
CH 2: New Job


Author's pov:

I am really sorry if there are any grammatical or autocorrect errors, I hope u all will understand.



                   After One Month:

     Yn's pov:


                 I was walking through the beautifully furnished hallway when a loud voice stopped her in her tracks-

"who are u? I have never seen u here"

The middle-aged man asked me while suspiciously eyeing me out...

"Ummm... Yeah, it's my first time here... I got a call from here that I passed the interview and I can join..."

I said nervously.

"what's your name again?"

"it's yn"

"oh, so u are Yn... I am hyjin, nice to meet u" he said giving me a little smile...

"same here, I think... U sound like u know me, do u?"

"oh, that... Not technically but we were informed that a new intern was coming today"

"oh OK... Well, do u mind telling me where is your boss's office?"

"oh yeah it's that way... let me take u there"

he said pointing in the right direction.

"there u go... About your job PD nim will explain everything..." he said as we reached in front of a room which I assumed is the boss's office.

"OK bye... I hope we will see each other soon" he said and walked away.

"He is nice indeed..." I thought.

Then I took a deep breath and knocked on the door... After hearing a "come in" from inside of the office room I entered the room...

"you must be yn?" the man sitting on a leather chair asked with a smile...

I just nodded.

"well let's talk about your job... U know what u are here for, right?"

"not exactly... Except for the fact that u are gonna pay me a lot" I said with an unsure look.

he laughed at my remark and said

"well, u are gonna be BTS's manager's secretary... For a few months, it's been tough for him to manage everything alone. So we hired u, u are gonna help him..."

"what I will have to do exactly?"

"well, there are a lot of things... Waking them up, taking them to practice at the time, helping them in different stuff, making sure they are not late to their schedules and lastly u have to do what they ask u to"

"and u have to live at their dorm"

At the mention of living with them, I immediately looked at him and asked

"why is that?"

"because it's convenient and let me tell u that this is not an easy job... So if u wanna quit, do it now because once u join that will not be an option" he said with a serious face...

"I know sir... But I need this job so I am staying" I said looking down...

"that's good... I hope u don't regret it later"

"I hope so too" I mumbled.


  A Few hours later:

    Author's pov:

   She was on her way back towards the apartment she was staying from the last one month...the night had already started...

It was a tiring day for her... She was thinking about this new job... Was choosing this job a right this? Is she going to regret it? Only the future can tell...

"so, u are hiding here?" she stopped in her tracks and looked up to find the owner of the voice...

There were a bunch of men standing in front of her and their faces were covered with masks... They were giving a very negative vibe... She gulped and asked...

"do I know u? I don't think I do"

"u don't know us but we know u very well... We have been looking for u like crazy for like months... Look like we finally got u..." he said with a psychopathic laugh...

"I think u have got the wrong person"

She said and without making an eye connect she tried to walk past them... But obviously, they blocked her path again making her look at them...

"plz let me go... I don't know u... I don't know what u want?" she asked with a pleading voice as there was nothing else she could do right now...

"U know what we want... What he wants" he said smirking...

Then it hit her  He Found Her.

The person she had been running from all these months found her???

"He wants u back... We are here to get u to him" he said with a scary look on his face. A face of determination.

"I- I will not go back to him... Not even after my death", she said stuttering due to fair... There is no way she Is going back there... He will make her life a living hell!!!

"oh, honey it's too soon to die... He will make sure to do that but slowly and painfully..." he said with a smirk.

When I saw no hope I turned around and tried to run but it was too late... They already caught me and bent my arm while I screamed with pain for help...

"let's not make trouble, okay?" he said and while putting a cloth on my face which I assumed had chloroform poured on it...

I tried my best to fight them to free myself but my efforts were nothing in front of a bunch of sturdy men...

I also tried to hold my breath but for how long? The last thing I heard before darkness engulfed me were distant sturdy steps and someone saying...

"What do you think, u are doing?"

   To be continued :)

Kindly comment your thoughts, it will be a great help <3


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