
Abyss Of Inferno

"You ripped me of my entire existence. I will take your holy soul, for I shall be born again from the malevolence burning my onyx soul." Mellisent Argyris was the only daughter of the fallen commander of the kingdom 'Valor' from the human realm 'Travanos'. Following her father's death, her only kin, Mellisent, joins the 'Valhalla Academe', a centre with a vision of maintaining peace within human and mythical lands. Her sole aim is to train and return to seek vengeance for the massacre of her family. Though determined to become a warrior and join the prestigious army of Valor, destiny has other plans for her when her fate interweaves with the fae prince Aurelius Welkinns. Both their lives turn upside down as they discover the truth about their existence with the formation of relationships surpassing time and realms. Follow her journey as she struggles to seek revenge and creates an identity of her own. ************ "You don't know what you're getting yourself into, Prince Aurelius," said Mellisent as a pair of strong arms pushed her against the cold wall. "I know what I'm indulging myself into. I'm like a moth drawn towards a flame," said Aurelius as he moved his face closer to hers such that their breaths mingled into one. "I'm not a flame but an abyss that would combust you to ashes," Mellisent warned as her breath came out into small puffs. "Then I would love to delve into that abyss," said Aurelius as his lips engulfed hers. ************** P.S. This is my first novel, so I request the readers to support my work and point out my shortcomings so that I can improve my writing skills, and I'm open to suggestions regarding the novel. The story will be a bit slow-paced at the start and gradually build up to the point where the real journey of the FL starts. # The cover of the novel is mine.

Melkeveien_0506 · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Blasphemous Prophecy

Demitri has been keenly monitoring his daughter since she began formulating coherent words. He had known since the beginning that his child was peculiar from other children.

Mellisent, his daughter, had abilities far superior to her counterparts.

His Melli did not engage in many conversations with other youngsters of her age; instead, she used to have witty discussions with adults.

Demitri had enriched Mellisent with values and knowledge given to the nobles and warfare skills, enough to overthrow an empire.

Being a former commander, Demitri Argyris was dexterous in swordplay. Still, his daughter surpassed him as she made herself proficient in wielding dual swords even when he could wield only a single one.

So, when his friend, King Fabain, proclaimed that she was distinct and unsurpassable by other humans, even though he wanted to deny his statements, he could not.

He released an extended breath and, with quivering lips, acknowledged, "What you are implying is right; my Melli is indeed not like others."

King Fabain nodded his head; he arched his neck towards the sky and sighed as he began, "This is why I am asking you to send your daughter to Valhalla Academe. Since I became acquainted with your daughter when she was only ten, her strengths have become more prominent."

When the king saw Demitri silent, he escalated further.

"We dwarves are known to have longevity more than humans, and in my past hundred years of lifespan, I have never encountered a being as bizarre as your daughter. Her senses are at par with the elves and combating skills far superior to faes, though she seems to possess the constitution of a human."

Demitri soundlessly agreed with the king while nodding his head.

King Fabain Hillock scrutinised Demitri's demeanour and coughed to gain his attention.

Hearing the cough, Demitri instantly veered around to him and asked, "Is there something you want to convey?"

The King nodded his head as he, indeed, had something gnawing at the back of his mind since the time he became familiar with the former commander.

"I know I don't have any right to probe into your endeavours, but ever since you became my compatriot, I have meant to ask you this question. You are undoubtedly human, while Melli isn't; what about her mother? Was your wife a human or a different being? Your daughter's abilities are certainly not magically gained. Since you are human, she must have inherited those from her mother."

Demitri never conversed about his late wife much with others except for his child. The King was no exception.

He, most of the time, evaded any conversations regarding his beloved because to him remembering her would always enhance his forlornness and longing to see even a glimpse of her once again.

Demitri did not fathom any reason to hide anything from the sovereign. As he knew, the king meant no harm.

He gazed at the sunrise glimmers that caressed his face, and, with a distant look, he began to narrate about his wife.

"Gaia, my beloved wife, was an orphan. I met her in the north-bordering village of 'Yuloah' in Valor when I was dispatched to mediate the tension between Valor and the northern country 'Acidaea'. She worked as a healer in the barracks, it was when our eyes found their way to each other, and everything else faded in sight."

Demitri's lips curved when he reminisced about his wife, eyes holding a gentle sparkle.

"Gaia never told me about her past, nor did I ask. We were married for about two years before she passed away. She never seemed to differ from other humans; she was just an ordinary healer. The only connection we have between us now is our precious daughter."

Demitri turned to gaze at the king and added, "So, as you now know, I don't know anything related to my wife's past; all that mattered to me were the moments we shared."

King Fabain scratched his chin and mulled over the entire situation.

"So you have no notion about your wife's past? Even about her origins?"

"As far as I can hark back to, no," answered Demitri.

"Sigh... then our questions remain unanswered," claimed the king with dejection.

Demitri creased his forehead in contemplation and then answered. "Well, now that we are conversing about this matter, I recall something off-the-wall."

"What is it?" asked King Fabain.

"It's...It's just strange; with the time arriving for Mellisent's birth, my wife's health kept deteriorating. It was concluded that the reason for her worsening health was her feeble constitution. But I'm still opposed to that conclusion because Gaia never encountered any sickness and was full of vigour over our time together," stated Demitri.

He paused and then further escalated, "Also, though my wife had been eagerly anticipating our daughter's arrival when she was born, the first expression I saw on her face was not of a mother's. It was something unusual."

The King then impatiently asked, "What did you notice?"

"Her eyes, instead of motherly love, were brimming with reverence as if she had seen a deity, salvation," said Demitri.

King Fabian ruminated about the new information and then released a deflating sigh.

"Though the findings are unusual, they won't resolve our queries."

"Well, you are right, my friend," said Demitri.

"In that case, you should prepare to convince Mellisent to depart for Valhalla," adjured King Fabain.

With his daughter's prospering abilities, Demitri was afraid that one or other day, King Stephen would discover her capabilities and leave no stone unturned to annihilate her.

The seriousness of the situation caused Demitri's eyes to glint with tenacity while he gripped his sword, resting by his side firmly.

"I have to make haste and send her far away from the King's clutches, my friend. Because as soon as he gets his hands on my Melli, he will execute her at that moment, all because of that blasted prophecy that ruined our lives."



HAIL TO THE SUN OF VALOR!!!!! Hollered the guard as he announced the arrival of King 'Stephen Othonos'.

It was the time when spring graced the Kingdom of Valor. The yearly spring festival was orchestrated to celebrate its commencement.

The entire capital city 'Syros' was veiled under a plethora of merriment. The Royal Palace was no exception.

Every nook and corner of The Royal Palace was adorned with numerous blossoms making it seem like a heavenly garden.

As the day traversed to dusk, a huge celebration was held in the banquet hall of the palace. The hall was illuminated with massive chandeliers housing thousands of candles hanging from the domed glass ceiling.

Extravagantly dressed nobles occupied rows of intricately crafted mahogany chairs, murmuring while waiting for festivities to begin.

The commander of the Northern Army, Demitri Argyris, could be noticed in the front row in his official attire with his heavily pregnant wife in her last trimester.

Gaia Argyris, though her complexion slightly faded due to her usually sick body, seemed to be the most alluring woman in the hall.

She dressed in a maroon loosely fitted gown embroidered with golden threads, black hair tied in a bun garnished with ruby hair pins, amber eyes, and a baby bump with a motherly glow; it was a sight to behold.

Soon, the emperor arrived, ascended the royal throne and gestured for the night's events to inaugurate.

The celebration consisted of diverse performances and exorbitant varieties of eatables, with the onlookers having the time of their lives.

As the festival reached its peak, it was when in the middle of a traditional dance performance, a messenger came and directly went to the king's adviser to deliver a message.

As soon as King Stephen received the news, he commanded his adviser to cease the ongoing occasion.

"As per His Majesty's orders, the banquet will halt for some time as our city has been blessed with the arrival of the High Priest 'Avon' of the Cathedral of Valor, as he has chosen to grace this event with his presence.

As soon as the King's adviser made the announcement, the guards announced the arrival of the prestigious Priest.

The King descended from his throne to welcome him while the people gathered for the occasion stood up from their seats in his honour.

The King expressed his greetings while slightly bowing his head.

"This has been an honour for all the citizens Syros that the high priest himself has come to grace the inception of spring. Please take a seat and join us in our merriment."

"Your Majesty!! Do not bow your head in front of this nobody. It doesn't do justice to your morality," said the old priest as he bowed his head in return.

The High Priest Avon was a prestigious old oracle of Valor. He was known for his clairvoyance. The royal family immensely respected him.

His long hair and beard were white, indicating his profound wisdom. With a cloak draped over him and an antique wooden cane supporting his fragile old body, he went to take the chair nearest to the throne.

"Provide me with the accolade to aid, High Priest Avon," requested the King and clasped his hand to guide him to his designated seat.

The High Pastor accepted the King's hand with a small smile.

But just as his hand came in contact with the king's, he stood disturbed at the spot, eyes unfocused, while his entire visage shook in horror.

Perceiving the seer immovable from his position, The Monarch glanced at him.

"Is there something the matter, Priest Avon?"

The High Oracle arched his head and gazed at King Stephen intensely and solemnly.

"Your Majesty, the matter is exceptionally grievous as it will determine the kingdom's fate."

"Did you just witness a vision, Oracle?" asked the king curiously.

"Yes, your majesty," said the clairvoyant.

At once, murmurs began to erupt among the audience.

The King raised his hand, dictating to maintain silence. He then beckoned for the oracle to continue.

"What did you see, The High Priest? Kindly elaborate. If this concerns the welfare of empire, then it shall be treated with at most significance."

The diviner intently gazed into the king's eyes, his persona clouded under the seriousness of the situation and prophesied.

"From three months from now, on the eve of Sabbatum, stars would align to form the ominous black constellation, indicating the influence of the forbidden deity, occurring after thousands of years. On this day, in this capital city, a child with its soul enriched with immense vengeance shall be born—the doom of the realms and the cause of your death, Your Majesty."

King Stephen was known for his obsessiveness over the throne. At once, his countenance turned grim while murmurs erupted throughout the banquet hall.

Demitri Argyris, focused on the priest's wordings, suddenly felt his wife's tight grip on his arm.

His head whipped in her direction. Discerning her pale complexion with anxiety written all over her face, he gently patted her back to calm her nerves.


True to the Oracle's prophecy, on the eve of Sabbatum, the black constellation was witnessed, which was soon veiled under the dense dark clouds. With rumble and downpour, a lonesome child was born in Syros, Mellisent.

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