesia replied to his question.

"Ah no, its fin- Wait, you gonna do something?" Aldo confused, since its not gonna tell, but gonna do.

The moment Aldo feel questioned, Naesia pushed him down. "Please, forgive me alright~ I am- "

He can't listen her full sentences. He was totally confused. "Why did she push me? Why did she push me? Am I ugly? Am I stupid? Naesia, you fuck. Even after I die, I will take my revenge on you, NAESIA!"

He lost most of his emotion. His mind is slowly being destroyed. His feeling is filled with rage, and hatred. Even in the verge of dying, all he thinks about is revenge on Naesia.

5 minutes has passed. Its was all silent. Aldo can't feel himself. All he sees is just a blank space. Then, a word came to his mind.

"Hello there, young ones. It seems that you are one of her victims. I'm impressed, you managed to stay in this spiritual realm after dying. It was all thanks to your rage and hatred."

Aldo, hearing this, then open his eyes.