
Update and News

I've tried guys but I just can't write while my arm is like this. So ill put this book on hiatus for a few weeks but I won't stop writing and ill write a few chapters in this month so ill have a few chapters to upload when I come back.

Sorry and thanks for understanding. Also while I've had time to think I've decided to write a new novel though ill only start to write it in a couple of months. I'm still working out how the story will go.

It's a marvel/Dc Fanfic with an mc that came from earth. But the Mc isn't your typical ill catch em all, and I dont care how I mess everything up with no consequence.

It will be set in the 616 comic universe. Read below to see a sneak peek at what you can expect from Marvels Dark Lancer



Teaser:{ Susan storm and Azari}

{Interstella music}

Lancer played the final note of the musical masterpiece.

"I didn't know you could play the piano, what was that a piece, I don't think I've heard of it before."

" There are a lot of things you don't know about me, and I would be surprised if you found it familiar. It was made by a dear friend from long ago."

Susan frowned at that comment" Your right... there are a lot of things I don't know about you, you never give anyone the opertuninity too. Sometimes I wish I could just rip that damn mask off and see who you truly are."

" You don't need to remove my mask to know who I am."

" You may be right....but sometimes I doubt that."


{Azari and the endless}

" I do not dream anymore, for my reality has already shattered...

I have no destiny because I have already fulfilled it...

As for desire...there's not a thing you could give me that I would want.

Destruction I have seen the end and the beginning, I am Destruction incarnate, I am the purest form of the end results.

Despair..hahaha, you are not Despair at most you can be considered depression.

Delirium she is an old friend of mine...

As for you death...how I wish we could have met sooner... I would have welcomed you with open arms and the brightest smile."


{Azari and spiderman}

"Damn this rice is amazing, it might be my favorite actually. Maybe you and my Aunt can switch recipes."

" Really I thought your favorite kind of rice would be Uncle Ben's."


" Too soon...I'm not really good with quips."

"Yeah...I can tell."


{Azeri and ???}

Humans, they are hostages of the universe, their environment, their genes, their upbringing, their neurological configuration, and their subconscious.

But I am an exception.


{Azari and Natasha on a roof}

She had a sculpted figure which was twine-thin. Her waist was tapered and she had a burnished complexion. A pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping eyelashes. Her delicate ears framed a button nose. Ruby-red hair swayed with the gentle breeze of the night.

Her body lay down as her spandex tight suit Gripped her well-proportioned form...

"My eyes are up here honey." Natasha suddenly said, waking Azari up from his blatant staring.

Though it wasn't obvious because of his mask.

"I wasn't staring...I was looking out for our target." He said in a monotone voice, looking straight into her rapture-blue eyes. 

"Ahu, that's what they all say." Her lips formed a slight curve as she went back to surveilling. But before she did she wiggled her hips causing Azeri to look again.

' A black widow indeed.'


"Welcome to my humble shop, can I get you anything to drink while you decide what you want to order."

Azeri bowed and greeted his very first customer.

"Just get me a cocktail." The buxom brunette said in a fatigued manner, she wasn't having the best of days.

Azari looked out of the window to see it was still bright outside." What kind."

" Just make me one of those old-fashioned ones." She said sitting down at the bar and finally noticing that Azari was wearing full-on medieval armor.

" You...you know what, I'm not even going to ask. I've never seen this place, so you must be new. Got a name."

" I have many names, But you can just call me Lancer." He said grabbing the bourbon whiskey from the shelf.

'Lancer, what kind of name is that? Though we do have superheroes in tights flying around so is it really that strange?

" Well then 'Lancer', welcome to the jungle. Hope you like your stay. I'm Jennifer by the way Jennifer Walter's. I'll warn you now don't fall for me because it won't end well for you."

She said in a flirty manner. Azari just chuckled and handed Jennifer her drink. She took one sip and her eyes widened.

"She looked at the drink and then at Lancer." I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship Lancer."

' Maybe I should hold off on using Otherworldly ingredients.' He could already tell Jennifer was enthralled by the flavors.


"N.O, that means no."

" But whyyyyyyyyyy, just think about it, Bouncer."




"Sir Wallace Galahad the II."

"You're doing this on purpose aren't you." Now he knew why wade had gotten the title merk with the mouth.

Deadpool wrapped his arm around Lancer's shoulder to his annoyance and made him look to the great beyond. His imagination" Can't you see it, we could be chimichanga playboy phalamprthist by day and badass Hero Assasin mercenaries by night. I'll even lend you my Robin costume."

"Do you have an on-off switch?"

[Don't worry kids he didn't mean it, he's just being what you anime weebs call a tsundere.'] Deadpool said looking at the readers.

"Who the hell are you talking to. Why do you and jen always do this."


Look forward to Marvels Dark Lancer.

Name: Azari ???????

Aliases: Lancer/ Azidahuri (First Hope)/Lord of Desolation/The soldier king/The shadow left behind by the light/Spike/Dawnbreaker/ Sir Demon hunter/ The lord of the gallows

occupation: Demon hunter/Hero??/ Restaurant Owner.

Main weapon: Spears

Poweres: ?????

Pissible Hero suits{ Pics Here}

Love intrests: Colleen Wing

Natasha Romanoff

Silver sable

Ami Han

Shanna the she devil


Black Cat