
Alan: Tale of Origin Blood

A story of a boy, who tried to find his origins. A tale of worlds giving him more questions than answers. And a path of life that sneered at it. Current world: Witcher. Note: I own only characters and events of my own creation. It is a fan-fic story of HP/Witcher worlds. Chapters mostly 1,5k+. . . . Some facts about MC that confuse people: 1) He is a kid. A real kid and not an adult in child body how someone might think. But he has knowledge about some things. To understand what it all means read auxiliary chapter, Eternal Mind awakening explanation. 2) Amalgal is an AI. He is a program that is strictly regulated by his own creators and thus he is not some helping grandpa. He can't do much. To learn more read auxiliary chapter under category Amalgal.

Greymark · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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181 Chs

Monastery (Part 5)

'He has a fresh scar on his face.'

Alan was sitting as still as a statue, but it didn't mean he failed to notice her arrival. Somehow, he was feeling a tiny bit playful and nervous. It was their play years ago. Ciri will do many childish things in front of him, thinking he has no way of knowing. But that side of her was so attractive and innocent, that Alan every time just let her do what she wanted.

This time was no exception, albeit the girl in question felt different. The childish mischief now made her shy and self-conscious around the young man, who underwent tremendous change throughout this time. He was more mature, taller, and exuded a unique aura.

The one that poses a deadly attraction to her.

Ciri raised her hand to trace the scar on his face with her fingers but suddenly stopped in midair, feeling her cheeks turning hot.

So she sat in front of him and gently touched his palm.

"Alan." - she said in a quiet voice. If others saw the hurricane lady Ciri right now, they wouldn't believe their eyes. Where did that pale-haired demon go? What's wrong with this shy maiden?

He smiled slightly and opened his eyes to meet hers. They were just like he remembered them to be. Forest green, big, and dazzling.

"Long time no see, little Lion." - he said warmly.

Ciri smiled at him with a row of white teeth and couldn't control herself. She squealed like a bird and jumped at him, toppling him over in a tight hug.

Alan smiled wryly, not minding it. Her show of affection made his world brighter.

Ciri broke the hug and sat upright on him with a victory smile. Her hands naturally traced his body from top to bottom and stopped near the stomach. Somehow she felt some wetness under her palm.

She looked down and raised her right hand. Immediately her face turned pale.

Alan noticed it and sighed.

"Don't worry about it..." - he said, trying to comfort her, but only saw a serious face of the girl.

She was no longer chubby or immature. It was a face of perfect beauty and proportions.

"You are doing it again. Like back then, when you saved me from drowners. And in Kaer Morhen when we lost, and you fought a pack of wolves in the forest..." - her eyes turned wet and she carefully shifted to the side, sitting beside Alan. Yet her arms slowly helped him up and now hugged him again.

She felt right with this closeness. He was as significant to her as Geralt, but different at the same time. The last thing she wanted is for him to be hurt because of her.

"Why can't you look after yourself more?" - her tone was low. - "It was always like that. All those injuries and scars, always getting hurt... and you know what is pissing me off the most? The fact that you didn't even notice it! You disregard it like nothing special!"

"Ciri, let's wash your hand, it got dirty." - Alan sighed and stood up. That was not how he expected their reunion to be.

"Dirty? This is your blood, Alan. It's not dirty. Not one bit! Now, remove your shirt. Do it, Alan, or I will really be angry!" - she commanded. Her tone was unquestionable, strict, and oozed with power. She again showed that royal upbringing, but now it had a tinge of maturity.

Alan smiled slightly and patted her head, to which Ciri moved closer and lifted his clothes for him.

"Ah!" - she saw the horrendous wound that nearly took his life and felt like it was hers.

"Actually, it only looks bad. My organs are healed and muscles mostly regenerated, so now it is more or less skin deep. You need not be so shocked."

"Shut up, Alan. Just... shut up..." - Ciri looked around. She took his hand and forced him on the chair, before silently bringing a basin of warm water over.

He never saw her act that way. It was so out of place for some reason.

When she walked to his back and finally realized how grievous that wound was, her anger burned even hotter.

"Who did this to you?"

"He is already dead."

Ciri nodded, slightly less enraged.

"Sit still." - she gently wiped his stomach and back. - "You have plenty of fresh scars. That one on your face..."

"Oh, that was a manticore I killed in Buki about a year ago. Thanks to Jaskier I'm now known everywhere as Butcher of Buki and Sky Flame. Not the best story to remember. I didn't kill a single person from that caravan."

"I read about it in your letters, but who did it if not you?" - Ciri calmed down and perked her cute ears at his tale.

"Blue Stripes. They are Temerian secret squad designated to hunt and kill Scoia'Taels." - Alan said and further recounted a story, while Ciri bandaged him with great care. When she was done she sat near him and later guided Alan to lie down.

"They acted in Kaedwen territory during such times? Very bold." - Ciri complained aloud. She never liked complicated political issues. Even while staying in her home back in Cintra, she liked to run around with normal kids while disguised as a boy.

But it doesn't mean she is not knowledgeable about all of it now. The foolish and naive Ciri was no more. Yennefer really did a splendid job teaching her how to be a cunning sorceress.

Alan looked at the pale-haired girl with a smile.

"What? Aren't you angry? They back-stabbed you and framed you!"

"Who cares. As long as I knew I didn't do it." - Alan shrugged at her, but Ciri was really angry.

"You are so alike. Both. You and Geralt never care about this, but it can hurt you, how is it so hard to understand?"


"Yes, very. Who else will be angry for you? You?" - she harrumphed and traced his scarred part of the face with her warm fingers. - "Was it painful? An inch more and you would have been dead back then."

"But I didn't, right?" - Alan sighed and flicked her cute little nose.

"Hey!" - Ciri laughed, ruffling his hair in an obvious mess.

"You are asking for it, little Lioness." - he faked anger with playful spark deep in his gaze.

"Lay down obediently for me, Alan. I said lay down! Yes, and don't move. Have you forgotten your wound already? Hmph, from now, and until you are healed you will listen to me, understood?"

"You are so ruthless my lady."

"I'm a witcher and a sorceress. Bite me if you are not satisfied!" - she flung her nose to the sky in pride but later pouted noticing an unimpressed look in return. - "Yeah, yeah... you too... I remember."

"About bite part..."

"Don't you dare! I... I..." - she went red. - "I will tell milady Yennefer and she will scold you for me, right! That's what I will do!"

Alan laughed at her again.

They stayed like that for several hours. Ciri sat on the floor while Alan was lying on her lap, telling stories about Jaskier, Coen, and his adventures. Neither noticed the passing of time and how Ciri began to gently fix his hair or just hug his head.

They both drifted into the world where no one aside from duo existed. It was a cozy and bright world where Alan relaxed and Ciri felt secure and tranquil.

"By the way." - Ciri made a face at him. - "Who is Naevis?"

"An elven sorceress. You met her once."

"An elf, huh..." - she responded in a husky voice. - "She must be beautiful."

"She is." - simply stated Alan and felt a chill.

"Oh, really now. Then go to her. Why are you here?" - said Ciri feeling upset all of a sudden.

'How can he be like that? Even if she is, he should have told me she isn't.'

"You are more beautiful than her. Why do you care?" - smirked Alan. He wasn't dense enough to not notice her mood swings. - "And I feel better here." - he closed his eyes in comfort.

"Really?" - she beamed with all her teeth.

"Really." - Alan reassured her with a heavy nod.

"Hehe." - she laughed smugly and traced space below her nose with her finger. The same way she did years ago and ended up all covered in black coal. Alan couldn't help laughing at this.

At that time something broke near the entrance and the duo looked at the loud sound in simultaneously with irritated faces. Someone ruined their world with interference. That someone is craving for a good beating.

"C-Ciri...? How... how could you!?" - cried a boy and ran away. He was about sixteen but looked ten with the bony countenance and scholarly air of a person who never even tried to do a simple morning jog.

"That is an intense reaction." - mumbled Alan and looked at Ciri.

"Don't misunderstand. He is just a friend. He is smart and knows much, it is fun to talk with him, but that is all. I never even let him touch me. I don't like it." - she said, looking at the opened door and a broken bowl on the ground.

"I bet he had a different idea about it." - said Alan while sitting up and facing the exit. Ciri leaned closer to him, not wanting to let go.

"So what? I don't care."

"I'm not talking about it in that way." - Alan turned slightly and looked at forest green eyes that were very close. - "Hah... but you are very oblivious of your own charm, Ciri. The boy is done for. Rip the boy. Oh, by the way, what's his name?"

"Jarre, why?" - she put her chin on his shoulder and felt at peace again. Well, she tried not to think about some restless feelings inside that wanted her to take action she will be ashamed of. She didn't understand it. It was like an attraction that made her heartbeat accelerate.

An attraction that was very hard to resist.

'I need to ask Yennefer. Is it right to feel that way? Am I sick with something?'

"No reason. Just curious."

"Alan, I want to try something. Can you help me?"

He turned to her with a question in his gaze, never expecting what came next.

Well, Alan and Ciri reunited and the story is back to canon track for some time. He will rest in the monastery for several months to heal and research things he failed to dive deeply into.

And naturally, lots of Ciri, how without her?

While at it, I think I will write POV chapters for several other characters.

But I'm hesitant about Geralt, as it will be me mostly using slightly alternated book plot. Shall I do it that way?

Greymarkcreators' thoughts