
After Skyrim

I was your average, everyday nerd playing a good game of Skyrim and just beat it for the thousandth time. This time was different however, since after i completed the main quest, there was a freak storm. Somehow this storm was powerful enough to breach reality, because as i was playing lighting struck my house sending a burst of electricity into my computer which in turn electrocuted me. I thought I was dead until I opened my eyes to see trees. Upon looking at my surroundings I immediately recognized the land. I was in Rorikstead but I wasn't my player character and the land looks a bit different. In example; There's giant mushrooms with doors as well as regular houses.

Agames_Online · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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11 Chs

A Hunting Trip

A few days go by and each day I have slayed a few more goblins working my way deeper. I definitely have gotten better with a sword, but I still have a lot more practice to do. Today I go hunting with Talron. I get up out of bed and get dressed. I go into the lobby to see Talron ready with his bow. I also have my bow in hand that I made years ago. I have come to the understanding that my time on earth was just a dream and that this is the real world. That was a really weird dream, but as the days continue the more of it I forget. I have kept a journal about it, but haven't shown anyone. He looks at me with a sad face. 

"Here, take this." Talron says as he hands me a professionally made bow. 

"Are you sure? How much do I owe?" I ask.

"Boy you sure have changed. I don't know what happened to you, but I like this version of you better. You don't owe anything. It's a gift." He says smiling and holding out the bow. 

I smile and take the bow out of his hands and go sit mine down on my bed. "Thank you so much!" I say excited. We head out into the wild with bows at the ready. 

"Have you ever hunted before? I've seen you practicing with that bow you made, but have you ever actually hunted." He asks. 

I shake my head in disappointment. "No, I haven't. I don't even know if I can hit the target." I say. 

He chuckles. "Well this will be good training then. Let's be quiet from here on out so we don't spook the elk. Just follow my lead." He says smiling. I follow what he does as he does it. We have been stalking an elk for about an hour now. Finally Talron motions to me to take the shot. I'm not very sure of myself, but I notch the arrow into the string and pull back. I aim as best as I can and somehow this feels natural. I let go and send the arrow flying. It hits the elk dead on right in the center of the shoulder. It drops dead and Lucas jumps up in excitement. 

"You don't know if you can hit the target?! What?! You just killed the thing with one arrow! Haha, good shot!" He shouts in absolute joy. We both run up to the elk and he starts gutting it. 

"Good thing I brought my satchel. We can use the heart and for alchemy or even a good stew." Talron said. 

I watch him as he guts the elk and I don't know how to explain it. I had to look away because the sight of blood is making me feel strange. 

"I don't think I can stay here. I'm getting a little nauseous." I say looking away. 

Talron looks at me with a concerned face. "Are you going to be ok? It's just blood." He says. 

"I don't know. It smells so... I can't explain it. I have to go." I say and then run off. I head into my room and start sweating really hard. "What is going on? First the thing with the goblins and now this? Why is it so damn hot?" I ask as I talk to myself. I pace back and forth trying to get myself to calm down. I sit on my bed, but that makes it worse. I keep thinking about the goblin bodies all torn up and the dead elk just split open and for a moment I catch myself.... smiling? What is wrong with me? Am I... hungry? I am so hungry. The more I think about the ripped up bodies and the elk, I am filled with a hunger. I start sweating even more and jump up. All of a sudden I feel like I'm going to die. I fall to the ground and stretch out my arms and arch my back upward.

"Someone help me!!!" I yell out in tremendous pain. I feel a pain in my hands. No, In my finger tips. I look and see what appears to be claws sprouting out as blood follows squirting out of my nails. "What the fuck?!" I scream out. My teeth feel like they are breaking as large pools of blood pours out of my mouth and my bones feel as if they are being melted by some kind of acid. I watch as my arms grow longer and legs as well. I can see my nose stretching outward like I'm growing a snout. My skin turns from white to a dark grey. Just at this moment Calvin barges in. 

"What happened?! What's wrong...." He asks before seeing me transform. I start growing fur all over my body and stand up. I black out just as the tail begins to grow in. I hear a scream just as I finish blacking out.