tips and tricks about the literary world
Okay everyone welcome back to my diary and today I will talk to you on how to learn any language effectively. okay as you know it I am a huge fan of learning a new languages currently I am studying Indonesia, English, Japanese, and Arabic. and as you know with I am already a native speaker in Indonesia, English is my second language, Arabic is my third language, and Japanese is my fourth language.
and whether you are asking me how to get started at learning any languages I think the best way to start S to learn the alphabet you know in Indonesia and English at use and normal alphabet Like A to Z, but in Japanese Korean and Arabic, they have their own alphabetic system and even in Japanese they have to memorize a lot of kindness character about 2,000 character they have to memorize all of it to be able to Read Japanese fluently
but the good news for you flying which like like arabic and Korean Maybe have they're own alphabetic system, but they don't use multiple characters like in Japanese. you know in Japanese so we have three kind of character. hiragana which is for Japanese words, Katakana 4 words that are adapted from English or other languages, and can you use mostly for noun and Verbs. so instead of learning Japanese I recommend you to start learning Korean language Arabic language if you want to learn a language with a different alphabetical structure, because they aren't really very hard, except if you want to learn the correct pronunciation of every Arabic letter. which is very hard even for Islamic people.
Okay so the best way to learn a language is by listening, me making the words you have heard, reading, and then writing. but my most favorite thing about learning a language is reading. even if it is very hard and you have to look for some words in the dictionary at the beginning, end five to ten years after you started to read and Translate the words you have read into English or Indonesian, you're starting to memorize a lot of words, and this vocabulary is actually really important. for example when I am reading the Holy Quran very much of the words are repeated over and over again. like the heaven where there is a stream of river below it Etc. so maybe just remembering a few hundred or a few thousand words it's enough for you to read both the Arabic version and the Indonesian or English transliteration side by side.
and you know in case when I forgot what this word mean I always use a side-by-side transliteration version of the Holy Quran. so most of the time I can remember what this word mean but in some cases I have to look a few centimeters down to find the translation of the word and it is very easy.
that is also the case for Korean maybe when you have not remember all of the alphabetic systems, you rely on using rama-ji are the alphabeticallitation of the word itself. but I will have to tell you that reading the native alphabet is much easier because there are so many different vocal and consonant in korea and arabic, and each of them are written differently. so when you are able to how did the Native alphabet of the language you learn it will mean that you are free from you saying the romaji . and you will be able to actually read the real thing.
And now for the next stage, which is writing, actually there is google translate and if you haven't rea lly mastered any grammar you could just write something in english and then translate all of it to the destination language that you are currently studying. Like japanese , arabic, or korean.. And then you could always copy and paste the text to microsoft office or google docs, and then use google translate or any dictionary to decipher the text word by word, and when you find any error fix it and then maybe publish it to wattpad or webnovel or any other social media
Ok that's all from me know, if you find this tips useful please follow my account, or press like (whtever the form is) and see you next time