

Y/n Stark is a normal girl living with her father, Tony, a billionaire. She is homeschooled, then starts a new chapter of her life in a public school. She then meets new people that will change her life forever. Y/n wanted to live as much of a "normal life" as she could. When she figured out there was something off about herself, she would never be the same again.

uhellaxx · Thanh xuân
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4 Chs

4- Studying, Secrets, and... Spiderman?

After a long day of school, I began walking home through the football field when a familiar face ran towards me. I turned to face them. I noticed it was Peter Parker.

"Hey Parker," I kept walking as he sped up to walk by my side.

"Hi, Y/n. Do you mind if I walk you home?" He fiddled with his fingers and seemed a bit nervous. I got excited and started to stumble on my words, "I don't see why not.." For most of the walk, we talked about school and what we both enjoyed as hobbies. It took me a little while to realize that Peter couldn't take me all the way home because of my secret identity.

"Um, this is my place…" I said hesitantly hoping he would believe me and walk off.

"Oh ok," Peter seemed disappointed and a little surprised. My 'home' was an apartment complex a bit behind the city. "I think it's pretty cool that we live in the same apartment building. Maybe we can walk to school together sometimes."

I stared at Peter in horror and shock. "You live here too?" I asked with a shaky voice. "How ironic.." My words trailed off. Peter opened the door for me as we both walked inside. "Which floor do you live on?" I asked this hopefully avoiding the Uno reverse card situation.

"I live on the seventh floor, what about you?" He asked while we both stepped into the elevator.

"I live on the ninth floor. I can walk you to your apartment if you want?" Peter nodded, the elevator went up to the seventh floor. I let him go out first leading the way to his door.

He stopped at room 139, "this is my place," I smiled. We both looked at each other awkwardly.

"Thanks for walking me home Parker," I teased. "Still up for a study session tonight?"

"Wouldn't miss it," he responded. "Meet in the lobby at 5?" I looked at my watch, it said 3:40, wondering how I was going to be back in the lobby at five when the tower was twenty minutes away.

I started down the hallway, "wouldn't miss it."


I got back to the tower running up to my room as fast as I could. I threw my bag down into my chair and began to search for my favorite hoodie. I wanted to meet up with Peter looking good but not be the girl who tries too hard. I brushed through my hair, put a pair of Nike socks on with my air forces, and shuffled down the stairs to my dad's workshop.

"I'm meeting up with a friend I met at school today. We might be studying at his place or just hanging out." I said quickly with a bit of a stutter.

Tony looked up from under the table, "who's the friend?"

I crossed my arms, "Peter Parker. He lives in an apartment on 43rd Avenue. His room number is 139. Anything else you want to know?"

He knew I was annoyed but decided to aggravate me more, "will his parents be home if you're 'going back to his place'?" I nodded my head even though I hadn't even met Peter's parents or knew if they were home. "Okay, have fun kid," I stood there, hovering. "Is there something else you want?" He asked.

"Could I have a ride?" I did a sarcastic smile and a weird pose to make him feel bad, "Happy will take you." I went upstairs texting Happy to drop me off at the end of Peter's road so he doesn't see me get out of my car. I grabbed my backpack and ran outside to the car.

"Let's go."


I waited in the lobby for 20 minutes, still no sign of Peter. I decided to text him to let him know that I was going for a walk and him to text me when he was ready. I left the apartment building and felt the breeze on my neck. It was kind of chilly outside but warm enough to enjoy the weather. I continued walking until I noticed I was a little lost. It was dark, and only a few people were around. I turned around in an attempt of going back where I came from until someone grabbed me by the arm and pulled me aside.

"Let go of me!" I yelled while trying to squirm out of the strange man's grip. He had a cold look in his eyes but didn't respond. He continued to drag me down the alley until we got to an intersection of paths. The man pushed me against the wall and I let out a small whimper.

"Shhh!" The man scolded, trying to get me to stop making noise. I was scared out of my mind. Was I going to die here? What usually happens to teenagers who get kidnapped in Queens? Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure in a red and blue suit jump down from the rooftop. The man put less pressure on me. I stayed silent wondering, who the guy in the tight pajamas was?

"Let her go or I'll make you." He said with confidence. But the guy holding onto me grabbed my arm tighter and started to run, forcing me to run with him. The masked boy then jumped in front of the man and kicked him. I lost my balance and fell to the ground. I got back up once I realized the man who attacked me ran away. It was just the masked boy and me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm okay, t-thank you.." I said shyly.

"It's no problem," he said in a low voice that sounded forced, "stay safe out there." He shot something out of his wrist and swung away.

"Wait!" I yelled, not even thinking before I spoke. He turned around, "Do you know how to get outta here? And who are you?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm Spiderman. I can take you out of this part of the neighborhood if you'd like?" He offered. I nodded. He grabbed me by the waist while I clung to his shoulders as he swung out of the ally. I thanked him again and he disappeared into the night.

Peter finally texted me back apologizing for not answering earlier. I told him that I was almost at his place. I wanted to tell him about my adventurous night with a masked hero.

After about 5 minutes, I returned to Peter's apartment. He was waiting for me in the lobby as we planned. He apologized twelve times before thinking he was somewhat forgiven. I kept reassuring him that it was fine. I met his Aunt May and told him all about Spiderman and how he saved me.

"Back up, so why were you in an ally in the first place?" Peter asked while shaking his head.

"Well… I was waiting for a special someone to text me back, so I went for a walk, Parker." I teased. Peter flinched at the comment looking down at his book. "I was kidding. I don't think it's that big of a deal." I reassured him.

"But if it wasn't for me being late, that wouldn't have happened in the first place…" His voice trailed off.

"Peter, you're fine. I told you, it kind of makes my life seem more interesting." We locked eyes for a moment. I felt butterflies in my stomach. We quickly looked away. "Well, I should get going. My dad is probably getting worried."

"Oh, okay. I can walk you to your place if you want?" Peter offered.

"I'm okay, thank you, though. We should do this again sometime." I got up from Peter's bed and gathered all my stuff.

"Text me later, okay?" Peter showed me to the door, "I will." I smiled and started walking down the hall. Texting Happy to pick me up in the same spot he dropped me off.

When I got home, I couldn't help but wonder if I was falling for Peter Parker. Whenever I'm around him, I get all happy and excited. I get butterflies in my stomach when we talk. Then it hit me… I liked Peter Parker.