
Chapter 243

[Things are about to pick up and I'm certain you're going to like where things go from here. I also want to let you guys and girls know the announcement I said would be happening in a month or so in an earlier chapter will be happening sooner since things have progressed faster than expected. I'm very excited to share what I've been working on, and yes, it is related to writing and my love of fantasy. It is for my fans both present and future and wouldn't be possible without the support and love you've shown Aether Beasts. Thank you for everything <3]

A soft pressure and warmth against my cheek woke me and once I was done blinking my eyes open, I saw Shana's smiling face.


I went to sit up but Shana pressed me back down gently. "Don't get up if you don't feel like it. Zirani sent me check up on you and she told me to keep you in if you weren't well."

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