
Chapter 1

In Azzur Academy's training room two teams both made of 3 girls get ready to face each other.

The leaders step in front of their group and walk towards each other.

The girl on the right a beautiful busty blond with long hair tied in a ponytail. Her face is serious with a cold look in her eyes that says "i will cut you to bits". She is Stella Mallory.

The girl on the left is a drop dead bombshell with long black hair named Katerine Heartlock.

Her face is breathtaking with elegant eyes, full lips and a small nose makes the symmetry of her face stunning.

Many would call her body perfect with long thin legs, firl but and ample breasts.

With a smug smile Katerine asks [Are you ready to lose again?]

[Today you go down.]

They both pulled out short swords and held them up.

The blades of the swords split into shards which started floating in the air.

Bright blue energy started emitting from the shards forming energy blades.

They lunged at each other striking, parrying and dodging each other's attack.

Stella held her own but a misplaced attack left her open wide.

Katerine used the opening to strike, but before the blade could connect a hail of energy projectiles come towards her.

She quickly let go of her sword with her right hand and made a small energy shield to block the projectiles.

One of the Stella's teammates entered the fight. A cute little petite readhead with big blue eyes. Her name is Jullie Cardon.

She had her arms raised with fists closed and runes shaped like a circle made of energy around her wrists.

Floating around her were metal shards gloving blue with the same runes around them.

She kept shooting projectiles from her hands and shards at Katerine keeping her pinned down.

Stella tried to strike but she was met with projectiles from Tanja Bonel one of Katerines teammates.

Tanja split her fire between both her opponents which caught the Jullie off guard.

But before the projectiles could hit her a energy barrier appeared around her.

And with that the both of the teams defenders entered the battle casting shields and barriers to protect their teammates.

Katerines defender is Anne Keros, a beautiful Brunette. Stellas team is protected by Vivian Emmor.

Now the battle has truly started.

With swords clashing, projectiles raining down and shields blocking fatal blows the battle seemed to be at a stalemate.

But Katerine had a trick up her sleeve. She swang her sword with great force but Stella parried the attack.

However the tip shard of her blade got flung towards Vivian.

As soon as the shard got behind her Katerine fired an energy beam from the shard, hitting Vivian in the back stunning her for a few seconds.

Tanja used this chance to fire a volley at Jullie who was now defenceless knocking her out.

Katerine and Tanja then came down hard on Stella attacking her from all sides and overpowering her.

With only one girl standing on the opposite team the victor was clear.

Tanja went to Jullie and helped her get up.

Katerine was standing over Stella with a grin on her face extending her arm offering to help her up.

[I told you we would win]

Stella looked up at her giving her a death stare.

[Cheap trick]

[Cheap tricks can be the difference between life or death out there. And demons aren't known for fighting honorably.]

Stella got up on her own and proceeded to head to the changing room along with the other girls.

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