Set deep within the heart of the Mystic Woods lies the Academy of The Unholy. A school for the most supernatural of creatures—be it werewolves, vampires, witches, faeries, elves, merfolk, dwarves and many more. It is the place where young ghouls learn the ways of their world. For some, it is a breeding ground for the future kings and queens of the Mystic Woods. For Elise, it is freedom. The vampire princess had long been waiting for years to be part of the renowned academy. Also hoping to try her shot at becoming a Dark Scholar. But what would happen once Elise realizes that the Academy of The Unholy was not exactly how she pictured it would be? Will she step up against the prejudices and discriminations against her kind? Or will her own dark past manage to catch up to her, knocking right in front of her doorstep? What would happen once Elise finds out that the one who leads the Dark Scholars is a vampire's worst nightmare—a werewolf... and her mate? The answer: it changes everything.