

Cao Shiyan sighed and said, "Well since you want to do it here. We are all second in line. I do not know if you understand, but we are always treated as the first losers in our families. We have no respect, nor do we have anyone to love us."

Shi Lang looked at them and could tell they were telling the truth from their gaze. Yet, he did not empathize with them and asked, "So, what does that have to do with me? You probably do not know, but I am an only child and never faced the competition you do, so forgive me, but I do not care." 

Yue Hanling stepped forward and said coldly, "Bastard, we are not asking you to care for us. We are enough. Listen before you start spouting shit." 

Shi Lang glanced at her from head to toe and said, "You sure have a dirty tongue for that pretty face, but fine, continue." 

Cao Shiyan said, "The family has asked our so-called genius elder siblings to come out and use all means necessary to win the two things on you."