
Abyss Of Inferno

"You ripped me of my entire existence. I will take your holy soul, for I shall be born again from the malevolence burning my onyx soul." Mellisent Argyris was the only daughter of the fallen commander of the kingdom 'Valor' from the human realm 'Travanos'. Following her father's death, her only kin, Mellisent, joins the 'Valhalla Academe', a centre with a vision of maintaining peace within human and mythical lands. Her sole aim is to train and return to seek vengeance for the massacre of her family. Though determined to become a warrior and join the prestigious army of Valor, destiny has other plans for her when her fate interweaves with the fae prince Aurelius Welkinns. Both their lives turn upside down as they discover the truth about their existence with the formation of relationships surpassing time and realms. Follow her journey as she struggles to seek revenge and creates an identity of her own. ************ "You don't know what you're getting yourself into, Prince Aurelius," said Mellisent as a pair of strong arms pushed her against the cold wall. "I know what I'm indulging myself into. I'm like a moth drawn towards a flame," said Aurelius as he moved his face closer to hers such that their breaths mingled into one. "I'm not a flame but an abyss that would combust you to ashes," Mellisent warned as her breath came out into small puffs. "Then I would love to delve into that abyss," said Aurelius as his lips engulfed hers. ************** P.S. This is my first novel, so I request the readers to support my work and point out my shortcomings so that I can improve my writing skills, and I'm open to suggestions regarding the novel. The story will be a bit slow-paced at the start and gradually build up to the point where the real journey of the FL starts. # The cover of the novel is mine.

Melkeveien_0506 · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs


When the sun was still to grace nature with its warming gloriousness, two figures traversed through the meadows; each lost in their thoughts.

Soon, the father and daughter arrived at the village entrance, where remains of the previous day's festivities could be effortlessly recognised.

Since it was an early morning, only a few folks could be seen who were cleaning the mess as an aftermath of the previous event.

Demitri went straight for the house of Old Helios. He knocked on the door thrice before the grumbling sound of an older man could be heard as he wide-opened the door irritably.

"Good morning, Herbert and our little Mellisent. How come I see you both at my abode so early in the morning? Please come inside, and let's have a conversation with a warm tea", greeted the old man with a warm smile.

The Old Helios gestured towards his house, though he was astonished at their sudden arrival and that too at the beginning of the day.

"Morning, Old Helios, I appreciate your polite gesture, but I must refuse as we are in haste to leave for the capital city. I whisked here to inform you about our departure from the village. It was yesterday when I received an epistle from the authorities that my only aunt who resides in the capital has passed away," said Demitri.

"Therefore, we have to visit her place for her funeral rites; also, she had passed a will declaring me as her successor of assets and house, as she was a widow and had no children. So, from here on, Melli and I would be dwelling at her residence in the capital and supervising her ancestral business."

Demitri paused to gauge the man's expression and, seeing him paying attention, further added.

"We have already abandoned our house near the meadows, and this would be the hindmost time that we would be meeting you, as we do not know when we would revisit this place," explained Demitri to Old Helios as the reason for vacating the place and also as a perfect alibi to avoid any subsequent predicaments.

To say that the older man was shocked was an understatement; he could not comprehend how the life of the man who used to sell some herbs turned upside down for the better.

The old shopkeeper was slightly jealous of his luck, but above everything, he was joyous for them as now their lives would turn out to be more stable and prosperous as they would be inhabiting a magnificent city.

"I can understand your predicament very well. May the soul of your aunt rest in peace. I appreciate you taking over your aunt's business as her dying wish, and I pray for your prospering journey."

He turned towards Mellisent and added.

"You both will always be remembered by all of us, especially the little mischievous Mellisent..... Both of you are welcome to revisit this place in future as much as you desire."

"Well, I take it as my pleasure that you both had decided to meet this old man for the concluding time. If you had left without any prior information, I would have been concerned for your security," said Old Helios as his face brimmed with gratification.

Demitri gave him a curt nod in appreciation. He pulled forward a glass receptacle along with a small booklet from his robe and placed it in the hands of the older man.

"This container contains various pouches of numerous varieties of seeds, while this booklet contains the entire procedure and precautions which are to be adhered to for their adequate growth and maturation," said Demitri while encouraging the old man to accept his little gesture of goodwill.

"How can I accept the means of your livelihood, my friend Herbert? This is too much for this old man," said Old Helios as he tried to return the container of seeds.

"I request you to please do not refuse this; if it were not for you, we would not have sustained it for the last five years. We cannot pay for the generosity you have bestowed on us for all this time; at least, this is the least I can do for you to show my gratefulness towards you," said Demitri as he orchestrated a deep bow in appreciativeness.

Throughout the conversation between the two men, Mellisent remained silent with a gloomy face. She would always miss the old man who treated her like his kin.

So, when her father performed a deep bow for the older man, she imitated her father in the same manner and bowed her head in thankfulness.

"Then I would accept this graciousness from you. Well, since both of you are exiting this place, then you both should enhance your pace as the morning carriage for commoners to the capital is due in a few minutes. As acquaintances since all this while, I shall accompany both of you to the stand while you await the arrival of your ride," said the old man smiling gently at them.

Demitri smiled back at him in appreciation and gave him a light nod.

The three of them proceeded toward the carriage stand, which was situated at the village entrance.

All this while, Mellisent couldn't help herself but glance back now and then as if to memorise each nook and cranny of the streets, where till the previous day, she used to grace every citizen with a little number of her shenanigans.

Demitri looked down at her and sighed deeply, he knew the entire situation was not easy for his daughter, but it was the ideal decision he could take for the safety of his child.

The streets were mostly empty, and only a few villagers were seen taking their morning walk. They greeted in their direction with a curt nod, to which the onlookers replied with curiosity.

Soon, the three of them reached the village entrance where both Demitri and Mellisent perused the stoned arched gate of the village where at its top, the name 'Fuchsia Temps' was carved.

As soon as the first ray of the sun adorned every living being with its presence, the faint sound of hooves against the ground could be heard from a distance, indicating the arrival of the foremost carriage gracing the nearby villages and towns.

Soon the public carriage arrived at its designated place, and the coachman sprung up from his seat while announcing in a shrill voice.

"The carriage to the capital city 'Syros' is due for its departure in the coming few moments; those who desire to mount the vehicle must make haste with their steps."

"We both should now ascend the carriage as it is time for us to leave this place," said Demitri as he looked at his daughter, whose gaze was fixated towards the village.

"Melli.....my child, we have to leave now," urged Demitri again as he caressed her head gently while exchanging a look with the old man.

"Ye...ssss faa...ther," stuttered Mellisent as she reluctantly averted her gaze and turned to look at her father while giving him a small smile.

Demitri patted her head and then pivoted towards the old man.

"Well, I believe this is where we part ways. I will always ask for God's protection for you. May you always remain in the pink and luxury, and perchance there will come a time when we will meet each other again in future," he said while offering a concluding bow.

"You should take care of yourself, Herbert and your daughter. Little Melli...always remain the way you are, troublesome but pure.....and never disobey your father, and take care of him too," he said to both of them while patting Melli's head.

"Herbert, if you are ever at crossroads and amid any hardship, you know where to find this old man; I would always like to help you in your endeavours," said the Old Helios as his eventual farewell to them.

Demitri gave an acknowledging nod while Mellisent stared at the older man with tears in her eyes.

She left her father's hand and went towards Old Helios.

Mellisent hugged his legs while saying, "Dear Old Helios, Melli... would always remember you and pray for you, while you should always remember Mellisent and never forget her."

"I will never forget about both of you; now leave your father waiting for you," said the old man while patting her head, his eyes moistening with varying emotions.

Mellisent left the old man's side and went to hold her father's hand once again.

Both the men exchanged their last bows to each other before Demitri mounted the carriage along with his daughter.

The carriage was huge and was occupied by a few passengers; Mellisent found a place near the window on her right while Demitri took an immediate seat next to her.

The coachman called for those who wanted to board the vehicle, and after a few minutes, he took his seat at the front and used the whip against the ear of the horses as a signal for them to move.

Soon, the carriage began to move while Melli peeked at the village through the window. She waved her hands towards the older man as her eventual goodbye, to which the Old Helios responded with a wave of his own hands.

The old man stood rooted to his place till the moving vehicle turned into a mere silhouette. Taking a last look in their direction, he veered on his heels and departed for his abode.

Inside the carriage, after it left the village premises, Mellisent turned towards her father and whispered into his ear a question that she was dying to ask since they visited Old Helios's house.

"Father, you said we would be departing for the kingdom of Ephanhour, then why are were leaving for the capital city," hushed Melli with her face brimming with curiousness.

Listening to his daughter's awaited question, the corner of his lips pulled slightly.

"You will soon come to know my child," said Demitri while stroking her ears.

"Alright, father," replied Melli as she turned and looked over at the prairies through the carriage's window.

After a short while, the coachman inquired Demitri about his destination by opening the small window outside the coach.

"Where would you like to disembark the carriage, sir?" asked the coachman courteously.

"Please stop the carriage at the next coming village," replied Demitri while Mellisent abruptly turned in his direction quizzically.

"Sure, sir," said the coachman as he cracked the whip near the horses' heads to increase their speed while the carriage moored towards its destination.

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