
Adam's story

Free Book. Let's say that our relationship is too complex to explain in a few words, but if you are interested in snooping into other people's lives, then I would be happy to tell you about my life. Nice to meet you, my name is Adam and this is my story.

pedro_corti · Kỳ huyễn
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104 Chs


—No, it's impossible!— Adam yelled angrily.

But a flurry of thoughts ran through his head of the young man upon learning that this was possible.

—No, it doesn't make sense!—Adam yelled at himself violently, seeming very disturbed by his thoughts.

Adam dove into the lake and grabbed his red hair as if looking to rip it out. Then he came out of the water and shouted even louder:

—Makes sense, dammit! It can't be that this world is so miserable! What a shitty life this is!

The young man submerged himself in the water of the lake again and spent a good while coming out and submerging himself in the lake as if seeking to calm his tiredness and lack of air. While he shouted violently under the water of the lake:

—What the hell is going on with these sick people? How could there be such a sick person living in this world!

Finally, Adam got tired and said angrily and furiously as he walked around the lake pondering and yelling angrily:

—Sofia, even being such a young girl, seemed to already have black spots on her pupils, and the unhappy woman had been a school teacher in another life. The same goes for the director: What kind of kind old man kills hundreds before he gets promoted! No wonder Achilles wanted to be so good to us, it wasn't so much the fear of the baron, but to be able to harvest them for the baron.

—No, I doubt that—the eyeless old man said immediately, sharing the secret of the school that he was able to find Adam's loose stories and seeking to further stimulate the young man's curiosity. —There is another bookshelf living in the school. The baron controls many floors, so Achilles never saw him and doesn't pay attention to his rules either. But the other shelf must have this trick so that teachers can learn more languages. And thus pave the way for the baron to fulfill his conditions: a vassal shelf.

—If I consider that there are two shelves, everything fits much better!—Adam said with even more violence—Achilles, professor of the special class, probably that class cannot be harvested and that is why he did not worry about gathering the affection of his students. Which is more than obvious, as a 43-year-old you are going to harvest a group of beasts that lived two lives.

Adam threw himself with open arms into the lakes, while he complained even more violently, how everything was beginning to make sense:

—That's why there are no adults, adults can't be so innocently deceived. That is why the baron did not hesitate to kill Sofia, but he did spare Achilles' life. Achilles is useful, Sofia is not. And I was a child in his eyes or in his plans.

Thrown into the lake Adam's mind, he was burned trying to find more clues to the matter, but a problem had arisen:

—That's why I was special, and they couldn't kill me, but when they took me out of that class it was to be able to do it… I doubt that Franco and Sofía would be killed: their parents would complain if their children disappeared. Both are from the upper floors, because they put me in that class: I don't paint anything there...

—You had good karma, and they noticed that you had no memories, Adam...— Said the eyeless old man with a very cold tone, but he wanted to convince the hero of the danger and continue confirming his ideas —Without parents, unprotected. You're the perfect target for Achilles to fulfill the requirements of the other shelf.

The eyeless old man noticed that Adam seemed not to contribute more ideas and threw even more fuel on the fire, commenting angrily:

—No wonder they started to care so much about you after that incident: They're librarians who never see each other's faces! They never cared about you, Adam!

Adam didn't seem to react, he was in his world, trying to solve the problem that had appeared in his mind. After much thought, Adam stopped dead in the lake and ran towards the files of his previous life that Cesar had given him.

—Upper class… S-2. Was it a fluke?—Adam murmured as he opened the files and saw the class from his afterlife: S-30. His hands shook, and he released the papers from her wet hands and let them fall to the floor. Adam was stunned for a few minutes, until he yelled at the top of his lungs:

—Now I understand my past self, I desperately seek to have bad karma for this problem!. That's why in my other life I had a fight with this Oliver, but what if he wanted to warn him, and he never believed me! Is that why everyone in the class seemed to hate me?

—You're Adam... I have no doubt that that was the reason—the eyeless old man answered with a lot of hatred, he didn't want another shelf to steal his source of magical books—Discovering a secret like that as a child, only you could do it.

—At least I found out what the special celebration would be the day I learned the 140— Adam said, breaking into tears and falling to his knees on the floor of the cave