
Daily Life of Little Ember + Imperishable Night Prologue

Chapter 56: Daily Life of Little Ember + Imperishable Night Prologue​

Editor: the_guy (Questionable Questing)

-Morning, Our House –

-Bara POV-​

I slowly opened my eyes, revealing the ever familiar ceiling.

A Birds chirping can be heard outside, indicating that it's already morning.

I yawn as I slowly got up from my Futon. I walk down the stairs drowsily,when I entered the room, Master was already sitting at the dinner table and the breakfast was already prepared on top of it.

"Ah, your already awake, wash your face first then we'll eat the food." said my Master.

"Yes~" I said while still feeling sluggish.

You could say that I waddle to the bathroom before coming back with a feeling of being refreshed.

I sit at the opposite side of the dinner table, face to face with my beloved Master.

"All right, time to eat." he said as he picks up his spoon.

"Un." I nod while also picking up my spoon.

And we eat our breakfast.

"WAIT, THIS IS WRONG!!" I yelled.

"…Hm?" Master raised his eyebrows. "Is it the egg? Is it burnt for you? Or is it the vegetables? You should not be picky with it, you know."

"No, that's not it! I'm a Maid, right?! I'm supposed to be Master's servant, right?!"

He slowly nodded.

"Then why am I eating Master's cooking?! Aren't I supposed to help Master cook?!"

"…Cutting the Cutting board."

"Ugh!" I flinched.

"…Sugary Vegetable soup."

"Uuuh…" I whimper.

"…Charred Meat."

"…T-that's…" I stutter.

"And worst of all, making the Kitchen explode."

"…" I look down in shame.

He sighs "…All right, next time, I'll let you help prepare our meal next time."

My face immediately brightened when I hear what he said. "Really?! Don't worry Master, I'll do my best!" I said as I smile happily.

"…I wondered if I could make the kitchen fireproof." Master wondered out loud.

And then, the Kitchen became fireproof.

-Afternoon, Hieda Mansion-​

"…I L-"

Say it.

"…I Lo-"

Just a little bit more.

"…I Lobotomy you!"

"WROOOOONG!!" I yelled as I flip the table upside down.

"HIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!" Akyuu screamed.

Now the floor is a mess with scattered book everywhere.

"Akyuu-chan, why can't you just say the word?" I said while starting to pick up the books.

"It's…complicated." she said with complicated expression while also picking up the scattered books.

"What do you mean complicated? Aren't you just embarrassed?" I quipped.

Akyuu immediately whipped her head to me. "Yes, I'm embarrassed! How can people say it so easily?! Why everyone in the book could say it easily?! How can YOU say it so easily?!"

"Of course, it was because of my great love for Master that I could say it without any problem." I said proudly.

"…Then please say it again. Say it as if Arah-san is right here in front of you." she dared.

"Easy." I smile and say the word. "I love you, Master ♡!" complete with a cute pose.

"…You're still using your playful tone. Please use your serious one." she said with blank expression.

"…" I just smile and didn't say anything.

Now the room is enveloped with silence. Nobody said anything, until.

""…Pft Hahahahahahahaha."" we both laugh at the same time.

Right now I'm accompanying Akyuu with her confession practice, she starts doing this ever since I told her on her birthday that I had already confessed to Master. I think that was the first time I saw someone crying with their eyes open. She then proceed to ran away from the Mansion, although she can't run very far, it took me a whole day to calm her down and convince her that everything is gonna be okay, Master will approve of my plan.

When we walked back, we were found by the servants that were worried, By the time we got back, we witnessed Master tied up form while being surrounded by a lot of guards in front of the Mansion. Apparently they had blamed master for Akyuu's strange behaviors, thankfully Akyuu defused the situation before it got any worse.

After we got home, Master unexpectedly told me that whatever my plan is, as long as nobody hurt, I can do whatever I wanted. I was surprised. I asked if he knew about it.

"Not really, Clairvoyant only shows the image, not the sound, and you the two of you looks like discussing something, and if I combine every clue, then I kinda concluded that you two are planning something, so yeah, just go wild with whatever you wanted to do." He smiles and then pats my head.

The look he gave me at that moment, he was proud at me, he was happy for me, that's why I'll protect that smile no matter what!

Then I asked about "Clairvoyence", he told me that since he's worried about both of us and he needs to calm the guards down (he let them tie him up to mitigate any property damage), he immediately bought an ability called "Clairvoyant" to check on us, when I'm catching up with Akyuu, he said that the ability cost him 500.000 AP, making his saved up point to be almost empty, he regrets nothing.

"Haa~, that was funny, did something interesting happening lately, Bara-chan?" asked Akyuu.

"Interesting? Let me think." and I started thinking. "I guess I have one."

"Tell me, tell me!" she hurried me.

"Okay, okay, this was not too long ago, I was planning to surprised Master by cooking breakfast for him, in the middle of cooking, I felt that the cooking time for the meat is too slow, so I added my own fire to the stove's fire, and then immediately the Kitchen exploded. I was really surprised, by the time I realized what happened, everything was on fire." I said while feeling embarrassed.

"…I'll make sure that you'll never touch our Kitchen." Akyuu didn't laugh with me but instead look at me with concern.

"Yeah, that's what Master said too before he punished me." I nod in agreement.

"'Punish' you?" she asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

I nod. "After we put out all the fire, Master starts his punishment."

"…Why~ did~ the kitchen~ explode~? Hmm~" he emphasized every word by saying it slowly and softly into my ear.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I swear I won't do it again!" I said as I struggle to free myself from Master clutches.

"Fuuu~" he softly blows inside my ear.

"Hiiyyyy!!!" my body twitched in response to his action.

"Why~-'Hagh!'-did~-'Aagh!'-you~-'Hahn!'-do~-'Uguh!'- it~?-'Hangh!'" each of his words sends a jolt of electricity through my whole body.

"Master! Have Mercy!" I plead.

"But he ignored it and keeps going. By the time I woke up, I'm feeling weak and covered up with sweat. Hm? Akyuu-chan?"

Akyuu's face is completely red.



-Imperishable Night: Prologue-​

Long, long, a very long time ago, there were a group of humans that obsessed with the moon, as time went on, they eventually figured out a way to go to the moon, now that they lived on the moon they called themselves to be the Lunarians.

Once they settled in, they named the place they live in to be the Lunar Capital. Time passes once again, their technology advanced rapidly by combining magic and science, you could say that they could incinerate every living being on earth with a single precise attack.

Aside from technological advancement, their culture is still the same, peasant and royalty, and among this royalty, there's someone that's about to get into trouble, Houraisan Kaguya.

Kaguya is a princess, she does whatever she wanted, so one day, out of curiosity she selfishly wanted the greatest mind in the Lunar Capital, Yagokoro Eirin, to create something for her. So with the help of Yagokoro Eirin and princess Kaguya ability to manipulate eternity and the instantaneous, they created a miracle medicine, they named it the "Hourai Elixir", a medicine that grants immortality to whoever drinks it, and princess Kaguya drank it without a second thought. Of course, the other royalty had a problem with that, not because they also wanted to become immortal, but because she became an immortal.

The Lunarian have a reason as to why they were very obsessed with the moon, it was all because they were trying to avoid "Impurity" from the earth, and death was considered by them to be an impure state, so with that mindset, they considered that the elixir will makes the drinker to be impure due to being tempted by the removal of death and thus associating themselves with it. Or maybe they just doing this to get rid of Kaguya from their political game, we don't know.

And with that reason, Kaguya has committed a serious taboo. At first, they tried their usual approach to the issue, execute her, but of course, they failed in doing so. Cut to pieces, the pieces reattach themselves. Hole to the hearth, everything in that hole slowly regenerated. Poison, she awake again a second later. Reduce to nothing, she came back from nothing. Almost out of options, they used other method, banishment.

The Lunarian consider the Earth to be a residence for the corrupted (including Kaguya, and it's said that they use the Earth as a prison for those who commit serious crimes. Thus they sent Kaguya there, which resulted in creating the legend of "Princess Kaguya".

Soon after Kaguya arrived on Earth, the Bamboo Cutter found her, smitten by her otherworldly beauty, he invited her to his home. Kaguya reluctantly followed him because she doesn't really have anywhere to go in this planet. From there, Kaguya learn more about life on earth. About how different they are with the Lunarian, about how much more animated their life are compared to the Lunarian, and about how things still the same even in this place.

As time passes, tales of her unearthly beauty spread, leading men from all across the land to seek her hand in marriage. Getting fed up with this, Kaguya create a trail for all those men, she called it "the Five Impossible Requests".

The content of those requests was, the first was to bring her the stone begging bowl of the Buddha from India. The second was to retrieve a jeweled branch from the island of Mount Hourai. The third was to seek the legendary robe of the fire-rat of China. The fourth was to retrieve a colored jewel from a dragon's neck. The final task was to find the legendary Cowry treasure of the swallows.

True to its name, nobody could fulfill even one of them, and among those that fail, there's a certain someone that hold grudges to Kaguya for humiliating her father with such impossible request, that someone is from a household with the name of Fujiwara, but we'll come back to it in a minute.

Years pass by, powerful emissaries arrived from the Moon; Kaguya had been forgiven of her crime and it had been decided that she should return. Kaguya, however, had grown to love life on Earth, which was far more emotional than the life she had on the Moon, and had no desire to return to the lunar capital permanently. Even so, Earth was filthy and life on Earth had its share of problems. She was torn between Earth and the moon, but she then discovered that she knew someone among the emissary. Yagokoro Eirin had come as the emissary.

Eirin was apologetic to Kaguya since she wasn't punished for creating the elixir, the reason for that was because Eirin is the co-founder of the Lunar Capital, she played instrumental roles in the founding of Lunar Society, and she's the leading figure of their medical advancement, and thus, they can't touch her without giving them any bad rep. But that very reason hurt her instead, feeling guilty with what happened to Kaguya, she seeks redemption by siding with her.

She drank the Hourai Elixir, making her into an immortal, just like Kaguya. She betrayed the other emissaries, killing them and then helped Kaguya escape. Both of them keep running away and repelled every emissary that comes for them, and that's it for the story of the Fugitive Lunarian for now, let's go back to the other side of the story.

The Fujiwara clan, they were one of many clans that tried to seek Kaguya's hand in marriage, and one of many clan that got humiliated for failing the impossible request. A child saw what happened, even if she's an unwanted child, she still looked up to her father, and her name is Fujiwara no Mokou.

After seeing her father got humiliated, she started to resent the culprit, Kaguya. For a long time, she tryed to figure out a way to spite Kaguya, but then Kaguya got taken away by the people from the moon, disabling her revenge to be taken place. But she doesn't give up, before Kaguya leave, she gave a farewell gift for the Emperor of Japan for allowing her to live on Earth, that gift is the Hourai Elixir.

Mokou thought that it's the best revenge by stealing the gift away, and maybe after, just pour the content away in the river or something. So when she saw a group of soldiers marching while escorting the gift, she immediately followed them in secret. She kept following them until half of the army turn on each other and fighting among themselves. Apparently half of them wanted the Elixir for themselves while the others stayed loyal to the Emperor of Japan, Mokou keep watching the battle ensued until finally neither of both side wins, they killt each other until no one on either side had any survivors.

Seeing the opportunity presenting itself, Mokou goes into the corpse filled field to search for the elixir. Eventually she found it, but after seeing people killing each other and so many corpses, she decided to drink the Hourai Elixir herself, making her into an Immortal.

As an immortal, she'll never die by any short of mean, including old age. This caused many problems in Mokou's life, mainly the socializing part. As people around her keeps getting older, many question appeared from the surrounding people.

Why did she not grow old?

Why can't she die?

Why was she the only one who lives?

Naturally, people start to grow afraid and hateful to her. They alienated and watched her in disdain. Sensing this, Mokou decided to start her life of wandering, never stopping in one place for too long.

For 300 years, she goes to one place to another, bullied by Human and Youkai alike, she keeps going without any destination in mind.

Another 300 years passes by, she had enough with being bullied, she starts fighting everything that tried to hurt her, with immortality in hand, she eventually won every fight that had occurred.

Another 300 years passes by, she grew bored with fighting, none of them could satisfy her anymore, any Youkai that tried to fight her deemed to be too weak for her to fight. In these years of boredom, she suddenly got transferred to Gensokyo. The reason for that was because she fulfilled one of the Gensokyo's unique entrance requirements, which is, anything that's forgotten by anyone will be transferred to Gensokyo. Since Mokou lived in isolation for so long, no one remembered her and the people that knew her already died by old age, and she didn't appear in Fujiwara's clan record because she's an unwanted child, thus making her forgotten in the truest sense.

Another 300 years passes by inside Gensokyo, she found her past in there, she found Kaguya inside Gensokyo, she figured out that Kaguya actually didn't go to the Moon and actually lived here instead. She also turned ecstatic knowing that Kaguya is also in the same mess as she is, both of them are an immortal. With her past grudge as a pretense, they start killing each other for fun. Eirin, the Lunar Doctor, reckoned that it's a good thing for them to do this, this would allow them to release a lot of pent up stress for being a young immortal …Hm? Yes, "Young Immortal", Eirin true ages actually more than a milli-!@(*&^$*&!!$.

Another 300 years passes by, stress has been spend, Mokou actually starts to grow board with killing each other (even though Kaguya still likes their blood sports), now she decided to do something good, which is guiding people to where Kaguya lives, the Eientei.

Now back to the Fugitive Lunarian, Kaguya and Eirin became tired and feel that running away is useless, they then decided to stay in one place and keep repelling anything that's coming their way. As time goes on, with no more emissary coming for them, they had forgotten about the past and were living in peace.

Year pass by once again, Eirin noticed the forming of a Great Barrier in the area, encasing a huge amount of land, including where they hide. What she senses is actually the forming of the "Great Hakurei Barrier", soon the area that was enveloped by this barrier to be called "Gensokyo", and that's how both of them ended in Gensokyo.

And that's it for the back story of this incident, let's continue on to the present day story in the next chapter.

Author Note:

Heyo, I'm back from my no writing rest. Since I botched up my own hiatus status, I actually need that rest, but now I'm here, the release not gonna be the same like before.

My work just got busier because I got a promotion, so here's the schedule.

From 1 – 10, I might not release anything, but I'll try to release one.

From 11 – 20, nope, this is the busiest day for my work, so no release in these dates.

From 21 – 31, I think I could make a chapter.

So yeah, that's the release schedule right now.

About the ear blowing part, I kinda got introduced into an ASMR type of video recently, and it gives me this tingle feeling when I watch/listening to it occasionally. I said occasionally because, apparently, the tingle disappeared if you listening to it nonstop, so you have to take a rest for a few days before the tingle comes back.

About Mokou back story, I tweak it a little bit for easier to understand, and more for logical reasoning in the story.

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