
Aged & impregnable:big, bad and beautiful

_Precious_Louis_N · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 7:3000bce:Root Of It All

Going back to we're we started

My days of politics are over now I am going to focus more on my research, now let's rewind back five thousand nineteenth years and one hundred and twenty six days the day the gods fell to Earth.

How this gods are linked to my fathers linkage it might sound unreal how I keep seeing my father on a throne in a throne room with some other can't I identify.

Don't be surprised when u tell you my father perished over seventy years heretofore my father will always say "let out In a way characteristic of humans, those interested in the position of the gods express their interests before their servants. However, the gathering of gods is quick to pick out faults of each servant. When it seems no servant is perfect, the servant intimates the gods on the kind of leader they need; one who is a "hybrid of habits"

humans hmm!...

It is the exact predicament I have been working on for a very long juncture I always ended up hitting a dead rear.

Swords are clashing, balls of thunder raining, minions screaming as the burst into glimmer

Erling: sven... I am falling....!

Sven: Erling hold on I am coming to get you brother

(Sven jumps down fiercely as he reaches for his brother parking mid air)

Sven hold me tightly brother we are going landing straight to earth

(they both land straight into the ground causing a very big detonation)

Erling: nooooo....! we have fallen we have relinquished everything (stirring his hands in circles)noooo my powers are proceeded I am powerless what shall we do in this shit hole

Sven: blend-in! because we have no idea were we are right now

it's the only way we can survive

Erling :what do you mean blend in, we have to go back we can not stay here? We are nothing here! Places like this besmear my spirit

(sven runs towards erling angrily, grabbing his armor tightly)

Sven: can't you see we are done can't you see there is no going back, we have fallen and there is no going back ever.. We are done let'get out of here before this placements filled up with Pilgrims

Erling: ok....let them come, at least they will worship me like a true god

Sven: get up you selfish bastard, they will use you and try to take your powers

(sounds of horses gallops approaches instantaneous)

Erling:what powers heh?we are powerless even POWERLESS! someone is coming let's get the hell out of here before they get to us

(they both run in fear and confusion into the woodland, in a distance general reidun)

General R: what in the world fell here?what are allthis shinny substances everywhere looks like the gods took a shit here Find what ever it is that fell here it must be very powerful, it mustn't have gone distant, I want it brought in alive ALIVE! you bloody bastards bring it in dead and I'll feed you all alive to the piranhas,

Or I will cut your dicks off and make you and your entire family watch as the street dogs eat them rawww!....

Erling: even run snappier we don't have time they'll take hold of us, we have no idea of what our fates might be of they get hold of us(breaths fast as they run between the woods)

Sven: we still have the strength of ten men we can fight them off, tackle them one after the other

The forest goes noiseless genera reidun's men are searching for erling and even then sven tackles one of the guards from behind silently snapping his neck and dragging him into the darkness of the woodland

Erling then grabs one of the guards and silently slits his throat slightly and dumping his body his body in an erosion

the guards not understanding what they are up against runs for their dear exuberance. Abandoning their weapons

Sven seeing them make a run for it he couldn't. Let them go so he picks up their abandoned harpoons and stikes them from afar with it making sure no one came out alive to give evidence at what he saw in the lumbers

Erling: what in the world are you doing? You have gone too far with this slaying

Sven: it's the only way we could have prevailed over them. Those men were ready to do anything to us

Erling: we walk north east there is a city there and before there a small townlet we will thaw our gold amors into an entity for purchase and buy ourselves a fortification, like

I said we must blend in until we figure out how to get heretofore home

Sven and his brother meets with a real estate merchant, a man called

Amra this man know by many some call him a con fella some a womanizer some a boozer

Amra: hello handsone men what brings you to my office?

Erling: we heard you stand as agent for people who needs a new homes?

We want some of your finest, we're inclined to make restitution with handsomely sir!

Amra:and How are you paying?

Sven; in gold... Lots of it give us a good place and we will pay you even more extra

Sven hand amra two pieces of gold

Sven: hold this for the troubles

Amra let's go I'll set an appointment with a land innkeeper he is about moving east, he wants to sell the whole building he goes by the name verucos he is a businessman well known in the municipality and around the. Country

Sven and erling buys the whole facility from the previous owner before turning the lower floor into a tavern and also employed some harlots to attract the men in

Erling: are the harlots really necessary?

Sven: our business will crash with our them, just take a look at Elwisia look at how beautiful she is do you know her mother, grandmother and great grandmother where all whores

Erling: hmmm... More like whore-editary

(they both laugh are erling's farce).