
Aegon Snow

Hey if you don't stop here to read this story, I took some time to write it so that it would follow an original script. This story tells the story of the unstoppable rise of Aegon VI, Bastard of Winterfell and King of the Seven Kingdoms. As you may have guessed, but this is an SI Jon Snow, I want to clarify that even if the MC is reincarnated as Jon Snow, he is not and will not act like Jon Snow. The Protagonist is a person who has been lucky, he does not deserve it and will not be a holy or divine character, incapable of doing harm or a mistake, he is just a person like everyone else who has been lucky, if you are still here and you are curious about what happens next, I invite you to read this story. If you don't like this story, that's your right and I'm sorry about that, but I will ask you not to judge too quickly and to take the time to read a few chapters before you decide to give up.

Ghostrider0002 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
164 Chs

-Chapter 2-

-1 month later-

The convoy arrived a few days late, but I didn't go to greet them as I didn't want to make more bows than necessary in front of the person responsible for the death of my parents, and my current situation.

I trained all day with my weapons, and after a few hours, I saw Robb, Arya, and Bran approaching from the right.

I stopped and looked at the three newcomers with my grey eyes, and said: "So, the king is dead?" "Jon!" Robb said, glaring at me for my tasteless joke.

"Come on, I'm joking, it's a joke, can't I make jokes anymore? Or would his majesty, the king of the north, be too offended by the laughter of a humble bastard?"

"I don't recognize you," he said with a sigh of irritation.

"I know, it's the same for me every time I see you with your squid brother," I said sarcastically and slightly disdainfully.

"I..." he started.

"Listen, I don't give a fuck, tell me something really useful, why did you come to see me while everyone is in the banquet hall honoring our king?" I said, trying to defuse a situation where I would gain nothing.

"Father asked you to get ready for tonight's banquet."

"You can go back and tell him that I will not come and sully his banquet hall with my humble presence," I said, completely indifferent to my uncle's invitation.

I stopped paying attention to Robb and started swinging my two swords again.

After a few seconds, he finally left, and I let out a sigh of relief.

I put my two swords back on the weapon bench and went over to Arya and Bran, who were still there.

I crouched down and said: "So, what's up, my two little wolves?"

Arya looked down and said: "Are you going to leave again soon?"

"Actually, yes, I'm leaving, but I'll go to King's Landing with the royal convoy."

"But you said you would stay," Arya said, trying to guilt me into staying, a little queen of manipulation at her age.

I smiled and kissed the top of her head, saying: "I promised to stay for a while, not forever, this place is suffocating and especially a place that doesn't remind me of many good things, i want to see other places and forge my own path...Do you understand?"

Arya nodded her head, but then said, regaining hope: "And what about Nymeria?"

Nymeria was the she-wolf I had chosen for Ghost, but she had bonded with Arya, so I wasn't going to deprive her of her companion, especially since we would probably travel to the Capital together, but she didn't know that yet.

"Nymeria is yours, she's your partner. I've already told you, if you promise to always take care of her, then you can keep her with you," I said, stroking the top of her head.

"But she will be sad without you." She was so cute that I laughed before pulling her cheeks and saying: "What if I kidnapped you, and we went on an adventure? Bards will sing for a long time about the exploits of the bastard knight Jon Snow and his noble squire Arya Stark."

I think I said something foolish because her eyes lit up, and she started hopping around, pulling my arm as if she wanted us to leave right away, and said while bouncing like a ball: "Yes, yes, yes, please let's go on an adventure."

I laughed and shook my head. Bran had always been quiet, but I knew he was like Arya and worried, so I took the two in my arms as we headed back to the castle.