
Chapter 36

" Oh and well done in yesterday's test. Mia and Lea said you did a really good job for your first Session. So as a reward, you can ask me for any two things."

" Anything???" Leon was surprised, he wasn't expecting to receive a reward.

"Yes...anything within certain limits." She said.

"In that case, my first request is...to be able to go out and explore the cities without supervision for a whole year."

"Denied." She denied the request straight away but he figured would happen. That was like a kid asking his Christian mum if they could go to a heavy metal rock concert.

"What about 6 months." He offered half of the time.

"Denied, I can give you 1 day." She counter-offered.

" 2 months." That is what he replied with.

" How about 3 days and 12 hours."

" What about 14 days 6 hours."

" 7 days and 8 hours, that's all I'm offering."

"Deal." He knew she wasn't going to accept his offer so he tried milking it as much as possible.

After the birth Incident, she had been overprotective of him which he understood but he also wanted time to himself.

"As for my second request, mhh, I think I'd like to try out smithing with that old dwarf I met in the market, what was his name again..ah that's right Mr. Hulnir."

" Mhh, that is acceptable. It's good to have a hobby or two." Beatrix agreed as she thought it would be a good experience plus she had met the dwarf on more than one occasion and knew his reputation."

Leon was happy. Not only did he get time to himself but he gets to try something new." Could I start that free time today after my classes?"

" You may, but I want you to keep your location on at all times and if anything does happen report it to either me or Lucia immediately, you can also contact Mia and Lea."

"Will do." He said trying to finish his breakfast as fast as possible.' I wonder which city I should go to and visit first. Maybe I should go back to Ceilo city and go on that whale ride, but I could also go to Del port city and visit the Spaceship Harbour. Or maybe Shin lei City, they have some awesome looking hills you can climb plus you can see the whole city from those cliffs.'

"Have you decided where you want to go, young master?" Lucia asked as I was devouring my breakfast.

" I think I'll go visit Shin lei City. It looks pretty cool plus I heard they have some good hiking trails."

"Shin lei huh! I think I've been there once before, a small city but the people there are really friendly. I hope you have a good time exploring master Leon."

"I hope so too. Go to go to my lesson with miss Blondie, see you two later." He gave his mum a quick kiss on the cheek and then left the hall, when he disappeared Lucia looked at her mistress with a bit of concern.

" Is there something wrong miss? Is it about master Leon's safety? If you want I can.."

" No it's nothing, I just feel like I shouldn't let Leon go, like if I do ill lose him but I know I've also kept him locked up for most of his life, and that isn't fair to him...just be on stand by to teleport to shin Lei City, I need to head to Saturn and run the new safety procedure so I won't be here until tonight."

"As you wish Mistress. I'll inform the shadows to keep alert for anything."

"Thank you, Lucia, I can always count on you."

" I aim to please."

In the future, Beatrix would come to regret not listening to her new maternal instincts.


In a dark cave, 8 figures could be seen sitting around a table. What was strange about these eight was that they were all wearing animal masks and clothes that covered their whole body.

The person with the cat mask spoke first." Are the preparations ready, no matter what we can't mess up today. How are things on your end Monkey." Cat asked monkey.

" They're all good so chill your ass, jeez, it's like you've got a stick up your..."

"Language monkey, that is no way for a lady to speak." A woman with an eloquent sounding voice interrupted the monkey. This person had a sparrow mask.

"Ahh go fuck your self you..." Monkey was interested again by Cat who asked the person with the dog mask how it was going on their end.

" I've scanned the city and there aren't any awakened in a 10-kilometer radius. So everything is good on my end."

"Oy!!, you bitch you inter.." But monkey was sadly interrupted again by the person wearing a whale mask." I've already hacked into the teleport stations, nothing is coming in or out of the city in that 20-minute gap."

"Very good whale with that we should have plenty of time to complete our mission and get out unnoticed." Cat praised Whale who blushed under the mask and scratched her hood in embarrassment.

"And what about you Snake...Snake..she's asleep again, isn't she...SNAKE!!!!"

" zzzzzZZ ugh, huh what the hell do you want I was having a really good dream. I was in the pits of hell again slaughtering warriors by the masses, feasting on their organs and.."

" Sigh, can you think about other things besides, death, fighting, and gutting your enemies. Truly a brute through and through." Sparrow commented on finding Snake's dream to be unladylike and quite grotesque.

"Whatever, if your asking about my job then yeah I've already done it so stop worrying about it. Ahh, I can't wait to see heads roll and men weap as I..."

Everyone ignored Snake's monologue and went to every other member to see how things were on their end. Everything was set and ready now they just needed to wait.

" Those nobles and awakened have been on their high horses for far too long, let's see how they react when they see tomorrow's news, I can't wait. And it won't just be this city, soon All of Ceilo will know and fear what they've always had."

"LET BLOOD RAINFALL ON OUR ENEMIES." All the people said in unison, their bloodlust covering the entire cave and scaring any living being with a conscious away. Some even faint from the sensation.

Snake looked down at her blade that was stained red.' We will meet soon my precious counter. I hope you don't disappoint.'

If anyone had looked past her mask they would have seen something scary, something not of this world...something not human. With her screla as black as space and her pupils an unnatural shade of yellow. Not to mention her purple skin that contrasted with her silver-white hair.


"Then I'm off Lucia ill see you in a few hours." Leon said as he stood on the Teleportation pad, his destination, Shin lei City.

"Have a good day young master, and be safe."

"I will, see ya later." He said before disappearing through the pad.

Note: Only a few chapters left before the end of volume one.

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