
Strange Pills

Chapter 15: Stange Pills

Athena and Jane ran to Gold's room to see what was wrong. When they got to the door they saw Snow pointing her finger at Gold.

Snow: "H-h-how did you do it?"

Gold: "Do what?"

Snow: "You know what I'm talking about, how did you jump from the 1st level to the 3rd level in the few hours that we were gone!?"

Gold: "He he. Bet your jealous and you want to learn the secret. Since I'm so generous and considering your my best friend I'll tell you."

Jane stood at the doorway in disbelief at Gold's increase of cultivation. While Athena was trying to figure out how Gold managed to have an increase of about 24 rotations in only two hours.

Two hours!! In two hours a normal person could complete two cycles while a genius cultivator could do four cycles. In those few hours Gold's cultivation was twelve

times faster than an average cultivator and six times faster than a cultivating genius, twenty-four rings total!

Gold: "Come here Snow. I'm going to give you this pill that can raise your level fast. Here this is called a KI Rotation Pill. It boosted my cultivation speed by about 4 times faster than my usual cultivation speed."

Jane: "Did you say 4 times!!! Normal ki rotation pills only give a 2x boost to any cultivator. How many of these pills did you get!?"

Jane(Thoughts): "Wait if its boosted by 4 times he still finishes 2 more rings compared to a genius!"

Gold: "Well I just ate one and have four left. I was gonna give snow two and take the last two for myself."

Jane: "I won't keep a pill but can I use one to study it?"

Gold: "Yea you can but be careful with it they're very special."

Jane picked up one off the pills and walked off to the guest room she was staying in.

Gold: "Snow come here take some and go cultivate."

Snow: "Yes Young Master." Snow then went a grabbed the pills from Gold and headed to her private courtyard.

Athena: "Gold go cultivate, I'm going to go make dinner ok?"

Gold nodded and decided to solidify his foundation to prevent problems in his cultivation in the future.


Three hours later

Jane walked into Golds room and found him talking to Snow about cultivation.

Gold: "Snow what level did you reach?"

Snow: "I am at the same level as you Young Master, midstage level three of the Body Refinement Stage but I still need to solidify foundation. "

Gold nodded and let her go cultivate. He then turned and looked at Jane.

Gold: "Senior Jane you're here. Did you learn anything about these pills?"

Jane: "Well first off the amount of ki infused in the pill is much higher than the average ki rotation pill. For example if we were going to give ki a measurement then let's say that the average ki rotation pill has about 25 ki points. Well then this new one has about double the amount at 50 ki points. Do you understand?"

Gold: "Um Senior Jane, all you needed to say was it had double the amount of ki. Why did you drag out the point by so much?"

Jane: "Well we obviously need to increase the word count at every chance we get."

Gold: "The word what?"

Jane: "WELL ANYWAYS back to the pills effects. The pills which I stated earlier are infused with double amount of Ki and that's about it. Surprisingly there's no side effects at all. Whoever made these must have a godly technique to make a pill with its medicinal properties brought to it's full potential even better."

Gold: "What do you mean by full potential? Isn't the ki rotation a common pill with weak effects?"

Jane: "Even though the Ki rotation pill is weak and common in world of cultivators the ingredients used in the pill are used to their full potential. When the pill was first created the pill wasnt even half as effective as the current pill(So about 10 Ki points) but since the pill is easy to make so many pill refiners tried to perfect it over and over again. So the current effect of the pill should be the best even though the pill itself isn't good but somehow the person who created this pill made it even better and comparable to stronger pills, even though the pills potential is maxed out."

Gold: "I see, so your saying the person who refined this pill must be a god among pill refiners?"

Jane: "Correct! So now tell me where did you get this pill from?

Gold: "Well I got the pills from an action and paid 20 silver coins for it."

Jane: "WHAT!! ONLY 20 SILVER COINS!! Pill refiners would pay thousands of gold coins just to hold it for a few minutes so the can study it!"

Gold: "Wha?? I can sell it for that much! Do you know anyone I can sell it too?"

Jane: "STUPID! You can't sell this if you sell it people will come after you for the gold. Just keep it yourself and don't ever tell anyone about it got it?"

Gold: "Yes ma'am."

(Um sorry changed my writing style as you can tell this is where I came back after my break.)


"Whose that?" ,Gold said as he walked to the door. He opened the door and saw his mother standing there.

"Gold I forgot that you needed the second part of Star Slaying Technique to continue advancing.

Athena looked at him and then gave him q scroll with the label Star Slaying Technique with a Large red 2 stamped on it.

"Oh thanks Mother." Athena walked out of the room and was closing the door before saying, "Gold you only have 15 days till the recruitment trials begin so you better learn all the moves of the first part before improving your cultivation."

Gold opened his eyes wide open and remembered that he had only learned 3 of the 8 moves and decided to learn them instantly.

"Senior Jane, I'm sorrtly but I must start cultivating right now."

"Ok well I'm not going to see you later since I'm busy and wont be back till the recruitment test starts."

With that said Jane walked out of the room and called instantly started cultivating.

Changing how I Write again. I don't like the flow of how I'm currently writing.

JoshScreators' thoughts