
Origin of the system

"Hey B4T6L3V3L, tell me a little about yourself." Adam lay quietly on his bed, looking at his system screen.

[What do you mean Adam?]

"Who are you? ... I mean are you a boy or a girl? Where do you come from? Why me?" Adam quickly corrected his first question before the system misunderstood him and told him his name.

These questions had been puzzling Adam since the moment the system appeared, why did it choose him, was there a reason behind it, and while his name and neutral voice didn't help Adam figure out his gender, there were more important things on his mind so he deferred to the other.

So far the system's voice was neutral so Adam didn't know what his gender was and after the exchange now Adam finds that he is not as rigid as he expected and they will probably spend a lot of time together, so it's good to clear these things up from the beginning.

[I don't have a gender yet]

"So you can choose what gender you want to be?"

[Yes, do you have any suggestions?]

"That's your business, it makes no difference to me, so decide for yourself."

[We are now Adam's partners, and as I have no preference for anything in particular, I would be happy to hear what you think.]

For Adam it didn't matter much, if it was a boy they could be best friends after the worlds and adventures they were likely to have together...

If it was a girl, who knows, maybe they could get married at the end of the novels he'd read.

'I think it's only natural that after all the things they'll experience together, those after them will get closer, especially since they're together all the time... yes, all the time...' He thought about the natural outcome when a man and a woman live together all the time and quickly realized something.

 'Yes... we'll be together all the time, whether it's in the shower or when I spend private time with my future wife. The thought of meeting his destined partner in one of the worlds he would be visiting, the thought that someone would be watching him at all times, even private ones, if it was a girl, he could accept it a little, even though it was strange.

'But if it's a guy. Adam imagined how a man like that would accompany him when he showered, relieved himself, or slept with his wife.

 'Wouldn't we be like Kushina and Kurama... look at Naruto's mustache, did he inherit it from his father? The thought frightened him, so he quickly voiced his opinion before the system made its decision and he became a man like him. 

"Um... from a personal point of view I'd rather be a girl, you're cute, caring and reliable which are the perfect qualities for a boy, since we'll be spending a lot of time together it would be better to have variety so we don't get bored, and it wouldn't be good to have a man accompanying me at all times."

Adam went on to list the advantages of choosing to be a girl and the disadvantages of being a boy to convince his system as if he were a salesperson.

[Well, I don't mind]

As soon as he heard his system's answer, he breathed a sigh of relief despite its simplicity.

As for the system, as he told Adam, there is not much difference for him, but after hearing Adam's persuasion, he saw that there are a lot of advantages to being a girl.

[What do you think now, Adam?]

"Um... that's..."

Adam paused in surprise, the reason being that the system's last sentence was in a feminine voice, not mature or childish, but youthful. It was the most beautiful girl's voice Adam had ever heard in his entire life, more beautiful than any singer he had ever seen.

"Is this your voice now?"

[Yes this voice was created according to my database, it's the voice of a 25 year old girl like you Adam, is there something wrong?]

"No... it's great, it's more than great." Adam didn't expect to choose an age range like his.

Thinking that this was the voice he would be hearing from now on, he began to wonder if it would be better to choose a male voice, rather than being embarrassed to hear Da's sweet voice all the time.

Adam couldn't help but fantasize about what the system would look like if he were able to materialize in the form of a girl.

 'How beautiful would she be?

As for why he thought she would be beautiful, he thought it was impossible for the owner of that voice to be anything other than beautiful, it was as simple as that.

"Uhm... well I guess your current name won't be appropriate now, how about a new name to match your new identity?" Adam scattered these stray thoughts and returned to the main topic, he wanted to choose a better name instead of B4T6L3V3L, even if he didn't get it wrong anymore, it was still a difficult name that took time to say and not get wrong.

[Okay, you're right, I don't mind Adam].

It's a good thing his system agreed, no one would agree to change their name that easily.

"Do you have any preferences?" Adam wanted to choose a name that would please the system.

[No, you can choose for me.]

"Well... first, tell me a little bit about yourself so we can choose a name that suits you." Adam's knowledge of his system was minimal so he wanted to expand on it.

[As I said, my name is B4T6L3V3L, my race is the closest thing to what the people of your world call a system, we are born from the fusion of the energies and laws of different universes and worlds and the remnants of destroyed worlds and universes, we originate in the area between worlds that do not belong to any world, we wander through different worlds until we find a host that is compatible with us.]

"Wow, what a great origin, if only there were more like you." Adam was fascinated by the origin of his system, it was like something out of a science fiction movie.

[Not as much as you'd expect, my race is rare and even if we are born, we don't necessarily gain consciousness and intelligence like living beings.]

"So I guess I've exhausted my luck in meeting you, but why did you choose me?" Adam said, believing how likely this idea was.

[Thanks Adam. Like I said, we wander through different worlds until we find our match, and when I was in your world, I saw you helping that little girl and you happened to be my match, so he chose you.]

"If this act of heroism was the reason you chose me, what happens if you don't find a suitable host?" 

[We'll die.]

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." Adam wasn't expecting such a direct answer.

[It's okay Adam, it's normal.]

"So your race is like some kind of parasite that needs a host to attach to and activate its powers." Adam offered his thoughts on the race of his system.

[Although it's similar to this, I'm not happy with your characterization of me as a parasite, Adam.]

Seeing his system's reaction, Adam realized his mistake how he could describe a girl as cute. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean it," Adam sincerely apologized to his system.

[Okay, fine.]

"So now you and I need each other to survive, and by bonding with me you can exercise your abilities, absorb the world's energy and use it to strengthen you and me and give it to me as a reward, and by bonding with you I can continue to increase my stats without limit, right?" Adam summarized his relationship with his system. Adam summarized his relationship with his system.

On its own, it is unable to harness the energy of the worlds or utilize their abilities, it can only give rewards to others, and Adam is unable to harness the energy of the worlds or receive rewards out of nowhere.

[Yes, Adam, together you and I can become invincible!]

He felt the enthusiasm of his system even though his tone didn't change much.

 'I like this relationship. Adam thought to himself.

He felt relieved and happy that his system was not constrained, controlled, or controlled by a being behind his system. He didn't feel like his system was lying to him, there was no reason for him to do so, even if she told him she didn't have enough access to this information he would believe her, he had no choice.

In short, 1 plus 1 does not equal 2, but infinite possibilities.

Although he was still a little wary of her, his caution was considerably less than when they first met.

"Okay, let's get back to our topic of choosing a name for you, hmmm... I'm not very good at picking names; I'll suggest some names for you to choose from, okay?"


"How about Sistema which means order in Latin... or maybe Celestia which is related to space and sky or Stella which means star... also Harmony which refers to harmony and harmony or Seraphina which means angel or Luna which means moon." Adam listed the various names that could fit into his system.

[All great names Adam, thanks for choosing them.] 

"You're welcome, take your time choosing your favorites." Adam was happy that the system liked the names he chose.

[I'm going with Luna.]

"Well, it's a great name, so I'll be taking care of Luna now."

[I'll be in your care too, Adam]

Adam felt that after chatting with his system or rather Luna and learning about each other they were a little closer now. 

"By the way Luna, you said earlier that you can access my memories and read my thoughts if I give you permission, so can I also access your memories and thoughts if you give me permission."

When this thought crossed Adam's mind, he started to ask Luna, as it makes sense that since they are related, they should be able to share their memories together.

 Also, if he could access her memories and thoughts, he would be more reassured and could trust her completely. 

Although he doubts that he will be able to read Luna's thoughts, since she speaks English with him now, it is possible that her thoughts are in the form of data 1 and 2 like a computer.

But he was excited by the idea of seeing her memories, she had been to many worlds and encountered various things that Adam had only seen in movies, anime and novels, who wouldn't be excited by such an idea.

[I can Adam, but didn't Adam say it's bad to violate other people's privacy, does Adam want to violate Luna's privacy?]

Hearing her response, Adam can't help but curse himself for what he said earlier, even though he didn't say it that way, but he can't force her to do anything.

 'Luna seems to be acting more and more like a girl. Adam said to himself, thinking that he wanted to violate a girl's privacy.

Although if he gave her permission to access his memories and thoughts, Luna would likely agree to let him access her memories and thoughts. 

But Adam still isn't ready to do that, at least for now, until their relationship is more solidified. 

"I apologize Luna, I didn't mean to and I certainly wouldn't do that, I just wanted to see if it was possible." Adam sincerely apologized to Luna.

[It's okay, Adam]

After finishing with Luna, Adam indulged in his speculations about the world around him.

"At best, there are no special abilities in this world... I hope so, so far whether it's the nurse, the police officer, or the guard outside, they're all normal humans, and none of them have used any special abilities, at least not in front of me."

"When you think about the range of possibilities, it's pointless, after all there are countless worlds with infinite possibilities."

When Adam thought about the different possibilities, he despaired at how many possibilities there were. There could be other races in this world other than humans, and he just happened to appear among humans, or not.

There could be portals, monsters and dungeons like Solo Living, aliens like Marvel and DC, humans with special abilities like My Hero Academia, vampires, werewolves or even ghosts, it could be a world like his, there are so many possibilities.

In the end, he realized that there was no point in thinking and guessing where he was, he could only explore the world on his own.

Watching TV would have been the best way to explore his current world, but he doesn't know where the remote is and he can't get up and turn it on because he's tied up. He was so preoccupied with the officer's questioning and determining his current situation that he forgot to ask the nurse for the remote control.

Although he has read many novels and manga and watched a lot of movies and anime, they are nothing compared to the countless worlds in the universe.

"I can only hope to appear in a world that I know and is not dangerous..."

"But one thing is for sure, I'm in trouble."

That was the last conclusion Adam came to, before falling into a deep sleep to recover from his busy day.

"Good night, Luna."

[Goodnight Adam.]


Here is chapter seven, the end of the chapters that serve as the introduction to the novel, what do you think of the system I wanted to make it as simple as possible but I feel it has become complicated.

As you may have noticed, I don't want a system where the hero is completely dependent on his own efforts to become stronger.

What do you think about the origin of the system, the storyline, and the power system so far?

As I said earlier, I plan to re-read the previous chapters and correct any mistakes, and I may delete or add modifications.

So if you have any suggestions, let me know before I add them. Thank you.

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