
Chapter 8: Start of a new adventure!*


Akira stretches his limbs, opening his eyes to the ceiling of a carriage....the carriage his family had hired to take him to the next town,Rimur.

If you're wondering why he was heading to the next town, instead of signing up as an adventurer in the guild at the capital...well, it was because everyone there knew his face, and it would be quite difficult to keep his identity under wraps....after all, Itll be sure to draw attention if the prince walks into an adventurer guild.

Anyways, Just Yesterday was his little brothers crowning ceremony, and last night, Akira had finally gotten into the carriage to leave the capital of Atlas.

Of course, his family refused to let him go without, first, forcing gifts on him to assist his journey, followed by an extremely tearful goodbye...

'Thank god I convinced them into giving me only the most simple looking things....though I still feel like a walking national treasure.'

From his clothes to his accessories, nothing was as simple as they seemed....

Akira was currently wearing a pair of purple pants, which accentuated his legs quite well, and a white button up shirt with long sleeves. Over that he wore a simple black leather vest as armour (though he says simple, from his appraisal ability he'd found out that it was actually dragon skin armour refined to the point that it looked like high quality leather....honestly! Those parents of his!!) and black knee high boots made of the same material.

He had also worn a black cloak over the entire ensemble which had been enchanted with a powerful protective barrier spell....

'That's wasn't all....'

He looks down at silver bracelet on his wrist. It had a single flower engraved into the centre,giving it a simple yet elegant appearance.

It was an infinite spacial inventory bracelet. No doubt, A national grade treasure. Perhaps because of this, it was rightfully charmed with a spell that ensured it could only be used by him and no one else. If it was stolen, it would simply turn into a useless silver bracelet.

In addition, Within the inventory of this bracelet, lied many more such treasures given to him by his overprotective-ahem, generous family...

'First, Shadow element twin daggers....as if weapons enchanted with a magic element weren't hard enough to find, these daggers had been enchanted with a special element!

Then a bow, and arrows enchanted with all 4 main elements....

An illusion ring which granted the ability to change the appearance of the person who wore it(it creates an illusion of a different appearance actually)....

An invisibility cloak (yes, an actual freaking invisibility cloak like in H**ry P*tter!!)....And many more high grade artifacts that could probably attract the attention of entire nations!'

Akira sighs in exasperation.

'Seriously....it's like they're preparing me for war or something!!....But, I guess they might be useful for the class I wanna chose...'

Adventurers in this world were required to chose a class following their rank assignment. (A class was more of a specialisation of sorts...though it didn't define ones complete abilities, it did however specify what they were best at/preferred doing.)

After signing up at the guild, First, the adventurers magic power would be tested and they would be given an appropriate rank based on it. The lowest was E rank while the highest was S rank. After obtaining a rank, E through B rank adventurers were required to go through a series of trials in order to be allotted a class based on their skills. A rank adventurers were allowed to select a class of their interest but were still required to undergo the class specific trial before being given the class. S ranked adventurers on the other hand were allowed to chose whichever class they wanted without having to go through any trials. They were immediately allotted the class of their choosing.

'Those aren't the only perks you get as an S rank....but that's something I can look into later.'

As for the classes,there were:

Craftsmen, which usually includes everyone in the production industry from blacksmiths to cooks. They could make enchanted weapons or food with magic buffs and the like. It was also the only class which was focused on support and not on direct combat.

Mages, which included those who preferred a magic spell oriented combat style...usually long range magic attacks.

Warriors, who specialised in close combat and weapon wielding....they preferred fighting on the front lines using their skills and weapons.

And finally, Assassins, who specialised in both long range attacks and close combat using both magic and weapons. In addition, these people were skilled in traps and sneak attacks. They were all rounders in a sense and also the hardest class to obtain....so not many people chose the assassin class due to its difficulty.

Akira already had an idea in mind of what class he would chose if given the opportunity.

Anyways, putting that aside, he decided to go through his skills now that he had the time....

Skills could be of different levels:

Inferior< intermediate< superior< special< unique

Depending on your affinity with it, you could gain a skill that was already raised to a particular level. However, If you gained a low level skill, it could be upgraded through frequent use, but only up until the superior level.

This was the reason why Skills of special level and unique level were far harder to obtain. You either awakened them naturally, or didn't awaken them at all. In addition, while it was possible for more than one person to posses the same special skill (even if the chances of awakening a special skill were low), in the case of a unique skill, this was not the case.

True to its name, no one in the world could possess the same unique skill as any particular individual. Sure there may be other unique skills similar to the one you had but never the exact same one.

'And in such a world, I possessed not one but 3 special skills AND 2 unique skills! This is too much!!'

Looking through his skills, Akira couldn't help but sigh once more in exasperation...

First, the skill [Enchanting song], it was a skill that allowed him to hypnotise and temporarily stun any opponent it was used on, simply through singing after activating it....it could no longer be upgraded as it was already raised to superior level. (Perhaps because he was a good singer in his previous life?)

His special skills were mostly self explanatory. They included the following:

[Martial arts master] which would basically help alot in close combat.

[Weapons master] which made him extremely skilled in both archery and dagger wielding.

And [Analyse] which allowed him to see the basic information (like the data in the information window of status magic), stats, MP(magic power) and magic affinity/ skills of any object, monster or person he used it on.

'[Analyse] could be an extremely useful skill when I'm choosing my battles...even if I can't see all the skills my opponent has, just knowing the above information would give me a huge advantage....'

Coming to his unique skills:

[Grimoir] sounded extremely useful in the sense he'd be able to create his own magic, and copy other people's spells just by looking at them after activating the skill.....pretty OP indeed.

'...I should be careful how I use it.'

Next, [Animal mimicry] which apparently allowed Akira to transform into any animal he'd analysed. The sub skill chimaera allowed him to selectively mix and match different animals characteristics as per his needs, so that he wouldn't have to keep changing from animal to animal.

'So basically, if I wanted to fly, I could just use my skill to grow a pair of wings rather than transform completely into a flying animal....'

Sounds incredibly convenient right?

However, it seemed there was a catch to such an OP skill. While transformed, Akira would be unable to wield any form of magic and skills not related to the animal he transformed into. On top of that, it seemed he would need a lot of concentration in order to maintain said transformed form....perhaps because of the fact that he was already part beast thanks to his race and already had a fixed species.

Considering the nature of the skill itself, It would be like temporarily going beyond his fixed species, therefore would also require alot of effort, and possibly mana as well, to maintain it.

So, it was A last ditch kinda skill in other words.... atleast until he practiced enough to be able to wield it properly.

'I'll need to remember to make some time for it later on...but for now let's continue to the next skills.'

Scrolling down, He looks at his species specific skills:

[Beast transformation] allowed him to transform into a nine tailed silver wolf....but it was locked for now, and probably would remain so....unless he found his soulmate.

The other species specific skill that was named [Unknown] had Akira curious....but since he didn't know how to activate it, he decided to forget about it for now.

'...As for my passive skills, their application seems to be as their name suggested....so next is...'

His magic skills....Akira had already checked them out before so he didn't bother going near them.

The only extras were his species specific magic: healing and holy magic which allowed him to heal, cast buffs etc and purify miasma respectively. You know....the usual.

Finally Status magic: its what he'd been using to see his information, stats, skills and the like. Manifesting in the form of a tattoo on your arm, it would activate upon touching it.

Since the concept of levelling didn't exist in this world, this status magic would help a person keep track of the skills they'd learned and upgraded, the magic power they had left and even help monitor their growth in the form of stats.

'By the way, so far, not many people have broken through the 85 mark in any of their stats even amongst high ranked adventurers....so once again, looks like I'm ridiculously skilled....'

Akira shakes his head with a wry smile and closes his status window, deciding that's enough for today.

He directs his attention outside the carriage.

As Akira watches the passing scenery, anticipation and excitement build up inside him....

'I can't wait to see what adventures await me in the future!'

Sorry about the mostly descriptive chapter guys....I promise the next chapter won’t be as boring....probably!

I’m currently trying something with the future plot so I might miss an update but I’ll try to make up for it if I do! After all, I want you guys to enjoy this story as much as I am! So I hope u look forward to it!

Ange426creators' thoughts