
Alan: Tale of Origin Blood

A story of a boy, who tried to find his origins. A tale of worlds giving him more questions than answers. And a path of life that sneered at it. Current world: Witcher. Note: I own only characters and events of my own creation. It is a fan-fic story of HP/Witcher worlds. Chapters mostly 1,5k+. . . . Some facts about MC that confuse people: 1) He is a kid. A real kid and not an adult in child body how someone might think. But he has knowledge about some things. To understand what it all means read auxiliary chapter, Eternal Mind awakening explanation. 2) Amalgal is an AI. He is a program that is strictly regulated by his own creators and thus he is not some helping grandpa. He can't do much. To learn more read auxiliary chapter under category Amalgal.

Greymark · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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"I am sorry for my intrusion, young man." - in his view came an old man with kind look, that was slightly out of the world. He avoided looking directly at Alan not out of uncomfortable feeling but more like a bad habit. - "Can I have your company for some time?"

"Sure." - he agreed with no hard feelings. Old man came up to him and sat down with a smile. - "I used to come here too, back at Hogwarts days. Oh, my name is Newt by the way, Newt Scamander, but I bet Dumbledore already notified you about me."

"My name is Alan Viol Salvatore-Skymorne. But it is very long, just call me Alan." - he said with a tinge of melancholy. Surprisingly Alan wasn't very excited to see the man. Maybe because he was here to ask him a favor and not really to get to know him. But on the other hand, what meetings among full fledged mages go another way? It is always about give and take.

"Pleasure to meet you." - Newt nodded and shifted his gaze to stare at the lake. He didn't say anything else. Perhaps because he didn't know how to ask about the thing he wants politely.

"Hah... old man, I already know why you are here. Let's just get over it. Show me your trapped obscure." - Alan sighed with resignation to his own fate. What is more – there is something he really wanted to check while at it.

"Yes, we need to do just that!" - Newt looked at him with surprise, but there was also some praise in his gaze. He clearly cared about all his beasts more than any humans around. This attitude of Newt really unearthed some dislike from Alan, but that is his personal matter.

'Now I kind of understand why people disliked him for most part.'

While walking through his space zoo, Alan found himself with many different beasts and his mood changed for the better. In that aspect he was a kindred soul of Newt Scamander, as he loved wildlife as well.

"Okay..." - said old man while sighing. - "We are here."

They entered through a veil of space cloth into the arctic terrain, where in the very center a ball of black immense energy was floating inside a transparent bubble.

"It belonged to a girl. I found her in Africa. She was just a child, barely eight." - Newt sighed with some sorrow in his voice.

"What might have happened for her to birth it?" - mumbled Alan with emotional voice. He remembered his own plight and shuddered a bit, when a devoted look of Silver flashed through his memory.

Eternal Mind playing tricks again.

"Perhaps similar to what you went through, but her obscure should be several times weaker than yours." - Newt answered.

"So... what is it that you hope for me to do here?" - Alan finally got the the crux of the problem. - "I will say it now... I am no God. If you think I can somehow bring her back, it is impossible. I don't know how to explain why, but I just know that she is already dead and that thing floating there is actually amalgamation of not only her gift and magic, but her life force converted thoroughly to magic power. In some sense that obscure is a non-sentient living being."

"Is it?" - he asked with deep thought. Newt wasn't doubting, because right now in front of him stood a animagus form of Alan, fascinating and pure, with regal aura like none other he ever felt exuding ferocious might of true hunter, ready to kill. It was nowhere close to be a naive and all-loving pup it was before, just when it appeared in this world. He was big, at least the height of Newt and his platinum mane and scales shone with soft warming light.

Currently his wings were nowhere to be seen, Alan was able to fold them out of existence as they were comprised of pure energy from very beginning and after some training he finally found a way to at least remove them. But to his senses they were still on his back, just for him to will it to appear again. He looked down to the old man with platinum-gold eyes and found that his two golden horns got a bit bigger end curved slightly in reflection on the surface of ice nearby.

"But I, perhaps, can use it to grant shape, her animagus form should have had. Maybe... it can be considered a form of rebirth, however she needs a body to have a contract with." - he finally said, when Amal without any words transmitted a similar ritual to the one he made himself, however it created a familiar for a mage, not True Form.

"Y-You can?" - he asked.

"Mister Scamander, will you take her in and rise her again from the very beginning?" - Alan never wanted to take it for himself. He found that not befitting of his inner thoughts to do so. She deserved a chance, another life, she deserved to be loved and free like any kid. He never wanted to deprive her of that, even if she will not be human anymore, that changes nothing for Alan.

He wanted to do for her what he would have liked to receive himself if he succumbed to obscure back then many years ago. It can be considered a closure of sorts for him. One that can make at least a part of him at peace.

"Me? But... if anyone should do it it is you. You are saving her life, or to be precise giving birth to her through magic." - he said.

"I will go and find another responcible person if you don't agree. Happen to have one." - Alan said firmly.

'You think it is some kind of story book, where main character first cries about not doing something because of his principles and after couple of words "begrudgingly" agrees like a little bitch who in reality was just showing false modesty?'

"If you say so." - he nodded eventually. - "What should I do?"

"Nothing, except standing in one place. And giving me an unbreakable vow on your magic that you will let me erase everything you saw inside this space today." - Tenebris shook his head.

"This..." - Newt was astounded that Alan actually asked that. He will forget not even the process of transformation, but even animagus form of the kid. But it is not like he had a choice. And Alan new full well that the obscure was his life-long regret, thus he was sure the old wizard will agree to the terms.

And so he did, making a vow and stepping away a bit to give the boy space.

The next moment a magic circle with strange runes appeared in the air and Newt was stunned speechless. Never in his life he saw such elaborate and profound spell before. Seeing it now was like perceiving an art of Gods in front of pallor tricks they deem magic in their ignorance.

Second, third, fourth... in total nine circles created a vision of a bridge from him to obscure.

Next moment they began to spin and a thing tread was generated between Newt, coming from his heart, to the center of blackness the obscure is. Right after it was established Tenebris clearly became more exhausted, but in reality, this spell although was grand and complex, was mainly supported by Newt magical power and obscure, Alan was just a guide and even so as a mage who yet to develop his power on a certain scale, he nearly emptied his really big reserve of pure origin mana.

"Don't move." - he said to Newt, while the later noticed how obscure bubble broke apart. He expected it to attack, but contrary to that it began to float to him through the rings of magnificent spell.

With each ring passed and broke down obscure became more gray and eventually whiter and whiter and acquired a form. It was like a nine circles of purification and creation of a body.

Stunned Newt felt connection to a little white bird with a long flowing tail and two blue feathers coming from the back on it's head like a wave of water. It chirped and made a circle around him, sitting on his shoulder after that and leaning on his head.

"This... she..."

"Her name is Nubes, a white phoenix... the purest of creatures this world can give birth to." - came a hoarse voice from the side and the bird immediately flew to the Alan's side with worry. He stretched his arm and ran his fingers through her ethereal feathers. A small smile adorned his face. - "Hey, girl, how are you?"

It chirped and suddenly spat a burst of aqua colored flames at him, letting it enter inside his palm.

"This..." - Newt came over and looked at the mark.

"She is talking to you, right?" - asked Alan, interested in what just happened.

"Yes, although for now it is just some images and intent, but I believe as we grew to know each other and she becomes older we will reach higher level of understanding. But, regardless, young man, she said it is a gift. A kindling of her flame, a core or something like that. You can assimilate with it and raise it to become yours to acquire your own true flame. But as to how to do it or what it will do I am not sure. She just felt it is a right thing to do." - Newt sounded a bit emotional right now.

Alan felt that with the flame he also received insights about magic of fire type in general. That was a rare and precious gift.

"You need to live this place now." - came a voice of gramps Amal from a soul link. - "This little bird did you a favor and pushed your first permission ahead of time! It will happen in matter of minutes. Leave and enter Room of Requirement as soon as possible."

Alan turned to the wizard and pointed his hand at his head, the later nodded and opened his mind. He did a very thorough work with no lasting effect using Vibe instead of oblivate spell.

"I can tell that you removed my memory. It is indeed splendid work, not even a little side-effect. Thank you for your consideration, young man." - Newt nodded a bit, looking at Nubes with smile and delight.

"Mister Scamander, I need to go, it is very urgent." - with that Alan didn't wait and directly apparated through the folded space outside and entered his own spacial artifact.

He didn't know that this move left Newt Scamander completely flabbergasted.

"Hey, Nubes, that young lad just apparated, right?" - he said with shaking voice. - "I mean like apparated right from my bag, right? I am not dreaming, right? And what was that turquoise trail he left with lightning and light? What was that magic and power? It came from within him! If it is a normal apparating thingy than I can as well reverse to a toddler because I lived all my wizardry life in vain!"

"Chirp!" - seriously nodded white phoenix-girl with an attitude of an adult. And it wasn't clear to which of his statements it referred to.

"Well..." - after he overcame the first shock Newt looked at his new friend with kind smile. - "Let's go at least show you to the others. Hoh, it is being a while since I met such an interesting young man."