
Age of extinction

imagine living in a world at constant war, this has been leander's life since childhood.

kaquezinho · Khoa huyễn
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2 Chs

Life between war

The war started three months ago since then the only way to communicate with my brother is through letters but today he will finally come home at least that's what I thought.

- Darling could you go to the market to buy me some vegetables? Said my mom.

- Of course mom! it's getting late, will jean still arrive today? I said.

- Of course he will come and please don't be long darling. She said running her hand through my hair.

I took my mother's money and went to the fair to buy the vegetables, the streets of our district were almost deserted due to the recent bombings that the Frisian air force has been carrying out on the rudith district but the bombings stopped two weeks ago "when will this damn war end?" I thought to myself as I walked.

As I turned the corner to the fair, I saw a drunk shouting to the sky the following words "fuck all frisians! We need a leader for Evora like Marshal Caspian!" Hearing his words, the few people on the street began to stare at him but I didn't pay much attention after all "you can't take seriously what a drunk says" when I finished thinking about everything he said I realized that I was already close to the fair, when I got there, I saw the merchants dismantling their stalls , so I hurried to look for vegetables.

- Are you already dismantling the tent? I asked worried to a seller.

- Yes, the fair is already close to the end, you should have arrived earlier boy. The seller replied.

- Are there still vegetables left? You know, my mom asked me to come buy them at the fair, I can't afford to go home empty-handed.

- Oh boy, let me see here. He replied.

- So, do you have any vegetables yet? I asked hopefully.

- Luckily there are some left over. The seller replied.

- Excellent! Here's the money. I spoke extending my hand with three rubia coins towards him.

- Who says I can't make a profit at the end of the fair? The seller spoke in a low voice.

- So I'm going, have a good rest. I spoke with the vegetables in hand as I left.

- You too. The seller replied.

On the way back to the house, it started to get dark and soon it got colder, the weather was showing signs that it would soon snow so I picked up my pace, as I walked faster I saw some Evorians soldiers boarding some Imperial army trucks that were parked on the street "they're soldiers maybe my brother could be there!"

My dream as kid is to become a warrior and fight for Evora like my brother jean, so I decided to talk to the soldiers and ask them if they know my brother but when I was very close to the trucks they started to leave then I started running to catch up with the trucks, when I suddenly tripped and fell to the ground "what the hell" I said lying on the floor.

When I finally got up all the trucks left and I couldn't talk to any of the soldiers about my brother then I heard people screaming at me things like "get off the street asshole'' that's when I saw my childhood friend Annie looking at me among the people on the street "oh fuck It got worse" I whispered softly.

- What are you doing here leander whitlock? She said.

- I lost some money while walking so I decided to look for it. I said.

- Oh, really? because I saw you running like a madman after that truck. She said looking into my eyes.

- Shit, she saw the whole thing. I thought.

- Don't worry I won't tell your mother if you walk me home.

- Wait, do you want me to walk you home, that's all?. I said.

- Yeah, is there a problem?. She said.

- No, of course not. I said immediately.

- Alright then, now let's go!. She said smiling.