

Vincent never wanted for the things more than he would believe to be the average person. If he could work, buy a roof over his head, vacation, provide for a family while saving some money so he could retire one day.....,ok maybe buy his dream car too, then he would consider that worth sacrifices that he has made. In his mind this should be an attainable goal for all those who work hard, contribute to society and keep their nose clean. The problem facing Vincent was as he continually looked at his life he wasn't see these "wants" being achieved and he was not the only one. As he continued to push forward in his military career his rate of promotion wasn't keeping track with the cost of living. He knew his friends in the civilian word were in the same boat. Some worked a few jobs to have a shared roof a car and no prospect of being able to save anything they made. Between student loans, inflation, and lack of pay raises no one was reaching any sense of stability.

Of course he knew some people that were doing well. The issue being that Victor wanted to make it so that if you put forth the effort you could find/attain your own dream...reasonable that is. If wanted a the mansion, 10 plus cars or own company then Victors plight would be anything to that person for it wasn't enough.

Muffled yelling... Victor couldn't help but question his altruistic thoughts. He knew the world was not that simple. Sound of wires sparking.....he didn't believe in handouts but he didn't believe in working yourself to death to hopefully make it. Could you have a promised light at the end of the bit also no ceiling for those who wanted more. Loud muffled explosion....Utopia now he was annoying himself. Head in clouds as usual he murmured to himself. A whiff of smoke and burnt metal…..an infamous quote stopped his utopian fantasy "get rich or die trying". A smirk could be seen on his face. F it man, why not, go for it a subtle presence expressed. SIR SIR...….Vincent's mind seemed to be processing information a lot faster than he had ever remembered being in the realm of his capabilities. He was known as a smart guy but this was incredible. He could feel almost every thought, interaction, and feeling coming together to formulate a cohesive unit. It was if his whole life was a large stadium and every definite moment was taking up a seat. Down in the field he could see it all and there was a something resembling him processing all that data and giving him a one page cliff notes. SIR we need you...Vincent took a second and as he glanced at the one page all his senses immediately fired off. As he fell face first towards the grass unable to catch himself he awoke to the aftermath of an anti-ship missile strike.

Looking forward to getting my crazy imagination on paper. I wonder if Vincent’s got on paper as well, in a more organized fashion of course.

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