
41. Traveling.

"If you keep ogling my wife like that I'll break your fucking knees old man." I tell Jiraiya as he stops looking at Valerie in a hurry.

Currently we were walking down the road toward Tanzuka town to pick up Tsunade.

"Your 5 you shouldn't have a wife!" Jiraiya says with a frown.

"And your what 60? Prostitutes and your hand all you got man?" I smirk as he flinches.

Currently it was me, Valerie, a Depressed looking Naruto and Jiraiya.

Kid looked like everything had gone wrong in the world.

"Hey man, why are you looking so down?" I ask the blonde.

"The last thing I told Gramps was I hated him, then he died. I didnt really hate him, I was just upset he didn't tell me the truth." He says wiping his eyes.

Oof right in the feels man.

I scratch my head not really knowing what to say about that. "I'm sure he knew you didnt hate him. I doubt he would want to see you mope around like this either." I add.

Naruto just nods and keeps walking.

This one is probably my bad a bit. But atleast he knows the truth now instead of later.


"Did you atleast get the jutsu I gave you memorized?" I ask.

He nods pulling out my scroll and another scroll. "The old man gave me all of my parents belongings, he said I was supposed to recieve them at chuunin but since the cat was out of the bag..."

Explains a bit why he never knew his parentage.

A couple more hours and we finally arrive In a small town. "Alright brats you guys can get a room while I go with this lovely young lady uhuhuhu." Jiraiya says being pulled away by a prostitute.

I frown before entering the inn and ordering a large room.

'Valerie, in a bit I want the spare Samehada and the body of the blue shark guy. His name is Kisame.' I tell her mentally.

'Okay?' Sure enough a couple minutes later there is a knock on the door.

I open it to reveal Itachi Uchiha and Kisame, then I duck as a pale hand whips through the air grabbing the blade on the back of Kisame and chucking it into the air where my gate grabs it.

The two S rank ninja are shocked by the speed of Valerie who swiftly plants a foot into the gut of Kisame.

The entire wall is blown out by the bullet that was his body. She is a blur of motion tearing off after him.

"You fucked up Itachi, By the way your brother knows everything Danzo did, also your cover is blown, and Sasuke left the village, apparently he plans to team up with Orochimaru to destroy it." I say with a bright smile as the man frowns heavily. "Also..."

There is a flash of gold as my gate fires chakra spike after chakra spike at the Uchiha. I flash into motion pulling out Shinso.

"Shoot to kill Shinso!"

The blade snaps out towards the frantic Uchiha before snapping back and striking our again.

The entire inn is absolutely fucked.

Numerous spikes rip past his body as his Sharingan blares at full speed, blasting into the ground and walls at barely visible speed, leaving craters and destruction.

"Killing innocents and children? Your mother? Your lover? Babies? Working for the man who killed your best friend? Absolute fucking scum!" He finally slips up and my blade bites into his shoulder.

Several spikes pierce through his arms and legs nailing him to the ground.

In a flash I'm next to him. "All for the village right? You couldn't just kill the higher ups in charge of the coup?" I glare at the man. "Some people see you as a hero. I'm not one of them, I see you for exactly what you are. A monster."

I press my hand against his chest and yank, ripping out his soul. "There will be no revival for you, as I'm taking your soul and body." I kick his corpse into the gate.

A minute later Valerie returns one hand with the head of Kisame and the other dragging his corpse by the leg.

I press my hand onto his chest and absorb his soul and bloodline before tossing him into the gate as well.

My blade whips out once more and spears into a nearby tree. "Hey Zetsu is it? I dont like people peeping on me, so fuck off." Sadly he vanishes into the ground and I cant trace him anymore.

I whip the blade towards the ground to get the blood off. Meanwhile Naruto is just standing there looking on in horror before blowing chunks all over the ground.

As for how I killed Itachi so easily? Shock them stupid and wait for them to slip up. Also Genjutsu doesnt work on me. My mind is different as I have parallel thoughts and thinking, plus the chakra rods my body produces destabilizes chakra. So even if he tried I didnt notice.

Soon Jiraiya come rushing back and looks at the destruction in confusion.

"A Genjutsued prostitute? Really?" I tsk at him. "Gunna be the laughing stock of the Sannin when this gets spread."

"But i... " He was cut off by a foot colliding with his face.

"I've come to help!" Might Guy shouted before looking at the downed Jiraiya.

"Let me rephrase that, a prostitute and a surprise attack. Weak." I laugh.

"Where are Itachi and Kisame?" Guy asks in confusion.

"Dead...they killed them." Naruto says still looking kind of sick and pointing at us.

Guy looks at us in disbelief.

"You've already seen a surprise attack work on Jiraiya. Why cant it work on others? Besides my size is very deceptive, no one takes me seriously." I tell him with a shrug.

Shame I dont get any more optional missions for this world. I wonder what I would have gotten from killing Itachi.

Oh well I guess I get two cool looking paths. Kabuto, Itachi, And Kisame, shame I couldn't get Zabuza. Would have been an intimidating lineup.

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