96 Attractive Tongue?

Zoe, who had just bitten into the cookie she was having for lunch, couldn't stop the smile that lit up her face as well as her eyes when she saw Zhang Wei standing by the door during her lunch break. It was all she could do to stop herself from dancing all the way to the door where he was standing. 

Zoe didn't mind the look of disgust on the faces of the guys in her class neither did she pay any attention to the snide comments she heard them murmur as she hurriedly swallowed the cookie in her mouth and walked past them to meet him.

"Hi!" Zoe said with a playful smile.

Zhang Wei's heart skipped a beat, and he swallowed nervously when he looked into Zoe's happy face. How could a guy look so beautiful? And why did he have to notice the cookie crumbs on his lips?


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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