Genre: action, super powers, adventure, r18, evil MC. A reincarnated demon trying to survive in a bigot righteous world where countless gods hunt down demons for joy. Will he be able to make a stand against all Gods and survive? Or will he be put down like so many others like him in the past.
It wasn't until the last century that Gods emerged and roamed the 9 realms, destroying every known evil species and establishing a golden era. Mortals of all 9 realms worshipped the myriad gods and established a widespread religion which dwarfed & devoured all its predecessor religions.
But little was known about these gods' origin. Where did they come from? What did they appear for? To liberate the mortals from dangerous species such as demons, devils, dragons, spirits and everything in between? What for? Were mortals really in such peril that they'd need help of these extra-terrestrial godly entities?
One human king of a mortal realm decided to investigate with all of his resources after his father had to die to appease a god and his sister had to be offered to the priests of that god. That king had no options against the judgment of this god. He felt as miserable as a layman. But he still had some resources. People he could command, knowledge he had inherited from his long ancestral lineage and strength superior to ordinary men.
This king's name was Anon.
For several years he did his research. He visited temples of numerous gods, participated in holy rituals, appeased them with many gifts and gained their approval and blessings through their priests. But inside, he was always plotting against them! What was it if not blasphemy? And yet he did not feel guilty. Something inside him kept pushing him forwards.
Eventually in his old age the king finally found an ancient ruin deep underground and obtained a breakthrough in his research. He learned that the gods were simply outlanders from another universe. They merely had superior science and technology and some of them even had magic.
Being a king, Anon was able to deduce the truth behind the emergence of gods and the golden era that followed afterwards.
Why did the gods obliterate the evil species? It was to eliminate all possible threats to their rule.
Who were these evil species? What made them evil? There was no record of evil creatures in the history before the golden era. All these demons and spirits were actually even worshipped by many mortals. Suddenly they were declared evil and were wiped out. Their followers perished before them. Once the enemy is defeated and all evidences of their innocence are purged and altered, they can be branded as evil, traitors and what not. This sort of thing had happened time & again in the history of mankind. Among mortals it was still to some minor degree. But things escalated to universal level when these Gods emerged.
Deciding to renege against all gods, the king Anon then organized an ancient ritual. To summon the strongest demonic spirit from ancient times. Only a demon can fight against gods. It was plain simple.
But things are easy to plan and difficult to execute.
King Anon had only pieces of the information regarding the ancient ritual. He was not certain that he'd succeed. The cost of the ritual was also high. He'd have to empty his entire treasury and sell large areas of his kingdom to procure the rare ingredients for the ritual. And he did just that.
Anon was old. He didn't have many years to live. When would he attempt such a brave thing if not now? Can the dead change the world? Only the living has the power. As such, King Annon did everything in his power and more. The ritual took place. The ancient demonic spirit however could not be summoned from the afterworld. No chants worked and ingredients continued to waste away in the glaze of ritual fire.
In a desperate final attempt, King Annon sent his only daughter into the fire and sacrificed himself too!
The two of them burned to death. Loud ghostly howls suddenly echoed in the ancient ruin and an earthquake took place. The roof broke down and the ruin was entirely decimated, killing all the ritual participants.
And then echoed a cry. The cry of a new-born child.
"The cry is getting clearer. It's definitely coming from under there. Look through that crevice, there's a pit. I see a baby in there!" A miner said to his co-workers.
"Men gather here! Help us move this big rock!" Another miner shouted. Soon a dozen men gathered in that place and started to move the big rock. These were all mortal human miners who happened to be passing by when the earthquake struck. Once it stopped, they heard a baby's cry coming from the underground.
Hurriedly they had come over and after much effort they managed to approach and rescue that baby.
"It's a boy. How peculiar his eyes are though." A miner said.
"Indeed. They are red!
"He is definitely human though. But do you think one of his parents were fey?" Another miner asked.
"Could be…"
Fey were one of the species branded as evil. They were all hunted down and exterminated by the gods and priests. But humans knew that fey were strong yet peaceful beings. They had their own civilized communities and had friendly relations with humans. As such, when the great extermination began, Fey were also not spared by the gods. But many of them took refuge in human tribes and were welcomed. Fey looked like humans but had minor different traits. Some had tails, some had hoofs. Some had unique eyes. Other than those traits, they looked the same as humans.
Of course in history there were tragic folklores about the fate of these fey who took refuge in human communities. Some fey were treated as slaves, some were betrayed and brought to the priests who then killed them. Some unscrupulous humans began the infamous trade of fey organs. Other would make medicine out of these organs. Fey women suffered the worst kind of fate that one can easily guess.
But there were also folklores about fey marrying into human families and living a humble yet happy life. Their mixed blood children sometimes carried the fey traits and sometimes they didn't. These children had their own miseries and misadventures growing up in human communities. It is said that the golden era brought forth decades of peace and prosperity but laymen would differ. Those who lived on the ground and not in sky castles. Those who struggled for clean water and two meals, knew that life for them had only worsened with all the taxes they had to pay not only to their kings but also to the temples of these myriad gods. And how other friendly species were wiped out, filled ordinary humans with great fear.
"Sigh, poor lad." A miner looked at the boy with pity.
"What should we do about him?" Another asked.
"I'd adopt him but, I and my wife can barely fend for ourselves. This is why we didn't make any children. Life is harsh in these times." A miner lamented.
"Isn't the village chief without an heir? He had been visiting orphanages for a few years now. But he has been unable to find a worthy child." A miner pointed out.
"Oh, that's right! Let's take the boy to him. Perhaps he will adopt this poor fella." Another miner suggested.
Agreeing unanimously, they went towards their village.
In a fairly large house, a man with sharp facial features, long messy black hair, twisted eyebrows, sunken eyes and thin physique walked into the visiting room and cast his gaze upon a dozen of dirty miners.
"Chief, how are you?" A miner said.
"Chief we've come with a request. We rescued a boy after the earthquake. His parents have possibly perished." Another miner said.
"Hmm?" Village chief Ra'z frowned and his hawk like gaze fell upon the baby boy as the miners brought him forward.
Ra'z stared right into the boy's eyes and the boy stared back. Red eyes! Deep and bloody red eyes. Definitely a fey! But also human?
Ra'z stood silent, staring at the boy who wouldn't weep but stare back at him fixedly. Something sparked between them and Ra'z smiled slightly. No one had ever seen him smile before.
"Good lad… You'll be my son from now on." Ra'z uttered with a raspy voice. The miners felt elated.
"You're great, chief!"
"You're so kind too!"
"Congratulations chief! You have finally found an heir!"
The miners got loud and cheery. Ra'z frowned and harrumphed. The miners quickly quietened down and offered the boy to him.
"Myra!" Ra'z suddenly shouted and a woman came rushing. At once all eyes that fell upon her, glittered in praise. Village chief's wife Myra was a beauty despite her mature age. She was simply too beautiful and had a charming personality. Her skin was fair, her smile was bright, her eyes carried kindness in them and her body was curvaceous with two pairs of perfect mounds. Neither pair smaller than the other.
"Yes husband?" Myra asked as he approached the room.
"Take care of our son. He perhaps needs to be fed." Ra'z said.
"Our son?" Myra was confused momentarily before her eyes landed upon the baby. She understood quickly that Ra'z had adopted this child! At long last! A child, a son!
Myra quickly reached out towards the boy and took him from the miner, immediately embracing him warmly.
"Oh my, such a sweet child! He's so pretty! Oh, look at this lovely eyes!" Myra was simply smitten.
"Hmph… go now." Ra'z said. Myra obediently took the baby boy and left the room.
Ra'z rewarded the miners with some cash and soon returned to his room where Myra was cradling the baby.
"Sigh…" Ra'z only sighed. His stern expression softened slightly as he approached his wife and adopted son.
"I'm so happy you've finally chosen a child! What shall we name him, husband?" Myra asked.
"Hmm… Let's name him…Nier." Ra'z said.
"Nier…such a lovely name!" Myra smiled and kissed soft cheeks of the adorable baby.
Several hours later in the middle of the night when everyone had fallen asleep, Nier's eyes opened and shined brightly in the dark. His red eyes were emitting light as he glanced around him and frowned.
"Okay, which son of a bitch summoned me here and in this pitiful form? Who dares!? Can't even let a dead demon rest in peace?!" Nier shouted in his mind. He was furious!
"I the great ancient demon lord…wait what's my name again?" Nier frowned. His memories were fluctuating. They'd appear at times and then disappear.
"Fuck! Even my memories are incomplete? What sort of trash did they sacrifice while summoning me? Or was the quantity lacking? It takes a thousand mortal souls to open the gateway of afterworld long enough for a spirit to pass by entirely. Tsk, these imbeciles! And where are they anyway? I don't see any of my worshippers around here. Just a cuddly woman and a grumpy man. Hmph, that man has a cruel gaze though. I approve of him!" Nier continued to think until he dozed off.
Nier may have the spirit of an ancient demon, strongest perhaps in history, but his body was that of a mortal human baby. He had limited energy and was quite vulnerable. Physically he was no different than an ordinary baby.
As Nier awoke he found himself in soft embrace of his human mother.
"Oh, you've awoken! How are you feeling Nier? Are you hungry, my baby? Mother has prepared milk for you." Myra spoke in a sweet motherly voice.
"Milk? Milk!? I want your blood!" Nier shouted in his mind before Myra stuffed a nipple bottle in his mouth and involuntarily, he started to suck on it, drinking the sweet milk.
"Ow so cute!" Myra couldn't help but exclaim.
"Oh, I should perhaps change your diaper too." Myra then uttered.
"…..I want to die again." Nier muttered in his mind.